Special section on 'Humanitarian Protection and the Safety of Strangers' edited by by Naomi Pendle and Tom Kirk. Global Policy. 2025.
- Mohamed, S; Abbashar, A; Abushama, H. (2024) Women's career motivation: social barriers and enablers in Sudan. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Wuerth, M; Storer, E; Simpson, N; Sarafian, I; Duale, S. (2024) Securitized trust: on the multiple guises of the UK policy agenda during the Covid-19 pandemic. Critical Policy Studies.
- Atingo, J., Allen, T., and Macdonald, A. (2024). Witnessing Ongwen: A Betrayal of Expectations?. Journal of International Criminal Justice.
Onyango, G. (2024). Do politicians deliberately sabotage ICT adoption in African elections?. The Guardian.
Onyango, G. (2024). Social Processes of Public Sector Collaborations in Kenya: Unpacking Challenges of Realising Joint Actions in Public Administration. Journal of the Knowledge Economy.
Ondiek, J. O., & Onyango, G. (2024). Chapter 10: Technological policy tools and implementation of social protection policies in Africa: emerging inequalities in social safety net programmes for older persons in Kenya. Chapter in: Research Handbook on Inequalities in Later Life (ed. Catherine Early and Philip Taylor). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ngutuku, E., & Okwany, A. (2024). Beyond Colonial Politics of Identity: Being and Becoming Female Youth in Colonial Kenya. Genealogy.
Laing, T., & Weschler, S. (2024). Rural Radicalism and the Tactic of Third-Party Leverage: How Acholi Peasants Drew a UN Agency into their Struggle against Land-Grabbing by the Ugandan State. African Studies Review.
Tapscott, R., & Unwin, E. (2024). The Origins and Legacies of Unpredictability in Rebel-Incumbent Rule. Civil Wars.
Abonga, F., et al. (2024). Collaborative Autoethnography and Reclaiming an African Episteme: Investigating "Customary" Ownership of Natural Resources. African Studies Review.
Kirk, T., Pendle, N., & Vasilyeva (2024). Humanitarian Protection Activities and the Safety of Strangers in the DRC, Syria and South Sudan and its Borderlands. Global Policy.
Mylan, S. (2024). Suspicious business: COVID-19 vaccination in Palabek refugee settlement, northern Uganda. Social Science & Medicine.
Kirk, T., Pendle, N., & Diing, A. (2024). Community Self-Protection, Public Authority and the Safety of Strangers in Bor and Ler, South Sudan. Global Policy.
Laing, N., Mylan, S., & Parker, M. (2024). Does epidemiological evidence support the success story of Uganda's response to COVID-19?. Journal of Biosocial Science.
Onyango, G. (2024). DHR-PA - Democracy and human rights in public administration in Africa. Politics & Policy.
Onyango, G. (2024). How Managers Respond to Fraud, Waste and Mismanagement: Ethics Management Survey in Uganda and Kenya. Public Integrity.
Kirk, T., & Pendle, N. (2024). Safety of Strangers Special Issue (forthcoming). Global Policy.
Kirk, T., & Pendle, N. (2024). Introduction: Safety of Strangers Special Issue. Global Policy.
Sarafian, I. (2024). Roma Ethnographies of Grief in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Chapter in: Ethnographic Methods in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Research - Lessons from a time of crisis. Bristol University Press.
Macdonald, A. (2024). Uganda’s battle for the youth vote – how Museveni keeps Bobi Wine’s reach in check. The Conversation.
Sarafian, I. (2024). Gendered Reproductions of Epistemic Violence and Embodied Silence. Chapter in: Gender and Violence in Romani and Traveller Lives: Methods, Ethics and Dilemmas. Routledge.
Gay Blasco, P., Sarafian, I., & Roman, R. (2024). Gender and Violence in Romani and Traveller Lives: Methods, Ethics and Dilemmas. Routledge.
Onyango, G. (2024). Hotbed of corruption: Kenya's elite have captured the state - unrest is inevitable. The Conversation.
Kirk, T., & Pinnington, R. (2024). Development practice, power and public authority. Global Policy.
Kirk, T., & Pinnington, R. (2024). Introduction: Development Practice, Power, and Public Authorities Special Issue. Global Policy.
