Green, D. (2024) How Change Happens. 2nd Ed. Oxford University Press. (With a Chapter from Tom Kirk) Open
Kirk, T. (2024) Intermediaries, isomorphic activism and programming for social accountability in Pakistan. Global Policy. Open
Artuso, F., Barnes, K., Green, D., and Guijt, I. (2023) Emergent Agency in a Time of COVID-19: Research Report. LSE and Oxfam. Open
Kirk. T. and Green, D. et al (2021) Crisis responses, opportunity, and public authority during Covid-19's first wave in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan. Disasters. Open
Christie, A. and Green, D. (2019) The Case for an Adaptive Approach to Empowerment and Accountability Programming in Fragile Settings, Synthesis Report, Itad and Oxfam in association with IDS
Green, D. and Guijt, I. (2019) Adaptive Programming in Fragile, Conflict and Violence-Affected Settings. What Works and Under What Conditions? The Case of Institutions for Inclusive Development, Tanzania, Case Study for the Action for Empowerment and Accountability Programme. Itad and Oxfam in association with IDS.
Green, D et al. (2018) Using evidence to influence policy: Oxfam’s experience. Palgrave Communications.