
Public events

A space for creativity, discussion and new ideas

Upcoming Events

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"Wealth in people"

Join us for this special lecture by LSE alumnus and co-recipient of the 2024 Nobel Prize in economics James A Robinson.

During his talk, Professor Robinson will propose a new interpretation of African society, history and political and economic trajectories based on the notion of wealth in people and its institutionalizations.

25 March 2025

Sheikh Zayed Theatre


Africa Summit 2025

Africa Summit

This year's Summit will address the issue of "Securing Africa future: Promoting resiliance in a divided world."

The LSE Africa Summit 2025 will be held on 29 and 30 March 2025 in the Sheikh Zayed Theatre.

Book your tickets now on the LSE Shop.  

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"International Women's Day 2025 Conference"

Join us for a day of discussion and learning about women-led innovation and advocacy across Africa this International Women’s Day.  

This event, under the theme "Empowering Women in Agriculture: Navigating Peace, Conflict, and Food Security" will platform the diverse voices of women who work or are involved in the agricultural sector and who are leading the way within their own communities and internationally to make the sector sustainable. 

Read the programme here!

8 March 2025

Sheikh Zayed Theatre


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Lunch and Learn Seminars

FLIA and The Centre for Women, Peace and Security bring you weekly seminar series showcasing our work. The seminars are open to staff and Master students from across LSE and beyond. All seminars will be hybrid and you are welcome to attend in person or via Zoom.


Past Events 

2024 events

Conflict Resolution in Challenging Times New Approaches to International Peace-Making (200 x 200 px)

Conflict Resolution in Challenging Times: New Approaches to International Peace-Making

Join Professor Joanna Lewis in a discussion with four senior experts and practitioners in global conflict resolution. They will explore new thinking and the challenges in international norms, culturally sensitive approaches, women, peace and security agenda, and neuro and behavioural science. Can we find synergies to strengthen approaches? What role could and should new thinking play in contemporary peacebuilding processes?

5 December 2024

Wolfson Theatre


The Future of Conservation in Africa Solutions and Opportunities(200 x 200 px)

The Future of Conservation in Africa: Solutions and Opportunities

FLIA is proud to partner with Tusk Trust, a leading NGO dedicated to wildlife conservation in Africa, for our upcoming event, "The Future of Conservation in Africa: Solutions and Opportunities".

Join us for a discussion with the winners of the 2024 Tusk Conservation Awards, the Director of the Mali Elephant Project, and the Founder of Elephants for Africa, as they share their frontline experiences and insights into what the future of African conservation could look like.

28 November 2024

The Auditorium (Malaysia Theatre)


The rise of Africa's suburban middle classes(200 x 200 px)

The rise of Africa's suburban middle classes

FLIA is proud to partner with The LSE Department of Geography and Environment for the book launch of  Claire Mercer’s new book.The Suburban Frontier: Middle Class Construction in Dar es Salaam. It examines how self-built housing on the urban periphery has become central to middle-class formation and urban transformation in contemporary Tanzania and beyond. The Suburban Frontier offers significant contributions to the study of urban social change in Africa and urbanization in the Global South.

26 November 2024

The Auditorium 


Empire & Exploitation (200 x 200 px)

Empire & Exploitation, Liberation Movements & The Role of Imperialism & Capitalism in Africa

This discussion will explore the evolving nature of empire and exploitation in Africa, from the colonial period and the independence movement up to the current era. By examining ongoing conflicts in the Congo and Sudan, which have become proxies in the West's struggle for resources and influence, the discussion will highlight the enduring role of imperialism and capitalism in Africa.

22 October 2024

Thai Lecture Theatre


October Ubuntu 2024 (200 x 200 px)

Ubuntu Café

FLIA partners with AfroPark, New Comma, Open Space, and Reformation Community for our annual Black History Month Ubuntu Cafe. Under the theme of 'Amplifying Voices of the African Diaspora in the UK', the event will feature Diaspora Diaries, a fireside chat, the Inter-University Africa Debates (LSE vs Birmingham), and an art exhibition.

Join us for another immersive and interactive showcase of African thought and culture. 

17 October 2024

LSE Campus

4pm - 9pm

Mainstreaming Nature Positive Economics  (1200 x 600 px) (200 x 200 px)

Mainstreaming Nature Positive Economics for People and Planet

Join Beccy Speight, CEO of the UK’s largest conservation NGO, The RSPB, Elena Almeida and Simon Dikau from The Grantham Institute at LSE in the run-up to COP16 as they explore where we are, what’s working and what needs to change drawing on the panel's policy expertise and knowledge of global nature conservation of species and habitats.

14 October 2024

Old Theatre, LSE

6pm - 9pm

Wole Soyinka Event

Film premiere: ‘THE MAN DIED’

Join us for the premiere for the movie for 'The Man Died', presented by Makin Soyinka the film is inspired by the “Prison Notes” of Wole Soyinka and the book of the same title.

25 July 2024

Sheik Zayed Theatre

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The Africa Rising Symposium

The FLIA, in partnership with EMY’s Generation Now, are excited to present The Africa Rising Symposium this July. The Symposium aims to showcase Africa's excellence, creative economy, resourcefulness, untapped opportunities and boundless possibilities within the continent and its diaspora!

20 July 2024

LSE campus

LSE Festival

LSE Festival

Global legal frameworks to protect women in conflict have been agreed by all members of the UN Security Council. Yet evidence from around the world shows that violence against women, because they are women, remains very much a part of twenty first century warfare. 

The panel looked explored the complex power dynamics around violence against women in conflict.

The panel featured H.E. Fatou Bensouda is High Commissioner of the Gambia to the UK. She has previously also held the position of Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. Rita Kahsay is Executive Director of the NGO Irob Anina and co-author of In Plain Sight. Claire Wilmot, a researcher and journalist who recently completed her PhD at the LSE.

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We Are At the Edge, Not the End, of History: Policy Discussion of The Edge by Jonathan Maxwell

This event discussed with the author in a “fireside chat” the main issues covered in his book, especially recent global events and the agency we have in understanding and delivering big solutions to these issues, on time, no matter their scale.

We were joined by a panel of expert discussants who will share their reflections and insights into the problems posed by Maxwell. The panel also discussed how we can ensure diverse global perspectives are brought into this critical conversation for solutions to the most pressing problems in the international political economy today.

