
Exams and Assessments

Candidate Numbers

Your candidate number is a unique five digit number that ensures that your work is marked anonymously. It is different to your student number and will change every year. Candidate numbers can be accessed using LSE for You.


Exam Timetables

Course by course exam timetables will be available online at lse.ac.uk/exams. For January exams the timetable is usually available towards the end of Autumn Term, for summer exams it is usually available in Winter Term. Closer to each exam season you will also be given access to a personal exam timetable in LSE for You which shows your room and seat number.


Exam Procedures

Exam Procedures for Candidates is the must-read document for anybody taking exams at LSE. It contains all the information that you need to know and is updated each year. The document is less than ten pages and covers topics ranging from candidate numbers to permitted materials to what to do if things go wrong. You can download your copy at lse.ac.uk/exams.

You may only use a calculator in an exam if this is permitted by the relevant academic department. If you are permitted a calculator, it must be from the Casio fx-83 or fx-85 range. If you bring an alternative model it will be removed by invigilators.


Individual Exam Adjustments

Individual Exam Adjustments (IEAs) can be made if you have a documented medical, physical or mental health condition and/or a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia or dyspraxia. The purpose of IEAs is to provide an environment that gives all students an equal opportunity in exams. These adjustments are confidential and will not be listed on your degree certificate or transcript. In most cases you should apply for IEAs as part of getting your Inclusion Plan in place. However there is a different process for applying for IEAs for short-term, unexpected, conditions.  For more information visit lse.ac.uk/iea.



If you have received the teaching for a course but have difficulties in the lead up to, or during, the assessment or exam then you can seek to defer the assessment or exam, in exceptional circumstances. You will need permission from the Chair of your Sub-Board of Examiners to do this. For more information visit lse.ac.uk/deferral.


Exceptional Circumstances

If you miss an assessment that you did not defer, or experience difficulties that you feel may have had an impact on your performance on an assessment you did attempt, you should submit an Exceptional Circumstances Form. This will allow you to alert the Sub-Board of Examiners to the circumstances under which you completed the assessment or exams.  For more information visit lse.ac.uk/exceptionalCircumstances.


Fit to Sit Policy

By entering an exam room, or submitting an assessment, LSE considers that you have declared yourself fit to sit. If you have experienced disruption to your studies (illness, injury or personal difficulties for example) you must think carefully about whether you should attempt the assessment or whether you should consider deferring the assessment or exam.