Kirk, T., & Pinnington, R. (2024). Special Issue - Development Practice, Power and Public Authority. Global Policy.
Kirk, T., Pendle, N., & Vasilyeva, A. (2024). Humanitarian protection activities and the safety of strangers in the DRC, Syria and South Sudan. Global Policy.
Kirk, T., Pendle, N., & Diing, A. (2024). Community self-protection, public authority and the safety of strangers in Bor and Ler, South Sudan. Global Policy.
Joshi, A., et al. (2024). Local governance networks as public authority: Insights from Mozambique, Myanmar and Pakistan. Global Policy.
Ngutuku, E. (2024). Re-imagining and Repositioning the Lived Experience of Children seen as Outsiders in Kenya. Childhood.
Hopwood, J., et al. (2024). Collaborative Autoethnography and Reclaiming an African Episteme: Investigating “Customary” Ownership of Natural Resources. African Studies Review.
Laing, N., Mylan, S., & Parker, M. (2024). Does epidemiological evidence support the success story of Uganda's response to COVID-19?. Journal of Biosocial Science.
Onyango, G. (2024). DHR-PA - Democracy and human rights in public administration in Africa. Politics & Policy.
Onyango, G. (2024). How Managers Respond to Fraud, Waste and Mismanagement: Ethics Management Survey in Uganda and Kenya. Public Integrity.
Sarafian, I. (2024). Roma Ethnographies of Grief in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Chapter in: Ethnographic Methods in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Research - Lessons from a time of crisis. Bristol University Press.
Macdonald, A. (2024). Uganda’s battle for the youth vote – how Museveni keeps Bobi Wine’s reach in check. The Conversation.
Akampurira, E., & Marijnen, E. (2024). The politics of mourning in conservation conflicts: The (un)grievability of life and less-than-human geographies. Political Geography.
Vlassenroot, K., & Muzalia Kihangu, G. (2024). Perspectives on North-South collaborative conflict research. A conversation between two research partners. Rewriting Peace and Conflict.
Ed, Tom Kirk and Rose Pinnington. Special Issue - Development Practice, Power and Public Authority (2024). Global Policy.
Okwany, A. and Ngutuku, E. (2023). Chapter 11: Sankofa: appreciating the past in planning the future of early childhood education, care and development in Africa. UNESCO.
Ngutuku, E. (2023). Re-imagining and repositioning the lived experience of children seen as outsiders in Kenya. Childhood Journal.
Onyango, G. (2023). The Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery, Government Performance and Lived Poverty Conditions in Kenya. Public Organization Review.
Onyango, G. (2023). How Mafia Like Bureaucratic Cartels or Thieves in Suits Run Corruption Inside the Bureaucracy, or How Government Officials Swindle Citizens in Kenya! Deviant Behavior.
Onyango, G., et al. (2023). Roundtable: How do We Connect Public Administration and Human Rights? Perspectives on Public Management and Governance.
Onyango, G., and Ondiek O. J. (2023). Digitalising analogue policy targets! ‘Digital capabilities’ of older persons and policy digitalisation of social safety net programs in a developing country context. Journal of Technology in Human Services.
Mohamed, S., Abbashar, A., and Abushama, H. (2023). Women’s career motivation: social barriers and enablers in Sudan. Frontiers in Psychology.
McCrone, F. (2023). ‘I have opened the land for you’: pastoralist politics and election-related violence in Kenya’s arid north. Journal of Eastern African Studies.
Rodriguez, A. (2023). Endurance lost and found: unwanted return and the suspension of time. Geopolitics.
Allen, T. (2023). Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History.
Storer, E., and Torre, C. (2023). ‘Vaccine populism’ and migrant assistance: On the contingency of mutual aid in Italy's Alpine region. Global Policy.
Ferugson, W. D. (2023). Power and public authority. Global Policy.
Blejer, M. I. and Mohácsi, P. N. (2023). The Inflation Crisis Is Not Over. Project Syndicate.
Anderson, M. (2023). From Peace Talks to Pandemics: The Continuum of Feminist Peace Activism. Global Studies Quarterly.