2024 Ubuntu Cafe_

Ubuntu Café

To commemorate Africa Day, on 24 May 2024, the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa hosted the Ubuntu Café. The event consisted of a keynote speech, as well as a fashion show and the showcase of the 'Africa Debates' series.

24 May 2024, 4 pm

LSE GenDen

Africa Summit 2024 200x200


The LSE Africa Summit 2024, themed "African Minds Transforming Futures: Building Resilient Education Systems," seeks to unravel the intricate web of challenges and opportunities that define the educational landscape on the continent.  

We shall delve into the intricacies that have moulded higher education and address the nuanced challenges various population groups face. The discussions shall traverse the realms of accessibility, inclusivity, and the crucial role of various players in reshaping global academic landscapes. 

The upcoming summit shall catalyse change, urging participants to contribute their experiences and expertise towards crafting more resilient and responsive higher education ecosystems.  

22-23 March 2024

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Political Elites, Civil Society and the Future of Sudan

This panel will seek to explore the crisis through the prism of ‘disconnection’, exploring the various disconnects and discordances that have formed between Sudanese popular groups, state institutions and international institutions. Stopping the violence and addressing Sudan’s trauma will ultimately require domestic and international actors to align formal policy-making processes with popular realities on the ground. Speakers will explore this notion of disconnection and consider how the sudden displacement of the Sudanese elite from its capital city might re-orient Sudanese politics in future. The panel will finally discuss how such disconnections might be repaired..

LSE Theatre, Central Building
05 March 2024

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City of hope – lessons from Cape Town for the future of South Africa and African cities

Geordin Hill-Lewis, Mayor of Cape Town, will share his lessons from leading this city of five million people. He will explore what the Cape Town experience can tell us about how to get South Africa right and what lessons Cape Town can offer to the rapidly growing cities on the rest of the African continent.

Following his presentation Mayor Hill-Lewis will discuss these questions with Desné Masie, economist and journalist and visiting senior fellow at FLIA.

Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House
23 January 2024

2023 events

New Directions in Global Carbon Markets Towards fair pricing and trade 200x200

New Directions in Global Carbon Markets: Towards fair pricing and trade

The issue of carbon pricing has seen a resurgence in global debate since COP27. Whether through direct taxation or through the trade in carbon credits on compliance and voluntary market places, robust disagreements around fairness in pricing, taxation and trade measures have accompanied the conversation. 

LSE Marshall Building 1.08
23 November 2023

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FLIA Africa Research Day

The Africa PhD Research Day seeks to nurture researchers in the effectiveness of their knowledge production, research organisation and governance, communication practices and impact.

If you have an interest in doing research on the continent African continent or have expertise in the area, we look forward to seeing you there!

LSE Room 9.04, Fawcett House 9th Floor
22 November 2023

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China-Africa Conference 2023

The 21st century may well be the African century. Governance lies at the center of Africa’s modernity and state-building. In capitalizing on Africa’s enormous economic, social, and human potential, governance must be addressed to deliver efficiency, accountability, and progress. This session aims to envision a pathway to the African century by identifying the continents’ most pressing challenges with its vision, execution, and strategic priorities. Externally, the geopolitical tension centered on the US and China fractures the spirit of globalization, igniting investment, trade, technology, and security competition across the Global South. Is geopolitical competition an era of opportunity for Africa? Will the global shifts strengthen Africa’s own unity? Will Africa’s development path be universal (liberal democratic), African, or maybe Chinese?

LSE campus (auditorium)
18 November 2023
10:00 AM

Advance Africa Conference

Advance Africa Conference

Join us for the Advance Africa Conference a strategic endeavour to address a pressing question faced by African professionals in the diaspora: “How can I contribute to the advancement of Africa?”

The conference aims to forge fruitful connections between African talent, business leaders, and change-makers, to foster opportunities across the UK and Africa, and reignite the passion for accelerating the continent’s development.

LSE campus (auditorium)
17 November 2023
3:30 PM

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Advancing Health Equity in Africa

Join us for advancing Health equity In Africa a special symposium and launch of Health policy Brief centered on the same theme. The event would feature keynote speeches by key profile leaders in health and international development and presentation of Health policy brief by recent PFAL Alumni and Health Policy graduates. This would then be followed by a brief panel to discuss issues in the presentation with a focus on the role of this collaboration in tackling Africa’s foremost health challenges. 

Download the report

Watch the replay

Book Launch (200 x 200 px)

Book Launch

The Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa presents a book launch event featuring three works by distinguished CPAID authors.

These thought-provoking books delve into the complexities of power, contestation, and resilience in various global contexts. The event offers an opportunity to engage with the authors and gain deeper insights into their research. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A and a drinks reception.

LSE Alumni Centre
Wednesday 18 October 2023

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Africa Talks: Activism and Climate Change

The panel will engage in an insightful discussion on the critical issues of climate change and grassroots activism in Africa. Our panel of esteemed speakers, each a prominent figure in their field, will shed light on the challenges, successes, and future prospects of grassroots movements dedicated to addressing climate change on the African continent.

LSE Marshall Building
Tuesday 24 October 2023

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Ubuntu Cafe

To celebrate Black History Month we'd like to invite you to the Ubuntu Cafe a celebration of African culture, diversity, and heritage. The theme for this edition is Roots, Bridges, and Echoes: Reclaiming our Stories. Join us for an evening with amazing performances including spoken word, storytelling, music, and the book launch of “Conversations from Last Night” by PfAL alumna Victory Osas. 

LSE GenDen (Ground floor St. Clemment's, across the Old Building, student services)
Thursday 12 October 2023

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LSE Festival: Financing Climate Change | Inspiration for Change from African Thinkers

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa and the London School of Economics

African nations are among the most affected by the consequences of climate change. Policymakers are attempting to address this inequity through climate credit, debt exchanges, and the Loss and Damage Fund, which was established at COP27. Join our discussion on financing climate change. 

LSE Marshall Hall, Marshall Building
Wednesday 14 June 2023
1:00pm to 2:00pm

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Africa Talks: Preserving Africa's Biodiversity in a Changing Climate

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

Africa Talks Biodiversity will feature discussions on biodiversity finance, food systems and conservation and discuss the potential of the Global Biodiversity Framework for Africa.

