Here we speak to MSc Accounting and Finance Student Danyal Adnan on how he started the podcast and what the future holds of the series.
How did you come about the ACT.COUNT.THINK podcast?
While trying to find podcasts run by LSE, I noticed that there is no podcast themed around business and finance. Furthermore, there was no student-led podcast at LSE as all of the podcasts are run by the communications department. I felt that a student-led podcast themed around business and finance would be able to capture the interest of students of these subjects while also enhancing their learning experience at LSE. I approached the Department of Accounting with this idea and it was received very well. Turning ACT.COUNT.THINK from an idea to an LSE podcast which anyone can subscribe to on iTunes took a lot of time and hard work, and I was lucky to have the support of the Department of Accounting as well as my team of marketing and research directors, all of whom played an important role to get us established.
Who is part of the team?
Out team includes a Marketing Director and two Research Directors. Our Marketing Director, Anooshka Choudhary, has been instrumental in us reaching a wide audience on social media and among the LSE student body. The Research Directors, Nooran Khan and Samantha Ong, are currently working on expanding ACT.COUNT.THINK from a podcast to a platform that integrates other form of media, such as articles and videos, so that we are able to reach a wider audience and further enhance the LSE student body's learning experience.

How do you determine who to approach to be interviewed?
I have two main criteria for approaching someone to interview. Firstly, they should have ample expertise and insight into the topic of discussion, and the secondly (and more importantly), they should be able to generate interest from the LSE student body. I also rely on suggestions from fellow LSE students as well as our professors about the topics we should discuss and the people we should seek out to interview.
If students have suggestions on who they would like to listen to or subject how can they get in touch with the team?
There are several ways to get in touch with the team. You can reach out to us on social media, as we are active on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can email me at I look forward to receiving suggestions from more students about who we should interview and what topics we should discuss!
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LSE Act.Count.Think is a student-led podcast that serves as a platform for professionals and scholars to share their insights in order to keep you updated with the most pressing matters in business and finance. The conversation is conducted by Danyal Adnan, MSc Accounting and Finance student at The London School of Economics and Political Science.