Luke, D., Macleod, J., Ogunkola, O. (2023). White Paper on sustainable industrialisation in Africa sets out a new approach to industrial policymaking.
Mohácsi, P.N. (2023). The Digital Economy’s New Monetary Imperative. Project Syndicate.
Aggad, F., and Luke, D. (2023). Implications for African countries of a carbon border adjustment mechanism in the EU.
Sarafian, I., (2023). The Entanglements of Trust and Distrust: Roma Reproduction in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
Torre, C., and Storer, E. (2023). COVID-19 vaccines, mobility, and pandemic bureaucracies: Undocumented migrants' perspectives from Italy's Alpine border. Journal of Migration and Health.
Storer, E., and Anguyo, I. (2023). "These people are lying to us": Mutating Vaccine Fears and Colonial Histories in Arua, North-West Uganda. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
Dieterle, C. (2023). Variations of Customary Tenure, Chiefly Power and Global Norms for Responsible Land Investments in Sierra Leone. African Affairs.
Pailey, N. R., and Bloh, O.(2023).Is Liberia heading towars an electoral crisis. African Arguments. .
Manby, B. (2023). Post-colonial citizenship and decolonisation as a turning point: continuities and discontinuities in African states.
McKay, A., Ogunkola, O., and Semboja, H. (2023). Rethinking regional integration in Africa for inclusive and sustainable development: INtroduction to the special issue. The World Economy Journal.
Kirk, T. (2023). Intermediaries, isomorphic activism and programming for social accountability in Pakistan. Global Policy.
Macdonald, A., Owor, A., and Tapscott, R. (2023). Explaining youth political mobilization and its absence: the case of Bobi Wine and Uganda’s 2021 election. Journal of Eastern African Studies.
Kirk, T., Green, D., Stys, P., and Mosquera, T. (2023). Adaptive programming and going with the grain: IMAGINE's new water governance model in Goma, DRC. Development Policy Review.
Janguan, T., Kirk, T. (2023) Hiding in plain sight: IDP's protection strategies after closing Juba's protection of civilian sites. Global Policy.
Ngutuku, E., Emeke, O., Sibert, A. (2023). Information Communications Technology in Higher Education in Africa: Challenges from the COVID-19 Pandemic. United Nations policy briefing report.
Storer, E., Torre, C. (2023) ‘All in good faith?’ An ethno-historical analysis of local faith actors’ involvement in the delivery of mental health interventions in northern Uganda. Transcultural Psychiatry.
Storer, E., Torre, C. (2023). ‘Vaccine populism’ and migrant assistance: On the contingency of mutual aid in Italy's Alpine region.Global Policy.
Tapscott, R. (2023). Vigilantes and the State: Understanding Violence through a Security Assemblages Approach. Perspectives on Politics.
Vlavonou, G. (2023). Negotiating Positionality as a Student and Researcher in Africa: Understanding How Seniority and Race Mediate Elite Interviews in African Social. International Studies Review.
Abonga, F., Brown, C. (2022). Restoration and Renewal Through Sport: Gendered Experiences of Resilience for War-Affected Youth in Northern Uganda.Civil Wars.
Brett, E.A., (2022). Rebuilding Public Authority in Uganda Dualist Theory, Hybrid Social Orders and Democratic Statehood. World Development. 159.
Di Matteo, F. (2022). Imagining the Kenyan Commons: The Stakes of State Control Over Land in the Formulation of the Community Land Act (2011-2016). The Journal of Development Studies.
Hopwood, J., O'Byrne, R. (2022). Conceptual Resilience in the Language and Lives of Resilient People: Cases from Northern Uganda. Civil Wars.
Hopwood, J. (2022). An inherited animus to communal land: The mechanisms of coloniality in land reform agendas in Acholiland, Northern Uganda. Critical African Studies.
Macdonald, A., Cooper‐Knock, S., Hopwood, J. (2022). “Maybe we should take the legal ways”: Citizen engagement with lower state courts in post-war northern Uganda.Law and Society Review.
Marijnen, E. (2022). Eco-war tourism: Affective geographies, colonial durabilities and the militarization of conservation. Security Dialogue.