LSE Marshall Building
Wednesday 21 June 2023
6:30pm to 8:30pm


Career Transitions Lab 2023

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

Interested in building a career on the African continent or working on African issues? Join us for the Career Transitions Lab 2023; a series of workshops and talks with speakers from different industries and sectors, discussing their career trajectories and transitions on the continent, or working on African issues.

The Lab offers an incredible opportunity for participants to find out how to best navigate the current job market and to tap into the wealth of knowledge and lived experience of the speakers.

In Person (on campus)
Tuesday 27 June - Friday 30 June 2023
10:00am - 4:30pm


LSE Commission for Pandemic Governance and Inequalities 2023

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Insitute for Africa

This conference is part of the Europe-wide Horizon-2020 Periscope project, a cross-disciplinary study on the socioeconomic impact of covid-19 and pandemic preparedness.

The conference will consist of workshops and panel discussions to explore how present inequalities that have resulted from the the covid-19 pandemic can be reduced, and how to build a new model of pandemic policy for the future. 

Click here to view the full prgramme

In Person (on campus) and online
Monday 5 June 2023
10:00am to 6:00pm

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Ubuntu Café - Africa Day 

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

Join us for the second Ubuntu Café event, this time celebrating Africa Day at LSE. The event will consist of a keynote speech, poetry and spoken word performances, the launch of Professor David Luke's How Africa Trades, as well as a fashion show and the showcase of the Programme for African Leadership's 'Africa Debates' series.

LSE Marshall Hall, Marshall Building
Thursday 25 May 2023
5:30pm to 9:30pm


Innovating in Africa

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa and Africell

What are the avenues for impactful innovation in Africa? Join us for an evening to celebrate innovation and network with industry experts. 

LSE Marshall Hall, Marshall Building
Thursday 04 May 2023
6:00pm to 9:00pm

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The LSE Africa Summit 2023

Hosted by the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Firoz Lalji Insitute for Africa

Join us for the annual LSE Africa Summit, a two-day, student-led conference. This year's theme is 'The Now and Next Generation' and will focus on policy-shaping solutions framed by young experts. Through three principal areas, discussions at the Summit will explore Climate, Security, and Technology as galvanising frames for the youth development agenda.

The full programme of events will be posted here in due course. 

For the pre-registration form, follow this link.

In Person (on campus) and online
Saturday 25 - 26 March 2023
10:00am to 5:00pm


Africa Regional Interest Group

The British Universities' International Liaison Association (BUILA) are hosting their Africa Regional Interest Group at LSE Generate. The day's proceedings will include a session to assess domestic and global league tables, and a workshop on effective working in Africa with involvement from African embassies. 

LSE Generate
Thursday 9 February

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

In Conversation with Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Hosted by the London School of Economics and Political Science

Join us for this special event at which LSE President and Vice Chancellor Minouche Shafik, who will be in conversation with Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization.

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is the first woman and first African to hold the position in the 75-year history of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the WTO.

In Person (on campus) and online
Thursday 07 February 2023
6:45pm to 8:00pm


Diaspora and Innovative Finance: Implementation of the African Diaspora Finance Corporation

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa, GK Partners and the African Union

Join the FLIA's Professor in Practice and Strategic Director, David Luke, Visiting Professor in Practice, Gibril Faal and Ms. Ndidi Njoku for this discussion on diaspora and innovative finance. 

This public lecture will formally announce the framework and proposed initiatives for the AU legacy project on diaspora investment.

Shaw Library 
Thursday 26 January 2023
6:00pm to 7:30pm


2022 events


Industrialising Africa: Renewed Commitment to Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

Hosted by the International Growth Centre and the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

International Growth Centre will host a panel discussion to mark Africa Industrialisation Week 2022.

This panel discussion will explore key questions regarding the industrialisation strategies that different African countries have adopted, how the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) will influence them, and the ways in which the AfCFTA is expected to contribute to poverty reduction and green industrialisation.

To attend in person, please register here
To join remotely, please register here

Sheikh Zayed Theatre, LSE and online
Wednesday 23 November 2022
6:00pm to 7:30pm


African Americans & Africa: Conversations across Centuries

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa 

In commemoration of Black History Month in the UK, join Professor Nemata Blyden (GWU) and Dr Robtel Neajai Pailey (LSE) for this seminar to celebrate the publication of Professor Blyden's new book, African Americans & Africa: A New History.

FW2.9.05, Fawcett House
Thursday 20 October 2022
12:30 to 2:00pm 

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Is Green Industrialisation a Possibility for Africa?

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa 

Join the FLIA's Professor in Practice and Strategic Director, Professor David Luke and Professor Carlos Lopes for this public lecture.

Within the context of global climate change, increasing natural resource degradation and rising environmental pollution, both African governments and private sector actors are increasingly favouring green industrialisation plans. The event will discuss what green industrialisation looks like for Africa, and the role the African Continental Free Trade Area will play in these plans. 

Wolfson Theatre
Monday 17 October 2022
6:00pm to 7:30pm


Old and New Challenges for Central Banking in West Africa

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa 

To mark the Bank of Ghana’s 65th anniversary, this event explores financial and economic prospects for the region’s emerging economies, the impact of COVID-19 on development prospects, and more.

This event is part of the Africa Talks series, which informs and transforms global debates to inspire new perceptions of the continent. Giving a platform to Africa's pre-eminent thinkers and practitioners across academia, politics, business and activism, high-profile speakers present forward-thinking ideas to address contemporary global challenges.

Tuesday 21 June 2022
6:30pm to 8:00pm


Can Trade Shape Africa's Post-COVID Recovery?

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa and LSE Festival

The economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Africa have been severe, with formal and informal sectors affected by lockdowns, decreasing exports, disruptions to global supply chains, mounting debt and increasing levels of poverty. 

This event will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on global trade and Africa’s economies and development. 

Friday 17 June 2022 
1:00pm to 2:00pm


BRI vs B3W: Competing Visions for African Development

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa 

The Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative, launched by the G7 in 2021, aspires to promote infrastructure development in the global South, from Africa to Asia. It is strategically conceived to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative(BRI), a large international infrastructure expansion strategy initiated in 2013.

This event will discuss the B3W’s motivation and vision, the comparative strategies in execution between B3W and BRI, and the opportunities and challenges Africa faces as a recipient of these initiatives.

