A candle burns in the dark

Obituaries 2016

We are sad to report the passing of LSE alumni and staff in 2016. Alumni are listed in alphabetical order in the decade they received their first degree at LSE. Where available, we have included a link to online obituaries.

1949 and earlier

Geoffrey M Aggleton, 1939
Helen E Bradley, BSc Sociology 1947
Mary Burns, CSSC Soc Pol & Admin 1937
Raymond F Clevenger, General Course Government 1949
Eileen R Cox, Economics 1947
Etienne L Dalemont, OCC Economics 1935
Don Fitch, BSc International Relations 1949
Mary H Franks, Economics 1942
Susan R Koenigsberg, Economics 1948
E V Smallwood, Social Policy & Admin 1944
Alison R Staniland, BSc Sociology 1947
Barbara E Sternberg, BA Sociology 1944
Sir Ian G Turbott, 1948
Stephen F Wheatcroft, BSc Economics 1942, Obituary
Eileen Wormald, BSc Government 1948


John G Adams, BSc Accounting & Finance 1958
Richmond F Allan, LLM Law 1958
Sir Derek Andrews, BA Geography 1955
Dr Helen M Bolderson, BSC Sociology 1952, Obituary
Anthony Bramall, LLB Law 1956
Michael Casey, LLB Law 1954
David B Casson, LLB Law 1957
Edward S Clayton, 1950
Pamela J Cotton, Soc Policy & Admin 1958
Bernard W M Downey, LLB Law 1958
William I Edlund, 1956
Gerald Glass, 1953
Russell W Gray, BSc Geography 1953
Derek C Green, BSc Economics 1954
Michael H Hogan, 1952
C John Hope, BSc Accounting and Finance 1959
Ming Huang, LLB Law 1954
June D Jolly, 1951, Obituary
Lachu K Khemlyani, LLB Law 1956
Clifford J Lines, BSc Geography 1957
Dr George F McRobie, BSc Law 1952, Obituary
Roger Okill, LLB Law 1954, Obituary
Professor Herbert Maurice Adebola Onitiri, Economics 1956, Obituary
Sir Leonard Peach, 1958, Obituary
The Rt Hon Lord Peston, BSc Economics 1952, Obituary
Marie Pinkin, MSc Philosophy 1955
Dr Trevor Price, BSc International Relations 1952
Professor Herschel A Prins, CMH Social Policy & Admin 1957
Dr Heather Joan Radi, 1957, Obituary
Katherine E Rees, Social Psychology 1957
Reverend Forrest J Rowlands, Economics 1951
Roy J Setter, BSc Government 1951
Ian A Soutar, Industrial Relations 1959, Obituary
Elizabeth G Stobbs, CSSA Social Policy & Admin 1953
Professor Emeritus Leslie J Symons, BSc Geography 1953
Frederick W S Taylor MBE, 1950
George E Von Der Muhll, 1956
David J Wilson, BSc Economic History 1952


A Adomakoh, RFEE Economics 1962
Joseph G B Angers, MScEC Industrial Relations 1965
Gerald J Bradshaw, BSc Economics 1961
Jane M Collier, Economics 1960
Dorothy F Crofts, Soc Pol & Admin 1963
Elizabeth S B Drummond, BSC Economics 1967
The Lord Mathew Evans of Temple Guiting, BSc Economics 1963, Obituary
Raymond A Fitzwalter, BSc Economics 1965, Obituary
Dr Robert Holman, CSSA Social Policy & Admin 1961, Obituary
Professor Ian Jeffries, PhD Economics 1966
Arthur W King, DSA Social Policy & Admin 1962
Swasti Mitter, MScEC Economics 1965, Obituary
Leon K Morelli, BSc Economics 1964
Dr Leon D. Nelson, LLM Law 1964
Sir Olaniwun Ajayi, LLB Law 1962, Obituary
Ralph D Oppenheimer, MSc Economics 1965
Dr Alan Pearce, MScEC Economic History 1963
Professor Peter G Sadler, MScEC Economics 1967
Daniel S Shapiro, 1964, Obituary
Rainer Stuper, 1964
Donald William Thackeray, 1961
Stanley C Thain, 1961
Robert I Thornborough, Economics 1964
David T Travers, 1965
Stephen E Traviss, 1968, Obituary
Andreas M Varlaam, BSc Economics 1960
Dr Peter W G Wright, BSc Economics 1962
Herbert W Yanowitz, 1962, Obituary


Lady Kina-Maria Avebury, MSc EC Government 1972
M Bell, MSc Statistics & Maths 1974
Colin R Bull, LLM Law 1972
Dr Janos Farkas, RFEE Soc Pol & Admin 1974
John M Green, Regional Planning 1976
Jack C Hayward, PhD Soc Pol & Admin 1972
Judith A Heather, MPhil Sociology 1970
Dr Ruth Levitt, BSc Social Psychology 1973, Obituary
Dr Tomas M Munch-Petersen, BA International History 1971
Ian F Paton, LLB Law 1972
Peter J Povey, BSc Economics 1975
Professor David Slater, PhD Geography 1971, Obituary
Professor Paul Webley CBE, BSc Soc Psychology 1976


Michaela A S Berko, BSc Economic History 1989
Alexander J Betts, LLB Law 1981
Richard J Clark, BSc Accounting and Finance 1986
Dr Peter C Emberley, PhD Government 1983, Obituary
Maurice Fraser, BSc Economics 1981, Obituary
John Fulton, PhD Sociology 1983
Dr Yohannes Habtu, PhD Geography 1984
Julie M Hutchence, BSc Government 1981
Arthur C Latham, BSc Government 1984, Obituary
Donald C Wellington, RFEE Economics 1980


Eric A Poehlmann, MScEC Economic History 1993, Obituary
Helen L R Reece, MScEC Philosophy 1994, Guardian Obituary, LSE Obituary
Kathleen B Richards, MPhil Social Policy & Admin 1990
Dr Gary J Slapper, PhD LSE Law 1995, Obituary
Fredrik A Tackholm, MScEC Accounting and Finance 1995


John Ying Wah Gibson, BSc Mathematics 2009