O'Byrne, R. (2022). Resistant Resilience: Agency and Resilience Among Refugees Resisting Humanitarian Corruption in Uganda. Civil Wars.
Onyango, G. (2022). The art of bribery! Analysis of police corruption at traffic checkpoints and roadblocks in Kenya.International Review of Sociology.
Onyango, G., Ondiek, JO. (2022). Open innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic policy responses in South Africa and Kenya. Politics & Policy.
Onyango, G. (2022). Bureaucratic Corruption and Maladministration in Kenya: A Bureaucratic Analysis. International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity.
Parker, M., Baluku, M., Ozunga, BE., Okello, B., Kermundu, P., Akello, G., MacGregor, H., Leach, M., Allen, T. (2022). Epidemics and the Military: Responding to COVID-19 in Uganda. Social Science and Medicine.
Kelecha, M. (2022). A critique of building a developmental state in the EPRDF's Ethiopia. Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement.
Elder, C. (2022). Logistics Contracts and the Political Economy of State Failure: Evidence from Somalia. African Affairs, 121 (484). 395-417.
Ngutuku, E. (2022). Education as future breakfast: children’s aspirations within the context of poverty in Siaya Kenya. Ethnography and Education,17 (3). 224-40.
Geiger, M., Hockenhull, J., Buller, H., Engida, Gebre.T, Jemal Kedir, M., Goshu, L., Getachew, M., Banerjee, A., Burden, F.A. & Whay, H. R. (2022). Being with donkeys: insights into the valuing and wellbeing of donkeys in central Ethiopia. Society and Animals.
Storer, L., Anguyo, I. & Odda, A. (2022). One man’s meat is another man’s poison: Marungi and realities of resilience in North West Uganda. Civil Wars.
Storer, L., Dawson, K. & Fergus, C. (2022). Covid-19 riskscapes: viral risk perceptions in the African Great Lakes. Medical Anthropology, 41 (4). 387 - 403.
Fergus, C.A., Ozunga, B., Okumu, N., Parker, M., Kamurari, S. & Allen, T. (2022). Shifting the dynamics: implementation of locally driven, mixed-methods modelling to inform schistosomiasis control and elimination activities. BMJ Global Health, 7 (2).
Richards, Paul. (2022). The moral economy of isolates: Escape agriculture and warzone public authority. Journal of Peasant Studies.
Sarafian, I. (2022). Key Considerations: Tackling Structural Discrimination and COVID-19 Vaccine Barriers for Roma Communities in Italy. Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform. Sarafian, I. (2022). Ethnic minorities, social media, and attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination.The Lancet.
Storer, E., Sarafian, I., Torre, C., Vallerani, S., Franchi, E. (2022). COVID-19 vaccination campaigns and the production of mistrust among Roma and migrant populations in Italy.BMJ Global
Blackmore, K. & Owenje, B. (2021). Repairing Representational Wounds: Artistic and Curatorial Approaches to Transition After War. Critical Arts, 35:4.
Ponsiano, B., Angolere, B., Nangiro, S., Sagal, I. & Joyce Emai (2021). Warriors to Mere Chicken Men, and Other Troubles: An Ordinary Language Survey of Notions of Resilience in Ngakarimojong. Civil Wars.
Barnett, T., Moyen N., et al. (2021), Avian infuenza transmission risk along live poultry trading networks in Bangladesh, Nature, 11:19962.
Fergus, C.A., Storer, E., Arinaitwe, M., Kamurari, S., & Adriko M. (2021), COVID-19 information dissemination in Uganda: Perspectives from sub-national health workers. BMC Health Services Research. 21:1061.
Geiger, M., Hockenhull, J., Buller, H., Jemal Kedir, M., Tefera Engida, G., Getachew, M., Burden, F.A. & Whay, H.R. (2021), Comparison of the socio-economic value and welfare of working donkeys in rural and urban Ethiopia. Animal Welfare. Animal Welfare, 30: 269-277.
Ngwenya, N., Barnett, T., Groenewald, C., & Seeley, J. (2021), Complex trauma and its relation to hope and hopelessness among young people in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies.
Barnett, T., & Fournié, G. (2021), Zoonoses and wet markets: beyond technical interventions, Lancet Planetary Health.