Tuesday 08 March 2022
3:00pm to 4:30pm
Platform: Zoom


The African Diaspora and Continental Development: Prospects and Action Points

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa 

The diaspora’s contribution to Africa’s development goes back to the abolitionist movement against the slave trade, to the conceptualisation of Pan-Africanism, and the struggle for decolonisation. Since the 1980s, the population of the first- and second-generation African diaspora has increased significantly.

Expert speakers will discuss the potential role the African diaspora can play in the continent's development, economy and future in the 21st century.

Thursday 24 February 2022
4:00pm to 5:30pm


Finding a pathway to peace and dialogue in Ethiopia

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa 

The crisis in Tigray and northern Ethiopia has forced prime minister Abiy Ahmed to declare a nationwide state of emergency, as the spectre of a regime change looms over Addis Ababa. This puts the country at a critical juncture, as the prospect grows of an expanding civil war, raising fears the situation could tip into genocide.

This event will seek to unpack the current situation in Ethiopia and the competing narratives about its past and future. It will ask how close Ethiopia is to peace now, what needs to be done to achieve peace, who are the actors and what model can help achieve sustainable peace in a deeply divided society.

Thursday 3 March 2022
4:00pm to 5:30pm


Strategies for Urbanisation in Africa

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa  and LSE IDEAS

This event is part of the series, 'Strategy: New Voices', organised by the Global Strategies Project in LSE IDEAS. Dr Marie-Noelle Nwokolo and Professor Christopher Coker will discuss how the future prosperity and security of sub-Saharan Africa depends on building a new urban environment for the world’s most rapidly expanding population.

Wednesday 26 January 2022
6:30pm to 8:00pm


2021 events



Sudan Coup: Analysis from the Ground

Co-organised by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa and the LSE Middle East Centre 

On October 25th 2021, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan declared a state of emergency in Sudan, dissolving the government and detaining civilian leadership. Burhan is leader of the joint ruling council that was designed to hand over leadership to the civilians ahead of elections in 2023. Consequently, around 200 civilians have been injured in anti-coup protests and over 40 have been killed. 

Speakers will discuss the historical and political context of the latest coup, the effects of the military crackdown on the ground and the international response.

9 December 2021
3:00pm to 4:00pm GMT
Platform: Zoom


Authoritarianism and social control in Museveni's Uganda

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

This event marks the launch of the new book Arbitrary States, which draws on the Museveni regime’s governance in Uganda to understand contemporary authoritarianism.

Unlike the despots of the past, known for arbitrary violence and direct rule, today’s authoritarians use the rule of law. Many of these regimes even cultivate democratic institutions: elections, separation of powers, and institutions designed to promote transparency and accountability. This has puzzled scholars – how can authoritarians survive in contexts of democracy? 

16 November 2021
2pm-3:15pm GMT
Platform: YouTube and Zoom


Africa Talks: How Can Africa Adapt to Climate Change?

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

This event invites leading global exerts to discuss how Africa can best adapt to climate change. It will explore priorities for different regions, assess the opportunities and challenges in current thinking and approaches, and ask how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected adaptation trajectories, including on issues around cooperation at regional and global levels.

3 November 2021
2pm-3:30pm GMT
Platform: Zoom


China-Africa Conference 2021 – Lead the 22nd Century: Africa’s Future and the role of China

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

China has become Africa’s largest investor, biggest trading partner, preeminent digital services provider and, increasingly, a soft power influencer. It is clear that China’s role in Africa’s future will be both complex and enduring.

The China-Africa Conference 2021 will address the deepening relationship between China and the African continent and mark the launch of the China-Africa Initiative at the FLIA.

Highlight speakers: 
Jingdong Hua, Vice President and Treasurer, World Bank
Leslie Maasdorp, CFO, the New Development Bank
Dr Nkosana Moyo, Former Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the African Development Bank (AfDB)

28 September 2021
Platform: FacebookLinkedInYouTube


Decolonising development studies

Hosted by the LSE Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa and the Department of International Development

Questions about how to decolonise university courses and research has a special pertinence when it comes to development studies, which responds to ideas and theories in development practice itself – often viewed as an inherently colonial project. How these issues should be addressed remains contentious, and pockets of reform within higher education appears marginal.

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Policy Reform in the Making: Stakeholder Engagement through Economic Diplomacy

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

As part of the LSE series Policy Reform in the Making, renowned economist and Egypt’s Minister for International Cooperation, Dr Rania Al-Mashat, will discuss a novel approach of economic diplomacy that centres a country-led multi-stakeholder engagement framework, notably incorporating government, civil society groups and the private sector.


COVID-19: Africa’s Vaccine Challenge

Hosted by the Department of Health Policy, Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa, Global Health Initiative, and the African Health Observatory - Platform on Health Systems and Policies.

This event will explore the access and distribution policies employed to combat COVID-19 across Africa. It will ask what vaccine (and heath technology) equity means for global management of the pandemic, and what challenges remain for health systems as the vaccine rollout is operationalised.

Monday 21 June 2021
Platform: YouTube


The humanitarian crisis in Tigray, Ethiopia

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa and the Department of International Development

The humanitarian crisis in Tigray, Ethiopia, is grave, urgent and under-reported. It is striking that for a region that is historically food insecure and the epicentre of famine in the 1980s, the current situation is entirely man-made: the direct outcome of war. This event will seek to understand the ongoing emergency, inviting a conversation between humanitarian researchers and reporters covering events on the ground.

Thursday 17 June 2021
Platform:  YouTube


Perspectives of Scholar Activists on Epistemic Justice for Children and Young People in Africa

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

The voices of young people are often marginalised in policies, programmes and scholarly spaces across the continent. Commemorating the Day of the African Child, this event will explore how young people's voices can be centred to prevent epistemic injustice.

Wednesday 16 June 2021
Platform: YouTube

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Food Security and Agriculture in Africa Post COVID-19

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

This event builds on a conversation hosted last year which brought together high level speakers to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on Africa's food security. More than a year later, what challenges and opportunities exist for the African continent?

Tuesday 1 June 2021
Platform: YouTube

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Understanding the pandemic response in South Sudan

Hosted by The Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

This event brings together expert speakers from the project to discuss how COVID-19 has been understood in South Sudan during the pandemic's first year, addressing sources of trust in the country's public health advice and how it has been undermined.

