
Graduate weekend 2019


19th-20st October 2019

The annual Graduate Weekend at the historic city of Cambridge is an opportunity to get to know your fellow classmates and faculty.

Travel from LSE and back, overnight stay plus meals at the Hilton Cambridge City, activities and tours around the city are all included in this whistle-stop weekend organised by the Department of Accounting.

This event is open to students on the Diploma in Accounting and Finance; MSc Accounting and Finance; MSc Accounting, Organisations and  Institutions; MSc Law and Accounting;  and PhD Accounting only.

Limited places. Registration opens on Friday 27 September and closes on Friday 11 
October 2019. Cost £80.  Register via the LSE  Online Shop. For more information email
Dorothy Richards on d.richards@lse.ac.uk

Graduate Weekend Cambridge 2019

 To register click here