Allen, T., Atingo, J. & Parker, M. (2021). Rejection and Resilience: Returning from the Lord’s Resistance Army in Northern Uganda. Civil Wars.
Dieterle, C. (2021). Global Governance Meets Local Land Tenure: International Codes of Conduct for Responsible Land Investments in Uganda. Journal of Development Studies.
Macdonald, A. & Porter, H. (2021). The Politics of Return: Understanding Trajectories of Displacement and the Complex Dynamics of ‘Return’ in Central and East Africa. Journal of Refugee Studies, 33:4.
Blackmore, K. (2021). Humanitarian Remains: Erasure and the Everyday of Camp Life in Northern Uganda. Journal of Refugee Studies, 33:4.
Caryannis, T. & Pangburn, A. (2021). Home Is Where the Heart Is: Identity, Return and the Toleka Bicycle Taxi Union in Congo’s Equateur. Journal of Refugee Studies, 33:4.
O'Bryne, R. & Ogeno, C. (2021). Pragmatic Mobilities and Uncertain Lives: Agency and the Everyday Mobility of South Sudanese Refugees in Uganda. Journal of Refugee Studies, 33:4.
Pendle, N. & Akoi, A.D. (2021). ‘I Kept My Gun’: Displacement’s Impact on Reshaping Social Distinction During Return. Journal of Refugee Studies, 33:4.
Richards, P. (2021). Public authority and its demons: the Sherbro leopard murders in Sierra Leone. Africa, (91:2).
Stys, P., Muhindoa, S., N’simirea, S., Tchumisia, I., Muzuria, P., Balume, B. & Koskinen, J. (2021). Trust, quality, and the network collection experience: A tale of two studies on the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Social Networks, 68.
Trapido, J. & Mbu-Mputu, N. (2020). Les Combattants—Ideologies of Exile, Return and Nationalism in the DRC. Journal of Refugee Studies, 33:4.
Kerali, R. & Macdonald, A. (2020). Being Normal: Stigmatization of Lord’s Resistance Army Returnees as ‘Moral Experience’ in Post-war Northern Uganda. Journal of Refugee Studies, 33:4.
Porter, H. (2020). Moving Toward ‘Home’: Love and Relationships through War and Displacement. Journal of Refugee Studies, 33:4.
Vlassenroot, K., Mudinga, E. & Musamba, J. (2020). Navigating Social Spaces: Armed Mobilization and Circular Return in Eastern DR Congo. Journal of Refugee Studies, 33:4.
Brett, E.A. (2020). The development and challenges of aid relationships: where is international aid heading?
Waal, A., Nouwen, S. (2020). Indeterminacy and self-determination in the Horn of Africa. JISC
Bencherif, A., Vlavonou, G. (2020). Reflexive tension: an auto-ethnographic journey through the discipline of International Relations in Western academic training. African Identities
Elder, C. (2020). Tenderpreneurs and the politics of (sub)contracting in Somalia: rethinking the 'political marketplace', violent conflict and impossible debt. African Affairs
Elder, C. (2020). Technocratic assistance programmes, diaspora return to politics and the remaking of the state and ‘public authority’ in Somalia's federal system. Public Administration and Development
Elder, C., et al. (2020). The business of state fragility: rethinking co-dependence, public authority, and power in the Somali federal state. GOVSEA (Governing Economic Hubs and Flows in Somalia's East Africa)
Richards, P. Public authority and its demons: the Sherbro Leopard murders in Sierra Leone.
Bencherif, A., Vlavonou, G. (2020). Reflexive tension: an auto-ethnographic journey through the discipline of International Relations in Western academic training. African Identities
Stys, P., et al. (2020). Social network data collection in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A tale of two studies. Social Networks Journal
Carayannis, T., and Weiss, T.G. (2020). The “Third” UN: Imagining Post-COVID-19 Multilateralism. Global Policy
Carayannis, T. (2017). Webs of War in the Congo: The Politics of Hybrid Wars, Conflict Networks, and Multilateral Responses 1996-2003. The Graduate Center
Allen, T., Atingo, J., Atim, D., Ocitti, J., Brown, C., Torre, C., Fergus, C., Parker, M. (2020) What Happened to Children Who Returned from the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda? Journal of Refugee Studies
Cooper-Knock, SJ., Macdonald, A. (2020). A Summons to the Magistrates’ Courts in South Africa and Uganda. African Affairs
Tapscott, R. (2020). Militarized masculinity and the paradox of restraint: mechanisms of social control under modern authoritarianism. International Affairs
Amoah, M. (2020). Sleight is Right: Cyber Control as a New Battleground for African Elections. African Affairs, 1-22.