Wednesday 13 May 2021
Platform: YouTube

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Digital in Africa: the role of new technologies in the continent's development

Hosted by LSE South African Alumni Association and the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

This event will take a critical look at digital innovation in Africa, and how new technologies have played a major role in recent social and economic advances on the continent.

Wednesday 13 May 2021
Platform: YouTube

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The Future of Fieldwork in a Post-Pandemic World

Hosted by The Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, University of Oxford and University of Johannesburg

In this seminar we will explore the impact COVID-19 has had on longstanding questions of inequalities, transnational cooperation, and ethical research collaboration, and whether COVID-19 has fundamentally transformed research practice in Africa 

Thursday 29 April 2021
Platform: YouTube


LSE Africa Summit 2021: The Global Crisis as a Catalyst for Change 

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

The 2021 Africa Summit asks how Africans can drive positive change in local communities following the COVID-19 global crisis. Over two days the event brings together prestigious speakers to address topics ranging from grassroots activism, womanhood, policymaking as a vehicle for change, African identity and the role of art in imagining new directions.

Saturday 27 March - Sunday 28 March 2021

Watch videos from the Summit.


The Future of Work in Africa

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

This event will discuss how Africa can address the challenging employment needs of the continent on the cusp of dramatic and transformative growth. Examining innovative examples of where this has been done so far, this event will explore perspectives from both entrepreneurs and job-seekers alike.


LSE Festival - What is Colonial about Global Health?

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and the Global Health Initiative

As part of LSE Festival: Shaping the Post-COVID World, event will ask whether COVID-19 can invigorate an alternative vision for the future of global health, addresing the legacy of colonialism within international health systems.

 Wednesday 3 March 2021

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Decolonising the global publishing industry

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and the Eden Centre

This event will address the potential for new publishing models that overturn the dominance of Global North research, addressing support non-Western languages, Global South journals and the values underpinning the types of work considered publishable.

Wednesday 27 January 2021
Platform: YouTube & Zoom


2020 events 

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Reflecting on African migration trends in a challenged world

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, LSE Alumni Association Morocco and EGE Alumni

This event will reflect on African migration trends, asking what can be done to challenge insecurity and a lack socioeconomic opportunity. Centering on the Kingdom of Morocco's recent actions to respond to these challenges.

Thursday 17 December 2020 

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Economic Change, Finance, Trade, & Investment in Africa Post COVID-19

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and Silk Invest

The Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa in collaboration with Silk Invest will be bringing together leaders in the finance, trade, and development sectors, to discuss their strategies for contributing to the sustainable development of the continent in these sectors.

Thursday 10 December 2020
Platform: YouTube


African Culture – Appropriated, Appreciated, Exploited or Shared?

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and the Royal African Society

Figures from across artistic and academic spheres discuss the contentious issue of cultural appropriation. Reflecting on examples and personal experiences, the event will ask how we can move away from uneven relations towards a space of equal collaboration.

Thursday 26 November 2020

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Africa Talks: the future of African feminist activism

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

This event examines the long history of feminist activism in Africa and its enduring impact on society from an intergenerational perspective. At this critical historic juncture, speakers interrogate current achievements and fault lines as well as the crucial future of African feminist activism.

Thursday 12 November 2020
Platform: LSE Player

Phd academy

Young, Gifted and Black in Academia

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

This workshop saw Black doctoral students and academics discuss their experiences navigating academic institutions as minorities.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

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Surviving and Thriving: A Black History Month Artistic Celebration  

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

The FLCA hosted Welcome event for year 2020/21 on 15 October 2020 to welcome the new academic year in partnership with Black artists.

Six artists from across Africa and the African diaspora were commissioned to showcase their artwork interpreting the concepts of surviving (e.g. in quarantine, in hardship, as an ‘other’) and thriving in these spheres. 

Thursday 15 October 2020 
Platform: YouTube


Debt Relief and Africa During COVID-19: the global response

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Thursday 9 July 2020
Platform: YouTube

African Leaders

COVID-19 in Africa: leadership, inequality and resilience

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and  LSE Institute of Global Affairs

Thursday 2 July 2020
Platform: Zoom


The Impact of COVID on Global Health: A comparative look at the African region

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and Global Health Initiative

Monday 29 June 2020
Platform: YouTube

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Food security and Africa after COVID-19

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Thursday 28 May 2020
Platform: YouTube

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Looking back at COVID-19: how will Africa have changed one year from now?

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Thursday 7 May 2020
Platform: YouTube


Africa Summit -  Africa's Decade: Now or Never

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa
28-29 March 2020

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Africa Talks: The Global Legacy of African Women Writers

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, as a part of LSE Festival

Saturday 7 March 2020
12:45pm - 14:00pm 
Sheikh Zayed Theatre, LSE

Speakers: OBE Margaret Busby, Sarah Ladipo Manyika, 
Angela Wachuka & Professor Karin Barber as chair.


Africa Talks: Decolonising African Knowledge Systems

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Thursday 16 January 2020
Wolfson Theatre, LSE

Speakers: Professor Akosua Adomako Ampofo, Dr Wangui wa Goro, Dr Romina Istratii, & Dr Sara Salam as chair.

Audio of the event can be found here

For presentations by the speakers, see below:
Professor Akosua Adomako Ampofo
Dr Romina Istratii


2019 events

Phd academy

Young, Gifted and Black in Academia

Hosted by Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and the PhD academy

Thursday 21 November 2019
Phd Academy, LSE

Speakers: Abenaa Owusu-Bempah, Simidele Dosekun & Ana De Menezes

Iron Snake event

The Iron Snake Railway 

Hosted by Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Friday 18 October 2019
Wolfson Theatre, LSE

Speakers: Sekai Mei Zengeza, Gibril Faal, Christian Wolmar, Shirley Ze Yu


A FLY Girl’s Guide to University

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, as part of Black History Month

Thursday 3 October 2019
Vera Anstey Room, LSE

Speakers: Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan, Waithera Sebatindira & Lola Olufemi


FLCA Welcome Reception

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Tuesday 1 October 2019
FLCA offices, LSE


Politics of Return conference and exhibition 

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, as part of Politics of Return research project

Thursday 25 July 2019 to Wednesday 14 August 2019
Monday-Saturday 8am–10pm
TAKS Arts Centre, Gulu, Uganda

Cover Photo

Politics, Humanitarianism and Children's Rights 

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, as part of our conference in partnership with Save the Children UK, the University of Sheffield, the AHRC and RECAP.

