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Opinion Blockchain in Auditing

By Nooran Khan, MSc Applicable Mathematics Student at LSE

Blockchain has gained popularity in the recent years and it is intriguing to see how it is being deployed in the real world. Today we shall discuss what role this new technology has in the auditing sector and should we really be concerned about the benefits it provides. (MORE)

Opinion UK Bankruptcy laws need reform

by Sana Malik, LLM Student at LSE

The increase of insolvency cases has brought the United Kingdom’s bankruptcy laws into the limelight once again. Where a company falls into financial distress there are, broadly, three routes it can take: immediate liquidation, trading out of its difficulties, or a disposal of the assets. Unfortunately, the number of companies immediately entering liquidation has increased dramatically, leading to the UK ranking lower than previous years on the World Bank’s “ease of doing business” rankings. (MORE)

Current trends in Globalisation

by Maria Akopyan, LSE, and Kseniia Grebova, The Russian Foreign Trade Academy

In the modern economy, globalisation can be recognised as one of the defining trends, observed even in those countries where other features of the global economy are either not obviously present or completely absent. Globalisation was facilitated by several important factors, including liberalisation of foreign trade and financial markets, the introduction of supranational regulation systems, improvement of stock markets, expansion of national companies internationally and growth of scientific and technological progress.  (MORE)