KPMG Professor of Accounting, UNM Anderson School of Management
Research interests
- Institutional aspects of financial reporting; accountability.
Recent publications
- Sorting and comparing: Standard-setting and "ethical" categories (with Paul Williams, forthcoming) Critical Perspectives on Accounting.
- Misplaced Trust: The American Indian Trust Fund Debacle (with Leslie Oakes, 2010) Critical Perspectives on Accounting, v. 21, 63-75.
- The importance of dissent (forthcoming) Accounting and the Public Interest.
- Reflections on the Practice of Research (with L. Oakes, 2009), Accounting Forum, v. 33, 280-284.
- Cultivating Imagination: Ethics, Education and Literature (with M. Anissette, 2009). Critical Perspectives On Accounting, 20 (1), 93-109.
- Good Options, Bad Options: Metaphors and Accounting for Stock Options (with M. Walters, 2008), Critical Perspectives On Accounting, 17 (5), 805-833.
- Accountability Re-examined: Evidence from Hull House (with L. Oakes, 2008), Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal, 21 (6), 765-790.
- Examining Audit Relations (2006). Advances in Public Interest Accounting, v. 12, 49-65.
- Making Up Users (2006). Accounting, Organizations and Society, v. 31, n. 6, 579-600. This paper was among the top 10 most downloaded papers for AOS for periods July-September 2006 and January-March 2007.
- Changing the Questions (2005). Accounting and the Public Interest, v. 5.
- Constructing, Persuading and Silencing: The Rhetoric of Accounting Standards (2003) Accounting, Organizations and Society, v. 28, 621-638. This paper was among the top 6 and top 15 most downloaded papers for AOS for April-June 2008 and April-June 2007, respectively.
- Silences in Annual Reports (with Michele Chwastiak, 2003), Critical Perspectives on Accounting, v. 14, 533-552.
- Risk(ing) Metaphors (2001) Critical Perspectives on Accounting. v.12, n. 5, pp. 607-625.
- Organizing and Regulating as Rhizomatic Lines: Bank Fraud and Auditing (with Phil Bougen), Organizations (2000) pp. 403-426.
- Constructing the Global Corporation and Corporate Constructions of the Global (with Alistair Preston). Accounting, Organizations and Society (2000) pp. 427-449.
- Accountants and the Everyday: Or What the Papers Said About the Irish Accountant and Tax Evasion (with Phil Bougen and Edward Cahill), European Accounting Review (1999) pp. 443-461.
- From Contract to Speech: The Courts and CPA Licensing Laws (with Patti Mills), Accounting, Organizations and Society (1999) pp. 243-262.
- Defining Auditor's Responsibilities, Accounting Historians Journal. (1997) pp. 25-63.
- Objectivity and the Role of History in the Development and Review of Accounting Standards (with Tom Mouck). Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (1996) pp. 127-147.
- Institutional Thinking: The Case of Financial Instruments. Accounting, Organizations and Society (1996) pp. 487-512.
- Imag(in)ing Annual Reports (with Alistair Preston and Christopher Wright). Accounting, Organizations and Society (1996) pp. 113-137.
- Defending an Accounting Jurisdiction: The Case of Cash Flows. Critical Perspectives on Accounting (1995) pp. 173-200.
- Getting the Accounting Right: Accounting and the Savings and Loan Crisis. Accounting, Organizations and Society (January 1995) pp. 55-80.
- Outlining Regulatory Space: Agenda Issues and the FASB. Accounting, Organizations and Society (1994) pp. 83-109.
- On the Logical Foundations for Self Regulation: Rules, Corporations and Financial Accounting (with Orace Johnson). Research in Accounting Regulation (1989) pp. 131-151.