Monday 8 April & Tuesday 9 April 2019

Decolonizing the curriculum

Decolonising the Curricula: why necessary and why now

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Wendnesday 6 March 2019
Clement House, Hong Kong theatre

Speakers: Dr. Lynn Osbourne, Dr. Simukai Chigudu 
Chair: Dr. Laura Mann


Getting to Zero: a Doctor and a Diplomat on the Ebola Frontline

Hosted by the  Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Thursday 28 February 2019 
6:00pm–7:00 pm
Vera Anstey Room, Old Building

Speakers: Dr Sinead Walsh & Dr Oliver Johnson

The New pan-Africanism

The New Pan-Africanism: Globalism and the Nation State in Africa

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Wednesday 13 February 2019
6:30pm–8:00 pm
Clement House (CLM.4.02)

Speaker: Dr. Michael Amoah

A fistful of shells

Book Presentation: A Fistful of Shells

Hosted by the  Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Wednesday 6 February 2019
Clement House  (CLM.4.02)

Speaker: Dr. Toby Green

2018 events

Citizenship in Africa

Citizenship in Africa: the law of belonging

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, LSE Human Rights, LSE Middle East Centre.

Thursday 15 November 2018
6:30pm–8:00 pm
Thai Theatre, New Academic Building LSE

Speaker(s): Dr Bronwen Manby, Dr Chaloka Beyani

Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt


Writer Nguigui

Film Screening: Ngugi wa Thiong'o: The River Between African and European Languages.

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Thursday 25 October 2018
6:30pm–8:00 pm
Clement House (room CLM.5.02), LSE

Speaker: Ndirangu Wachanga


Peter Martell Event

South Sudan: what chance of peace beyond the peace deals?

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa 

Monday 8 October 2018
6:30pm–8:00 pm
NAB.2.06, New Academic Building LSE

Speaker:Peter Martell


Women and Health event

Women, Global Health and Social Justice: From silences to solutions

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa 

Date: Wednesday 27 June 2018
Time: 6:00pm–8:00 pm
Venue: Alumni Theatre, New Academic Building LSE

Speakers:Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, Catherine Campbell, Ernestina Coast

Chair: Dr Rochelle Burgess


Clemantine Wamariya

The Girl Who Smiled Beads

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and the Centre for African Studies, SOAS

Monday 11 June 2018
Room 116, Main Building SOAS University of London

Speaker: Clemantine Wamariya
Chair: Yovanka Paquete Perdigao



Overprincipled and underperforming: The Global Compact for Migration and the challenge to multilateralism 

Hosted by the Institute of Global Affairs and Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Thursday 17 May 018
ALUMNI Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE

Speaker: Gibirl Faal OBE, JP



Dambisa Moyo Event

Edge of Chaos: why democracy is failing to deliver economic growth – and how to fix it

Hosted by the Institute of Global Affairs and Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Thursday 03 May 2018
Sheikh Zayed Theatre

Speaker:Dambisa Moyo 
Chair: Professor Erik Berglof


Africa Summit Event

LSE Africa Summit 2018

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Friday 20 and Saturday 21 April 2018
All day


Urban Nigeria event

Transforming Nigeria’s urban agenda

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and LSE cities

Tuesday 17 April 2018
Hong Kong Theatre

Speaker: Babatunde Fashola
Chair: Ricky Burdett



A Preventable Epidemic: The Ebola Outbreak and Failures of Governance in West Africa

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Thursday 22 March 2018
Hong Kong Theatre

Speakers: Ismai Rashid, Ibrahim Abdullah 
Chair: Jonah Lipton



Dance of the Jakaranda: Peter Kimani in conversation

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Monday 12 March 2018
CLM4.02, Clement House

Speaker: Peter Kimani 


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Mass Starvation: the history and future of famine

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Thursday 25 January 2018
CLM4.02, Clement House

Speakers: Alex De Waal & Clare Short


2017 events



Understanding South Sudan: Questions of Knowledge and Representation

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, LSE PhD Academy, AHRC/ESRC Politics of Return

Thursday 30 November 2017


Senior Common room,Old Building, LSE

Speakers: Aru Muortat, Martin Ochaya, Frederique Cifuentes


Abebe Selassie, Head of IMF African Department

Growth in sub-Saharan Africa: Drawing on the past, looking to the future

Hosted by the International Growth Centre and the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Monday 6 November 2017
CLM 5.02, Clement House, Aldwych, LSE

Speaker: Abebe Aemro Selassie, Head of the IMF African Department


A soldier on the watch in Bukava

Partnerships in Conflict

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa in partnership with Oxfam

Tuesday 31 October 2017
Old Theatre, Old Building

Chair: Professor Thea Hilhorst
Speakers: Summer Brown, Gerard Howe, Jawed Nadar, Dr Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, Yoma Winder


Military checkpoint

Obstacles to Peacebuilding - The Economics of Post-War Foreign Intervention

Hosted by the Institute of Global Affairs, Latin America and Caribbean Centre and the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Wednesday 25 October 2017
TW2 9.04, Tower 2

Chair: Dr Gareth Jones
Speaker: Dr Graciana del Castillo


Mark Zuckerberg in Aso Rock in Nigeria

Can Technology Fix Nigeria?

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, Royal Africa Society and Oya Media

Audio of this event

Wednesday 27 September 2017
Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building

Chair: Funmi Iyanda

Speakers: Victor Asemota, Olamide Bada, Martin Eigbike and Ndubuisi Kejeh



After Rape: Violence, Justice and Social Harmony in Uganda

Hosted by Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, Department of International Development, Justice and Security Research Programme, Centre for Women, Peace and Security and International African Institute

Tuesday 9 May 2017  
Senior Common Room, Old Building, LSE  

Speakers: Holly Porter, Adam Branch  
Chair: Professor Tim Allen

This event marks the publication of Holly Porter’s new book After Rape: violence, justice and social harmony in Uganda.

Drawing upon abundant fieldwork and in-depth interviews with almost 200 women, Holly Porter examines issues surrounding wrongdoing and justice, and sexual violence and rape, among the Acholi people in northern Uganda.

