Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu
Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu is a political and women’s rights activist. She taught intersectional feminism to female refugees and asylum seekers, scrutinizes government policies from a gender and diversity inclusion perspective, co-organises women’s marches and social campaigns, and is author of This is Why I Resist.
New York Attorney and Solicitor of England & Wales, Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu has broad expertise in the financial services industry and is a writer, public speaker and political commentator featured in mainstream and online media. She founded the Women in Leadership publication as a platform to drive positive change on topical issues that impact women globally through inspiring personal leadership journeys and established She@LawTalks to promote women and BAME leadership in the legal profession through universities and secondary schools.
An academic enthusiast, she has an Executive MBA (Cambridge); PhD (Birkbeck); LLM (London School of Economics and Political Science); MA (Westminster) and LLB Hons (Buckingham University).