Support Us

For the Lab to continue its mission and reach its goals we rely on the generous support of sponsors and funders. Without you, none of this would be possible.

The Social Innovation Lab for Human Flourishing (SILF) is seeking partners who share our vision of promoting the human flourishing of entrepreneurs, activists, leaders, and employees in companies and non-profits, and the marginalised people and communities they support through social innovation, particularly in Africa and South Asia.

We would welcome the opportunity to talk to you about how we can collaborate with the Lab to achieve our shared strategic priorities and, ultimately, achieve the transformative change we envision for employees, entrepreneurs, and marginalised communities in Africa and South Asia.

Beyond these immediate goals, you would be contributing to a paradigm change in our management thinking and practices, with potential benefits for future generations—our children and grandchildren—as well.

For more information, please write to the SILF Director, Professor Harry Barkema, at

If you wish to make a donation you can do so via this link. You will be redirected to the Support page for the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa where SILF is based. If you are making a regular donation then please note the money is for the SILF Reseach Centre on the form. If it is a one off payment please message Harry Barkema on the address above to ensure the funds are directed to SILF.