This intricate exploration offers evidence of a more complicated and nuanced explanation of rape and its aftermath, suggesting a re-imagining of the meanings of post-atrocity justice, whilst acknowledging the role of sex, power and politics in all sexual experiences between coercion and consent.


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Documentary Screening: Wallah Je te jure

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa

Monday 13 March 2017
CLM 6.02, Clement House, Aldwych, LSE

Speakers: Marcello Merletto, Robtel Neajai Pailey, Giacomo Zandonini

Wallah je te jure tells the stories of men and women travelling along West African migration routes to Italy. Senegal’s rural villages, Niger’s bus stations and “ghettos” full of traffickers, and Italian squares and houses are the backdrops of these courageous trips, which often end in tragedy. Wallah Je te jure was produced in 2016 by the International Organization for Migration

 A Q&A session will take place after the screening.

 The Twitter hashtag for this event is #LSEWallah.


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Women Leaders on the Global Stage: lessons for Africa

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and Africa Talks

Video and Audio of this event

View a summary of this event in tweets via Storify

Tuesday 07 March 2017
6:30pm to 8:00pm
Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building

Speakers: Fadumo Dayib, Dr Nemata Majeks-Walker, Dr Joice Mujuru
Chair: Tina Fahm

From Germany to Liberia, UK to Argentina, there has been a marked increase in the number of women leaders around the globe in recent years. OnInternational Women's Day 2017, this event will explore how women leaders are changing the world and the implications for women leaders in Africa. Our panellists will discuss the state of female political representation in their countries; the barriers they have tackled and broken down; as well the lessons to be drawn and implemented from global settings.

Fadumo Dayib is the first woman to run for President of Somalia, standing for the November 2016 election.

Nemata Majeks-Walker is the Founder and first President of the 50/50 Group of Sierra Leone.

Joice Mujuru served as Vice-President of Zimbabwe 2004-14 and is a Presidential candidate for the 2018 elections.

Tina Fahm is CEO of a consulting firm which advises on corporate governance in sub-Saharan Africa. She is a governor of LSE, member of the governing Council and chair of the Audit Committee. Tina is also a commissioner of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI)  the independent body responsible for scrutiny of UK aid.


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African Revolutions: From the streets to the written word

Hosted by the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, Africa Talks and LSE Literary Festival

Audio of this event

Saturday 25 February 2017

3:00PM to 4:30PM

Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building

Speakers: Yasmine El Rashidi, Samar Samir Mezghanni, Nii Ayikwei Parkes

Chair: Bola Mosuro

This event explores the literary trajectory in North Africa since the Arab Spring from the initial outburst of optimism to grim dystopian narratives, from the more traditional literary form of poetry in the region to writers experimenting with other literary forms. It will also examine the impact of political realities in the fiction from sub-Saharan countries and how it compares to what has emerged in North Africa since the Arab Spring of 2011.

Yasmine El Rashidi (@yasminerashidi) is an Egyptian writer. She is the author of The Battle for Egypt, Dispatches from the Revolution (2011), and the novel, Chronicle of a Last Summer, A Novel of Egypt (2016). She was a 2015/16 Cullman Fellow at the New York Public Library, and a visiting professor at Princeton University. She lives in Cairo.

Samar Samir Mezghanni (@SamarSamirMEZ) is a Tunisian writer with two records in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest writer in the world in 2000 and the most prolific writer in the world in 2002.

A 2007 recipient of Ghana’s ACRAG award, Nii Ayikwei Parkes (@BlueBirdTail) is the author of the hybrid novel, Tail of the Blue Bird was recently appointed director of the soon to be inaugurated Ama Ata Aidoo Centre for Creative Writing at the African University College of Communications in Accra, the first of its kind in West Africa.

Bola Mosuro (@bbcBola) is news presenter on the BBC World Service. She has a keen interest in the arts and in gender issues.

 This event forms part of the LSE Space for Thought Literary Festival 2017, taking place from Monday 20 - Saturday 25 February 2017, with the theme 'Revolutions'.


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Arab National Media and Political Change

A Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and LSE Middle East Centre Event

Thursday 9 February 2017


Vera Anstey Room, Old Building, LSE

Speaker: Dr Fatima el Issawi

Chair: Dr Katerina Dalacoura

Discussant: Dr Claire Spencer

Dr el Issawi will discuss the findings of her new book “Arab National Media and Political Change”. The book examines the evolution of national Arab media and its interplay with political change, in the context of the Arab uprisings.

Based on empirical research, the book dissects dynamics of change and challenges in newsrooms practices and journalists’ roles and identities, in a fluid and unpredictable environment of the uprisings and ensuing political and security upheavals.

Investigated from a journalistic perspective, this research addresses the role played by traditional national media in consolidating emerging democracies or in exacerbating their fragility within new political contexts.

Dr Fatima el-Issawi (@elIssawi) is a Assistant Professorial Research Fellow at the LSE Middle East Centre.

Dr Katerina Dalacoura is Lecturer in International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Dr Claire Spencer is a Senior Research Fellow at Chatham House.


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South Sudan - The Political Marketplace

LSE Arts public exhibition

Monday 9 January - Friday 27 January 2017

Mon-Fri 10am-8pm

Atrium Gallery, Old Building

An exhibition of infographic comics visualising research on South Sudan undertaken by the Justice and Security Research Programme (JSRP). 

The comics represent a collaboration between the JSRP and Kenyan cartoonist Victor Ndula, facilitated by JSRP partner The Cartoon Movement.  The graphics explore political, social and economic developments since 2011 in the world’s newest country.

Twitter Hashtag for this exhibition: #LSEArts


2016 events

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Africa and the United Nations:  Charting a Path to Security, Development and Human Rights

Monday 12 December 2016
18:30-20:00                                                                      Research Suite, LSE, Aldwych

Speaker: Ibrahim Gambari
Chair: Dr Kate Meagher

Ambassador Gambari, who was appointed Joint African Union-United Nations Special Representative for Darfur, discussed the relationship between Africa and the UN, tackling various aspects including the outlining of an agenda for peace, security and human rights.

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Kony 2016: What happened to the Lord’s Resistance Army?

A Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa Event

Listen to Event Audio

Wednesday 23 November 2016
18:30-20:00                                                                   CLM4.02, Clement House, LSE, Aldwych

Speakers: Ledio Cakaj, Matthew Green
Chair: Professor Tim Allen

In the first months of 2016, fighters from the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) abducted more than 300 Central Africans, posing a threat to civilians. The increase in LRA violence as Uganda considers withdrawing troops from eastern Central African Republic (CAR) poses a threat to security in the region. 

Author Ledio Cakaj’s book, When the Walking Defeats You: One Man’s Journey as Joseph Kony’s Bodyguard, offers a rare insider account of one of the world’s most well-known terrorist groups. This event will incorporate key aspects of the book into a broader discussion about the LRA, how it has changed since 2012, and the present challenges that it poses.

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Scaling Social Innovation in Africa

A Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and Royal African Society event

Listen to Event Audio

Thursday, 17 November
CLM 4.02, Clement House, LSE, Aldwych

Speaker: Ndidi Nwuneli
Chair: Professor Harry Barkema

Social entrepreneur Ndidi Nwuneli will share some insights from her new book, Scaling Social Innovation in Africa. Encouraged by the emergence and early impact of social innovators on the African Continent, but frustrated by the slow pace of large scale change, this book is focused on filling the knowledge gap among aspiring and emerging social innovators. It lays out the required building blocks for achieving scale at impact. It also explores the steps for attracting and retaining talent and financing and forming strategic partnerships with the private, public, and non-profit sectors to foster scaling.

Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEInnovation

This event is free and open to all, but pre-registration required via Eventbrite. Contact the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa at or +4402071075103 if you have any queries.

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Growth in Africa: End of Africa Rising? Opportunities and Challenges in today’s Africa

An IGA and the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa event

Monday November 7 2016
TW1.G.01, Lecture Theatre in Tower 1, Clement’s Inn, LSE

Speaker: Roger Nord  

Starting in the mid-1990s, an increasing number of countries in Africa have been experiencing robust and sustained economic growth. But with the collapse of commodity prices, these gains have been called into question. Is this a rough patch or the end of Africa Rising? What role are new partners such as China and India playing? How to reap the full benefits of natural resource wealth? How to address large infrastructure gaps? And looking further ahead: how to ensure that the demographic dividend is a blessing not a curse?

Roger Nord is the Deputy Director of the IMF’s African Department and oversees country operations in East Africa and francophone West Africa. He is responsible for the IMF’s relations with China regarding Africa.

This event is free and open to all with no ticket or pre-registration required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis. For any queries email


Smuggler or Saviour? The role of human smugglers in contemporary mixed migration

A Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and Institute of Global Affairs event

Listen to podcast

Wednesday 26 October
CLM 6.02, Clement House, LSE, Aldwych

Speakers: Tuesday Reitano, Peter Tinti, Dr Mollie Gerver
Chair: Professor Chandran Kukathas

As millions of people seek passage to Europe in order to escape conflict, repression, poverty and natural catastrophe, their movements are enabled and encouraged by ruthless professional criminal networks that earn billions of pounds from this insidious new trade. But smugglers are also revered as saviours by many of those they move, delivering them to a safer place and a better life.

Disconcertingly, in the contemporary migration context, it has often been those labelled as criminals who help the most desperate when the international system turns them away.

This discussion endeavours to help analysts better understand how people-smuggling networks function, the ways in which they have evolved, and their long term impact on both migration, global security and organised crime.

Tuesday Reitano (@tuesdayjaded) is Deputy Director at the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime (@GI_TOC).

Peter Tinti (@petertinti) is a Research Fellow at the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime.

Dr Mollie Gerver (@MollieGerver) is a Teaching Fellow at the University of Leeds.

Professor Chandran Kukathas is Chair in Political Theory and Head of the Department of Government at LSE.

Tinti and Reitano have recently co-authored a book: Migrant, Refugee, Smuggler, Saviour that thoroughly examines the role of smugglers in Europe's migration crisis.  Copies of the book will be on sale at the event.

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Crisis: South Africa’s political economy after the local elections

Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and Royal African Society public lecture

Listen to Event Audio

Monday 19 September 2016
Tower 1 Lecture Theatre

Speakers: Dr Desné Masie, Nick Branson

Where next for the ruling party after the watershed local elections? We unpack the implications of the results, the growing fractures in the ANC, allegations of state capture and its effect on the economy.    

Dr Desné Masie (@DesneMasie) is an economist and visiting scholar at the Wits School of Governance, who works on international economics, financialisation, poverty and inequality, and African geopolitical economy. She is the co-host of the African Arguments podcast, an economics contributor to The Times, and an associate of the Democracy Works Foundation.  

Nick Branson (@NHBranson) is Senior Researcher at Africa Research Institute (ARI) and an expert in African politics, governance, and the rule of law. He is working towards a PhD in the Department of Politics and International Studies at SOAS.


Charity Begins at Home: should we redirect aid away from developing countries to the UK?

Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa and Department for International Development public lecture

Listen to Event Audio

Thursday 29 September 2016
6.30-8pm Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House

Speaker: Joe Cerrell
Chair: Sarah Sands

There have been a number of calls for Britain’s aid budget to be redirected to domestic priorities. Joe Cerrell will discuss some of the assumptions about aid spending, its effectiveness and its impact.

Joe Cerrell (@CerrJ) is Managing Director, Global Policy and Advocacy for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Sarah Sands (@sandsstandard) is a journalist and Editor of the London Evening Standard.

Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEJoeCerrell

This event is free and open to all but pre-registration required. Registration will open on 8 September through EventBrite. For any queries email or call 020 7852 3735.



Somalia's Foreign Policy Priorities

Africa Centre and Department of International Development public lecture 

Listen to the Podcast 

Friday 20 May 2016 
Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building 

Speaker: Dr Abdusalam H. Omer
Chair: Dr Brian Klaas

In this lecture the Foreign Minister will present Somalia's newly adopted foreign policy. He will also discuss the Somali Government's vision and the current challenges and future opportunities for a new era of peace, progress and prosperity in Somalia, the region and the world.

Dr Abdusalam H. Omer is the Minister of the Foreign Affairs and Investment Promotion of the Federal Republic of Somalia. He has over 30 years international experience in finance, development and institutional leadership. Dr Abdusalam has also served as the Governor of the Central Bank of Somalia.

Find out more about this event