Blackmore, K., Luthra, K., & Shieh, I. (2020) Politics of Return Impact report on engagement workshops and exhibitions, LSE
Parker, M., MacGregor, H. & Akello, G. (2020). COVID-19, Public Authority and Enforcement. Medical Anthropology.
Schubert, M. (2020). Transforming community-based armed groups into commuity security providers. Resolve network.
Schubert, M. (2020). Measuring the success of approaches to community-based armed groups. Resolve network.
Brown, C. (2020). Post-conflict reintegration: the long-term effects of abduction and displacement on the Acholi population of northern Uganda. London School of Economics. Mayling Birney Prize for Best Overall Performance.
Pendle, N. (2020). Politics, prophets and armed mobilizations: competition and continuity over registers of authority in South Sudan’s conflicts. Journal of Eastern African Studies, (14:1) 43-62.
Moro, L., Pendle, N., Robinson, A., and Tanner, L. (2020) Localising humanitarian aid during armed conflict: learning from the histories and creativity of South Sudanese NGOs, LSE.
Green, D., & Kirk, T., eds. (2020), 'Observing Covid-19 in Africa through a public authorities lens', Working Paper, Centre for Public Authority and Interantional Development.
Lazzolino, G. (2020), Power geometries of encampment. The reproduction of domination and marginality among Somali refugees in Kakuma, Geoforum.
Torre, C. (2020) Self-help or silenced voices? An ethnographically informed warning, The Lancet Global Health.
Carayannis, T., & Pangburn, A. (2020) Home Is Where the Heart Is: Identity, Return and the Toleka Bicycle Taxi Union in Congo’s Equateur, Journal of Refugee Studies
Allen, T., Atingo, J., Atim, D., Ocitti, J., Brown, C., Torre, C., Fergus, C., Parker, M. (2020) What Happened to Children Who Returned from the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda? Journal of Refugee Studies
Macdonald, A. & Kerali, R. (2020), Being Normal: Stigmatization of Lord’s Resistance Army Returnees as ‘Moral Experience’ in Post-war Northern Uganda, Journal of Refugee Studies
Honwana, A. (2019), 'COVID-19 in Africa: Youth at the Fore', Kujenga Amani, Social Sciences Research Council.
'Resilience and humanitarianism in the face of recurrent crisis and fragility: a resilience approach to humanitarian development response', Working Paper (1), Deconstructing Notions of Resilience, LSE, Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa.
Abonga, F., Kerali, R., Porter, R. & Tapscott, R. (2019) Naked Bodies and Collective Action: Repertoires of Protest in Uganda’s Militarised, Authoritarian Regime, Civil Wars
Girling Frank Knowles (2019), The Acholi of Uganda
Macdonald, A. (2019) 'Somehow This Whole Process Became so Artificial': Exploring the Transitional Justice Implementation Gap in Uganda, International Journal of Transitional Justice
Torre, C. (2019) Psychosocial Support (PSS) in War-affected Countries: A Literature Review - Costanza Torre, Politics of Return Working Papers
Marijnen, E., Verweijen, J., et al., (2019). Why we must question the militarisation of conservation. Biological Conservation, (232), 66-73.
Stys, P., Verwijen, J., Mazuri, P., Muhindo, S., Vogel, C., Koskinen & J. (2019). Brokering between (not so) overt and (not so) covert networks in conflict zones. Global Crime.
Marijnen, E. & Schouten, P. (2019). Electrifying the green peace? Electrification, conservation and conflict in Eastern Congo. Conflict, Security & Development. (19:1) 15-34.
Mylan, S., Torre, C., Parker, M. & Allen, T. (2019). Mental health in conflict settings. The Lancet. (394:10216) 2237.
