Visiting Professor of Accounting, LSE
Professor, Accounting and Finance Department, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan)
Research interests
- Financial institutions
- Stochastic efficiency measurement
- Analysts' forecasts
Recent publications
Selected books
- E. Beccalli (eds.): 2013, Retail Credit Risk Management (with Anolli M. and Giordani T.), Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke - New York.
- E. Beccalli (2007), IT and European Bank Performance (Palgrave Macmillan, UK).
Selected papers
- ‘Are European banks too big? Evidence on economies of scale’ (with M. Anolli and G. Borello), Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming.
- ‘Leverage pro-cyclicality and securitization in US banking’ (with A. Boitani and S. Di Giuliantonio), Journal of financial intermediation, vol. 24 (2015), pp. 200-230.
- ‘How analysts process information: technical and financial disclosures in the microprocessor industry’ (with P. Miller and T. O’Leary), European Accounting Review, forthcoming.
- ‘Bank earnings forecasts, risk and the crisis’ (with M. Anolli and P. Molyneux), Journal of international financial markets, institutions and money, vol. 29 (2014), 309-335.
- ‘Earnings Management, Forecast Guidance and the Banking Crisis’ (with S. Bozzolan, A. Menini, P. Molyneux), European Journal of Finance, forthcoming.
- 'Is the Leverage of European Banks Procyclical?’ (with A. Baglioni, A. Boitani, A. Monticini), Empirical Economics, vol. 45, n. 3 (2013), 1251-1266.
- ‘The determinants of mergers and acquisitions in banking’ (with P. Frantz), Journal of Financial Services Research, vol. 43, n. 3 (2013), 265-291.
- 'M&A operations and performance in banking' (with P. Frantz), Journal of Financial Services Research, n. 36, vol. 2 (2009), pp. 203-226.
- ‘Does IT investment improve bank performance? Evidence from Europe’, Journal of Banking and Finance, Special Issue on Developments in European Banking,31(2007), pp. 2205-2230.
- ‘Efficiency and Stock Performance in European Banking’, (with B. Casu, C. Girardone), Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, n. 33, vol. 1/2 (2006), pp. 218-235.
- ‘Cross-country comparisons of efficiency: Evidence from the UK and Italian Investment Firms’, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 28 (2004), pp. 1363-1383.
Selected book chapters
- E. Beccalli, Anolli M. (2011), 'Bank Risk and Analyst Forecasts', in Molyneux (a cura di), Bank Performance, Risk and Firm Financing, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke - New York, pp. 32-54.
- E. Beccalli, Frantz P. (2010), 'The Determinants of M&A Operations in Banking', in Fiordelisi, Molyneux, Previati (a cura di), New Issues in Financial Institutions Management, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke - New York, pp. 171-202.
- E. Beccalli, Frantz, P. (2008) Le aggregazioni bancarie: gli effetti sulla performance operativa in Le Aggregazioni Tra Banche in Europa (il Mulino) edited by Paolo Gualtieri.