
Submitting certified copies of qualifications

We are unable to confirm receipt of, or verify, hard-copies of documents that are sent to us by post. We ask that you send all relevant documents electronically.

We will often request officially certified copies of your qualifications as part of your offer. 

We are usually able to verify certain forthcoming qualifications via UCAS (such as summer 2025 IB, A-level, Pre-U, Scottish Higher and Singapore H2 A-level results) provided that your school has arranged for us to receive these via this method.

If we require proof of any previously achieved qualifications, this will be stated on your offer letter, e.g. "Please provide certified documentation of your 2024 Mathematics A-level".

It is vital that we receive official certification of your qualifications. Failure to provide us with these can result in a delay in making your offer unconditional.

**We will begin considering certified documents for Firm offer holders from late March 2025, onwards.**

When to submit your certified documents

Previously achieved qualifications

Please note that where we know there are previously achieved qualifications we will contact you directly to request verification of these documents.

We should receive official certification of any previously achieved qualifications we have requested as part of your offer as soon as possible and no later than 31 July 2025.

This deadline is the same for 2025 offer holders and for 2026 deferred offer holders.

**We will begin considering certified documents for Firm offer holders from late March 2025, onwards.**

Forthcoming academic qualifications

We should receive official certification of any qualifications considered as forthcoming (e.g. Summer 2025 A levels) as soon as possible and no later than 5 September 2025. This deadline is the same for 2025 offer holders and for 2026 deferred offer holders.

Please note that if you are an international student we cannot issue your CAS statement until you hold an unconditional offer. 

**We will begin considering certified documents for Firm offer holders from late March 2025, onwards.**

How to submit your certified documents (Offer Holder self-submission)

We can verify the following academic qualifications via the exam board, provided that you follow the instructions below:

online verification
Qualification Instructions
International  Baccalaureate Contact the IBO and request they release your results to us online. Inform us via our Knowledge Base
CIE (exam board) qualifications* Provide us with the Centre number and Candidate number listed on your certificate. Inform us via our Knowledge Base.

*Excluding: the Bahamas, Botswana, Brunei, Lesotho, Malaysia, Mauritius, Namibia, and Swaziland (please see below for further guidance).

**We will begin considering certified documents for Firm offer holders from late March 2025, onwards.**

How your school/ institution should submit your certified documents

The webform below is for the submission of certified qualifications directly from school/ institution officials only. Submissions from unofficial sources or offer holders will be refused and deleted, without acknowledgement. Where it is found a submission is made in an attempt to impersonate official representatives of an institution, this will be considered as a breach of guidelines and the offer will be revoked.

The form should not be used to submit unsolicited, additional information, such as extenuating circumstances or appeals. Please refer to our contact page for guidance on where to submit this type of information.

Guidance on completing the form (for school/ institution officals only)

In order for your documents to be accepted, the submission must:

  • be sent directly by an official at the offer holder's school/institution;
  • include a scan/attachment of the certificate/results slip, including the official stamp from the school/ institution;
  • contain the full name and job title of the official who submits the documents;
  • provide your final and not provisional results;
  • include the student's name and LSE ID number and
  • include the student's date of birth.

In some cases, we may request additional details to verify results. Where we are unable to verify the official details of your school/ institution, you may be required to provide the submission via, for example, the British Council.

**We will begin reviewing English language submissions for Firm offer holders from late March 2025, onwards.**


Form: Certified Qualification Submission for schools and Institutions

Certified Qualification Submission for schools and Institutions

We will begin accepting certified documents from late March 2025.


English language qualifications

If you have an English language condition as part of your offer, you must send official evidence of your English Language qualification by 31 July 2025. You may be able provide us with evidence via the questionnaire sent in your offer email in the following way:

**We will begin considering certified documents for Fim offer holders from March 2025, onwards.**

English LanguageHow to verify with us
CAE/CPE Share results with our institution via your account and contact us.
CIE (exam board) qualifications* Provide us with the Centre number and Candidate number listed on your certificate
 IELTS Provide us with the TRF number from your certificate
 TOEFL Confirm your date of birth AND provide us with your TOEFL appointment number
 TRINITY Provide us with your UER or Trinity ID number

Frequently asked questions

What happens if I cannot provide evidence of my qualifications before the start of term?

If you cannot provide certified evidence of your requested qualification(s), you will not be able to register with the School. If the School finds that the examinations/qualifications you have declared on your UCAS form are inaccurate or you are unable to certify them, the School reserves the right to withdraw the offer or cancel your application. You should contact the Undergraduate Admissions team as soon as possible if you anticipate being unable to meet our deadlines. 

Should we receive results via a source that we would consider as unofficial or unverifiable, we reserve the right to refuse acceptance of the document(s) to fulfil the offer condition. As an alternative, you should take the official results documents to your local British Council to be certified and they must complete the form above directly with the details, ensuring the provide all of the required credentials listed above.

What should I do if my results are not in English?

Documents must be in English or officially translated into English. You will need to obtain a certified original translation which must be officially stamped by the translator. 

This service can usually be provided by your local university, embassy or translation service. Alternatively, see LSE Language Centre translation service.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the applicant to arrange for a translation of their documents. 

The document must still be sent to us, along with the original language version by your school/ institution as mentioned above.

When will you process my qualifications?

For administrative reasons, we will only process certified academic and/or English language qualifications for offer holders who make us their Firm choice on UCAS. Your school/ academic institution may send your qualifications in advance of your choice, however, we may be unable to acknowledge receipt or process your results until you make us your Firm choice.