Pangburn, A. (2019). Assessing the Effectiveness of the United Nations Mission in the DRC Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network
Carayannis, T., Weiss, H. (2019). Congo Kicks the Can Down the Road. Foreign Affairs
Porter, H. (2019). Love and the Pursuit of Home After War. Anthropology News
Lipton, J. (2019). Taking life off hold: Pregnancy and family formation during the ebola crisis in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Pregnant in the time of Ebola: women and their children 2013-2015. Springer Nature
Vlavonou, G., (2019). The APSA and (Complex) International Security Regime Theory: A Critique. African Security
Brett, T. (2018), 'Public Authority and Political Markets in Conflicted States Social Conflict, Institutional Hybridity and Developmental Transitions', LSE.
Allen, T. (2018) Lawino's People: The Acholi of Uganda
Macdonald, A., and Hamandishe G., (2018), Transitional Justice and Ordinary Justice in Postconflict Acholiland, Pursuing Justice in Africa: Competing Imaginaries and Contested Practices, Ohio University Press
Sharif, S. (2018) A Critical Review of Evidence from Ex-Combatant Reintegration Programs
Mathys, G., & Buscher, K. (2018) Urbanizing Kitchanga: spatial trajectories of the politics of refuge in North Kivu, Eastern Congo, Journal of East African Studies
Carayannis, T. (2018) The Changing Landscape of Armed Groups: Doing DDR, New Contexts
Carayannis, T. (2018) DDR and Return in the DRC - A Foolish Investment or Necessary Risk?
Carayannis, T. (2018) Prevention: The Challenge of Theory and Practice
Hilhorst, D. (2018) Gender, sexuality, and violence in humanitarian crises, Disasters
Porter, H. (2018), Pursuing Justics in Africa
Hopwood, J. (2018) Resilient patriarchy: public authority and women's (in)security in Karamoja, Uganda, Disasters
Macdonald, A. (2018) Humanitarianism: A Dictionary of Concepts
Macdonald, A. (2018) Pursuing Justice in Africa: Competing Imaginaries and Contested Practices
Mathys, G. (2018) Urbanizing Kitchanga: spatial trajectories of the politics of refuge in North Kivu, Eastern Congo, Journal of Eastern African Studies
Pangburn, A. (2018) Cohabitation and the Prospects for a Central African Return: The Case of Inke (DRC)
Porter, H. (2018) Rape Without Bodies? Reimagining the Phenomenon We Call "Rape" in Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society
Tegenbos, J., & Vlassenroot, K. (2018) Going home? A systematic review of the literature on displacement, return and cycles of violence, Politics of Return Working Papers
Brett, E.A. (2018). Public Authority and Political Markets in Conflicted States Social Conflict, Institutional Hybridity and Developmental Transitions. CPAID, Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa.
Hopwood, J. (2018). Resilient patriarchy: public authority and women's (in)security in Karamoja, Uganda. Disasters.
Marijnen, E., Verweijen, J. (2018). Pluralising Political Forests: Unpacking 'the State' by Tracing Virunga's Charcoal Chain. Antipode. December.
Beresford, A., Berry, M., & Mann, L. (2018). Liberation movements and stalled democratic transitions: reproducing power in Rwanda and South Africa through productive liminality. Democratization, 1-20.
Kapidžić, D. (2018). Public authority beyond hybrid governance: creating throughput legitimacy in Northern Uganda. Peacebuilding, 6(2), 127-143. (Full manuscript)
Marijnen, E. (2018). Public Authority and Conservation in Areas of Armed Conflict: Virunga National Park as a ‘State within a State’ in Eastern Congo. Development and Change, 49(3): 790-814.
Pendle, N. (2018). ‘The dead are just to drink from’: recycling ideas of revenge among the western Dinka, South Sudan. Africa, 88(1) 99-121
Carayannis, T. (2018). Why comrades go to war: liberation politics and the outbreak of Africa's deadliest conflict.International Affairs
- O'Byrne R., Ogeno, C. (2018). The Illegal Economy of Refugee Registration: Insights into the Ugandan Refugee Scandal Rights in Exile: The International Refugee. Rights Initiative's Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter