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Executive MSc Behavioural Science Alumni

Hear their stories

LSE's EMSc in Behavioural Science was among the most enriching experiences of my career

James Baril

Our alumni are listed by year of graduation



Lucy Chalkly-Maber 
UK (London)
Senior Consultant, Brandpie

Coming from the world of internal communications and organisational culture change, the EMSc has been instrumental in making me more discerning about the effects of the work that we do. It has given me the confidence to challenge the ways things have typically been done to reach more meaningful, impactful outcomes. Aside from the learning, I’ve come away with an extraordinary network of friends. As I delve further into the Behavioural Science community, I’m struck by how generous and humble it is – it is a privilege to be a part of it.


Fadzi Whande
Chief, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Section, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR

The Executive MSc in Behavioural Science has been a game-changer for me. After over two decades in the DEI space, I was eager to explore 'what's next'. The programme gave me language and validation to shift my focus from diversity to the behaviours that foster inclusion and belonging. By deepening my understanding of human behaviour, I can now design and implement impactful, evidence-based initiatives that drive transformational change. This experience has fundamentally changed how I approach challenges and significantly enhanced my ability to lead with impact.  




Colin Jowell
Founder - Good Behaviour and BillWill

My intention after the EMSc was to move my marketing practice into an ethically driven, Applied Behavioural Science domain. For the first year, that’s what happened, and Good Behaviour was established. At the same time, I was investigating whether my dissertation topic could become a viable business. I researched a concept, BillWill, which reduces the sludge-ridden experiences facing the recently bereaved. It is now in market and has become my full-time focus.


Jessica Lomazzo

Senior Manager - Culture & Behaviour, Deloitte Canada

The Executive MSc in Behavioural Science positively impacted my career more than I could have ever planned for. Having informally studied the subject for years, the programme provided an academic rigour that allowed me to expand my understanding and impact, leveraging the topic on an entirely new level. Though I stayed with my existing employer in Consulting, I ended up moving into a team that was more aligned to my studies (Culture & Behaviour). The programme provided me with a new tool in my toolbox that I bring to every problem I’m faced with – professionally and personally.    


Niels Kemp Rasmussen
Founder of Center for Work Wellbeing

Throughout my career, I've primarily focused on behaviour change in the workplace. I pursued the EMSc Behavioural Science program to further develop my expertise in this area.

Surprisingly, my experience at LSE reignited my passion for wellbeing. Motivated by the insightful debate on society's responsibility for population wellbeing, especially mental health, I chose to investigate the state of wellbeing in the corporate environment.

My dissertation findings demonstrated a considerable gap between corporate wellbeing initiatives and their outcomes. These findings motivated me to create a new business, Center for Work Wellbeing, which is focussed on supporting companies in enhancing their employee wellbeing. 


Christopher Walsh

Sr. Social Scientist, World Bank

The behavioural science knowledge and skills I acquired through LSE’s EMSc in BeSci was an invaluable complement and enhancement to the experience and skills I applied at work and in life, thus benefiting myself, the teams I work with, and my organization overall. I was recently asked to take on a high corporate priority assignment that required a combination of strategic communications and behavioral insights, a strong recognition of my pursuit of behavioural science and the EMSc.




James Baril

Partner and Behavioral Insights Lead, VOX Global

LSE's EMSc programme in Behavioural Science was among the most enriching experiences of my career. Coming into the programme, I had a deep appreciation of behavioural science from the usual popular sources of books and podcasts. What I gained was a deeper understanding of these principles and how to apply them. The programme elevated my career, as I now lead VOX’s Behavioral Insights practice. It enabled me to speak intelligently about the subject, offered instant credibility, and provided an opportunity to learn from and study (and make friends) with some of the most brilliant and authentic people in the world.


Sarah Cunningham (nee Conry) 
(Oxford), but originally from Ireland
Managing Director, World Wellbeing Movement / Host, Working on Wellbeing Podcast

The EMSc in Behavioural Science ended up being life-changing for me. Following a 25+ year corporate career, I was eager to follow my passion into a more purpose-oriented role. And the stars aligned, because thanks to this course, combined with my corporate experience, I was appointed to the role of Managing Director of the World Wellbeing Movement: a non-profit social impact organisation whose mission is to put wellbeing at the heart of decision-making in business and public policy. I also host the Working on Wellbeing podcast: worth a listen - available wherever you get your podcasts!


Sameer Munshi

Management Consultant and Behavioral Science Lead, EY

The LSE program was a formative and deeply rewarding experience for me both professionally and personally. It was a rigorous undertaking that I highly recommend only for those looking to push their own boundaries and reshape how they think. The caliber and diversity of the faculty, staff, and students are tremendous, leading to thought-provoking experiences in the classroom as well as in the pub. You'll learn a lot, you’ll make dear friends, you’ll laugh, and you’ll likely cry (did I mention there's a dissertation?). I would do it all again in a heartbeat. The only question left unanswered for me is: do we call our field "behavioral science" or "behavioural science?"


Nitish Upadhyaya

Director of Behavioral Insights, R&G Insights Lab, Ropes & Gray LLP 

The EMSc helped ground me in theory and best practice – transforming my pop science-based interests into a proper exploration of the behavioural landscape (and helping this former lawyer with some rather tricky statistical concepts!). Add to that lecturers who are at the leading edge of the field, and an amazing network of friends that grows up around the course, its been a mind-blowing experience. The legal world is ripe for the application of behavioural insights – and the course ultimately led me to take on a new role as Director of Behavioral Insights at R&G Insights Lab to do just that! 



Ahmad Baasiri

Vice President, Nudge Lebanon

My decision to apply to LSE’s Executive MSc Behavioural Science programme was driven by its rigorous curriculum and the opportunity to further build my capacity in experimentation. The programme gave me a stronger theoretical understanding of the field of behavioral science and practical tools, which I am currently applying to a lot of the pressing policy challenges in the Middle East related to corruption, civic engagement, sectarianism, etc. Throughout my dissertation, I learned how to be more rigorous in my approach which I now bring to my work.


Ana Barjašić

CEO, Connectology

There is no doubt that behavioural perspective is the next big thing in the world of startups, investors and associated policymaking. Given the increasing demand for entrepreneurial success stories and innovation, especially in Europe, factoring psychological foundations in entrepreneurial and investment decision-making is more important than ever.  

LSE's EMSc programme in Behavioural Science is second to none in providing a complete insight into contemporary behavioural science debate and methodology, delivered by world-class experts. Apart from fantastic network of international contacts, this programme has the potential to empower professionals to specialize and create additional value for international early-stage ecosystems.  


Florian Bonnet

Director of Product, Typeform

The EMSc Behavioural Science gave me the fundamental keys to understand what influences people's choices. Professionally, this strong basis allows me to better design experiences that matter for our customers. I also learned a lot about corporate decision making and organisational culture, making me better equiped as a leader to design working environment that allow every individual to thrive.


Victoria Cumings
Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer, RTGS.global

I’m so glad I did the EMSc, it has given me a keen appreciation for how behavioural science touches so many facets of the world and our place and activities in it. Expanding my knowledge around behavioural science has been very helpful in my career, opening my eyes to broader forces at play in organizational culture, financial markets policy and conduct, decision-making, and advocacy, amongst other areas. The education I’ve gained has also opened up a whole new area of personal interest for me, and prompted me to learning more about how people think, why we do what we do, and how that is influenced. This has expanded my horizons and given me extra skills and unique perspectives to bring to the table as I continue to navigate through my career. 


David Grosse
Conduct and Behavioural Risk, HSBC Global Banking and Markets 

The EMSc in Behavioural Science at the LSE was an enjoyable and rigorous programme that has given me a deep insight into the drivers of human behaviour and has armed me with knowledge and tools that I apply in my role within banking, and most importantly allowed me to be part of an excellent cohort of students from around the world who greatly enriched the experience.  


Martina Höppner

Counsellor, German Ministry of Finance

The EMSc in Behavioural Science has equipped me with knowledge and tools that allow me to approach projects in a scientific way and make far better decisions. It has broadened my perspective and sharpened my perception of opportunities for change. The benefits of this experience are not limited to the professional field but have also helped me with private decisions. Through my dissertation, I have discovered a topic that has triggered my fascination and that I will certainly continue to explore. Participating in the programme has been a great experience - both due the content of the programme and the fantastic people I have met. 


Haena Kim

Founder and Behavioural Scientist, dBias Lab

LSE’s EMSc in Behavioural Science teaches both the breadth and the depth of Behavioural Science whilst surrounded by respected professors, researchers, and professionals. The programme equipped me with strong theoretical understanding, experiment design and execution capability, and data analytical skills, all of which have given me the confidence to start my own consulting practice in the field. Most importantly, it has empowered me with abilities to solve today’s prominent problems that require behavioural change.  


Rafael Ortega

Senior Client Partner, Korn Ferry

Being originally trained several years ago in the rational choice school of Economics, the LSE EMSc in Behavioural Science provided me with a much broader view of the nonconscious and conscious drivers of human behaviour, and how to apply the evidence to solve people and organisational problems in more novel and realistic ways. To me, this was a life changing experience.

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George Smith

Head of Training, Coglode

The EMSc has had a huge impact on my career. Previously I was working in branding, and reading books like Nudge help me justify my ideas, but things are different now. I’m now in business with a member of my cohort, and implementing behavioural insights into my work more accurately, and effectively every day – and I train others to do the same. The course made it possible by giving me 3 things: the stories to inspire others, a challenging environment in which to think critically about Behavioural Science, and the confidence to shift my career in a new, positive direction.

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Britt Spyrou
Partnerships Consultant, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), headquartered in Kenya

The EMSc Behavioural Science enabled me to pivot my career from a national food policy advisor for the Australian Government into remote work as an international development consultant supporting small-holder farmers in Africa. After 20 years of working with more than 300 species of plants and animals I realised that I was only really dealing with one: homo sapiens and their decisions in relation to how to manage natural resources. The skills, network and access to opportunities that the LSE enabled has been phenomenal. My EMSc journey led me to specialise in trust and building the power of 'we' to enable change. I use the knowledge gained in my Masters studies to build partnerships and tackle some of the most pressing issues in global food systems today.


Guilherme Victorino
Founder and Director NOVA Innovation & Analytics Lab

If the learnings and network developed during the EMSc was second to none I have to highlight the human quality and constant availability of all the teaching and staff. This is a life changing experience and you will be back to your professional life with a set of new tools that will change your career path. In my case I’m integrating behavioural insights in my design thinking and innovation lab with exciting results for industry, government and academia partners!




Spencer Ackermann

Director of Finance, SignalFire

Joining the EMSc program in behavioural sciences at LSE deepened my understanding of human behaviour and has lead to me finding opportunities for building a more cohesive firm environment. The tools I've learned have allowed me to work more effectively in influencing change within my organisation. Personally the insights gained from this programme, the other students I connected with, and the experience as a whole has helped me grow as person. 

Raymond Au Exec alumni PBS

Raymond Au
Head of Big Data and Data Science, OVO (Visionet Internasional Singapore) 

My job as the Head of Data in the largest Fintech company in South East Asia offers me an opportunity to help millions of people improve their financial well being. While Data Science allows me to discover insights and predict outcomes, behavioural science nudges are required to solve the last mile problem when the ultimate goal is behavior change. The LSE EMSc in Behavioural Science programme has equipped me with the proper knowledge and a toolkit to make me a more effective change agent.


Bat-el Berger
Principal Data Scientist at Bank for International Settlements

The EMSc in Behavioural Science has provided me with knowledge, tools and skills that are applicable in wide variety of situations in my career. From planning projects to decision making, from process optimization to policy formulation, the insights I gained during the programme are applicable to almost all aspects of my job. Additionally, my classmates have provided me with an invaluable support network, which I still consult on a regular basis.


Claire Cogan
Founder, BehaviourWise 

The EMSc in Behavioural Science was a deeply rewarding experience both personally and professionally.  Since completing the course, I have set up BehaviourWise, a consultancy company specialising in behavioural science.  The course has given me the knowledge and skills to do this and opened my mind to the possibilities offered by behavioural science.  It has introduced me to people from many different countries and backgrounds with an interest in the area and has given me the opportunity to meet world-renowned experts in the field.  The combination of academic learning, thought provocation and personal and professional networking, was a very enriching experience.


Eduardo Garza Cavazos 
Founder & CEO, Derby Technologies / CEO, Centro de Integracion Ciudadana 

The programme was an exciting deep dive into the world of behavioural science that nurtured me with the resources to apply the subject at a professional level. More importantly, the cohort, the friendships, and the journey itself made it an experience of a lifetime. Today, when I need to make a business decision in the organizations I happen to lead, it has become normal to analyze the problem from a behavioural science perspective. As a serial entrepreneur, I am working on launching f(h), a consultancy firm that focuses on the mix of behavioural insights with data science, predictive analysis, ML and AI.


James Olan Hutcheson
Founder, Regeneration LLC

My firm supports the continuing education of all its employees and partners - even the founder. The EMSc programme provided not only rigorous coursework but moreover created a unique cohort comaraderie of students and faculty. An experience of a lifetime. 


Tamim Mobayed

Research Specialist at the beIN Media Group

I studied for the MSc to update my psychological knowledge so as to allow me to apply psychology within the corporate world, and it's let me to do just that. I got a job offer from a Behavioural Science consulting firm towards the end of my studies, however, my employer then offered me an improved role within our research department, which I gladly accepted (I had previously been working in editing/production).


Anastasiya Nurzhynska

Communication for Behaviour Change Consultant 

Participation in the Behavioural Science  programme has allowed me to strengthen my career in international development. My dissertation lead me to author a manual for UNICEF on behaviour science tools in vaccination counseling and research on the effect of message framing on vaccine uptake. In addition, I was invited by the EU to design its campaigning strategy in Ukraine based on behaviour science approach. 

Thanks to the EMSc I became dedicated to using the exercise of research to yield empirical evidence and apply it immediately to the work at hand. Combining my expertise in communication with behaviour science provided me with a unique positioning in nonprofit sector. I note my record of accomplishment in behavioral science and communication to motivate positive behaviour, shape policy and achieve social change.  


Jenna Palumbo

Director, Behavioural Insights Unit, NSW Government


The NSW Behavioural Insights Units conducts Behavioural Insights (BI) trials and builds BI capability across the NSW Government.  We work across a range of complex issue areas ranging from workforce diversity to reducing domestic violence and re-offending. As Director, I am responsible for the overall strategic direction and performance of the unit.  The EMSc provided me with a strong foundation to take on this role and has encouraged me to continuously think about the next frontier for behavioural science in public policy.   

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Nabil Saleh
Vice President, Nudge Lebanon

The Executive MSc Behavioural Science has equipped me with tools that can help address some of the most pressing challenges with strong behavioural roots in the MENA region and the Global South. Since finishing my studies, I have been applying what I learned on the ground to create an impact where it is most needed, dealing with issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic, violent extremism, substance abuse, inclusion, fake news, etc. 


Mark Schofield
Founder and Managing Director, MindAlpha

Since completing the EMSc I have moved full-time into behavioural science. I set up my company, MindAlpha, in March 2020. I focus on decision making, operational resilience and culture transformation for performance focussed organisations.

I also work with fellow alumni at MoreThanNow on risk and performance measurement.


Natalia Voutova
Head of Council of Europe Office to Armenia

The Executive MSc Behavioural Science provided me with tools and knowledge to contribute to the further modernisation of the Council of Europe where I work. This in turn, increased my visibility and provided me with opportunities for advancement. After the completion of my degree, I initiated and I am leading the organisational culture review within the Council of Europe as well as redesigning of data collection measuring the impact of policies by states in areas such as fight against corruption, justice, and domestic violence. I have also devised an evaluation model measuring the impact of anti-discrimination policies for UN agencies. 


Gerald Wu
Executive Director, Human Resources, Cineplex

The Executive MSc programme has impacted my career in three main ways. First, it enables me to ground my thinking on scientific-based evidence when formulating human resources strategies and policies for my organisation. In particular on how to change behaviour in the workplace. Second, it provides me with tools to conduct my own research and to critically evaluate studies to further develop my knowledge in the field of behavioural science. Finally, it enriched my network with other colleagues that are interested in behavioural science across the globe that I can leverage throughout my life.




Martin Gonzalez

Organization Development Lead, People Operations at Google

I work in an environment that values the rigor of evidence-based approaches to building billion-user products. The most valuable part of this EMSc was learning how to take those rigorous approaches into the space of management and organization development. It has allowed me to introduce new ways of thinking about people challenges into my work, including finding ways to address cognitive and social biases that keep organizations from being effective and principled. Fantastic faculty and a well structured program that fits the schedule of busy professionals!


Benno Guenther

Director and Co-Founder, Salient

When starting the EMSc I was trading commodities and had become fascinated by human behaviour and decision-making. Doing the course had such a profound impact that I left my job to co-found Salient Behavioural Consultants with two of my class mates. Moreover, I recently returned to LSE to do a PhD in Behavioural Science researching risk-taking in high stake decisions. As much as the EMSc had a career impact, it also had a significant impact on me personally, building great relations with lecturers and brilliant students from all over the world with a great mix of knowledge and experience. 


Pavlos Kanellopoulos

Chief Financial Officer, Kaizen Gaming 

The EMSc from LSE continues to have a material impact in my professional career development. Behavioural Science has opened new avenues and allowed me to expand my horizons outside the strict accounting and financial aspects of a typical CFO role. Since late 2019, inside the BI & Analytics team of our organization, we have created a brand-new role, of a Behavioural Scientist, with an overarching mandate to appraise all internal projects through the lenses of Behavioural Science. Furthermore, as part of the Company’s leadership, we take notice of lessons learned from Behavioural Science in order to reduce our biases and adopt methods that lead to better decision making.


Joshua Parish

Deputy Chief, Emergency Medical Services, Milwaukee Fire Department

The EMSc was a rigorous, but perfectly balanced, compliment to my work obligations. Healthcare providers and public safety professionals alike are thinking more critically about how behaviors impact patient outcomes, employee attitudes and managerial priorities. This degree provided networking opportunities and access to academics at a level that isn’t available anywhere else in the world. My EMSc in Behavioural Science is an invaluable supplement to my public health background and paramedic field experience, and I was instantly able to operationalize my experience at LSE to produce and evaluate programs, producing immediate benefit to my organization and the population we serve.


Madeline Quinlan

Director and Co-Founder, Salient

When I moved to London to pursue the EMSc at LSE, I knew my career would change. What I didn’t anticipate was just how profound this change would be. The programme broadened my focus well beyond finance and economics and provided a basis of knowledge and tools with which to make real measurable impact. As an added bonus, together with classmates-turned-business-partners, I founded a behavioural science consultancy, Salient, which has since been operating in the UK and internationally, translating insights gleaned from behavioural science into practical applications for the real world. The network built during the EMSc is unmatched by any past professional or educational experience I've had, through faculty support, alumni connections, and lifelong professional and personal relationships.


Jeff Vlahovich

Consumer Research Lead, APAC at Facebook 

Although I am not in a Behavioural Science position, the EMSc has allowed me to bring behavioural science to my role. In fact, I landed this role while on the program, and due to the knowledge I gained on the program. In Consumer Research, we are interested in what people do. Without a knowledge of behavioural science, I would not understand why people did what they did. Perhaps though, most important was the network of people gained. Each with their own different backgrounds and perspectives. The EMSc has been a launchpad for me and I'm sure there is much more to come. 



Claire Hobden
Specialist on domestic and other vulnerable work, International Labour Organization

After having dedicated my career to the same overarching challenge for upwards of ten years, the EMSc gave me a brand-new toolkit to accelerate progress towards achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Since graduating, I have carried out behavioural diagnostics and interventions in low-income to high-income countries, developing knowledge on the application of behavioural science to new domains. I have also contributed to the UN Secretary General's Guidance Note on Behavioural Science, and co-authored the UN Practitioner's Guide to support UN Entities looking to use behavioural science to improve the effectiveness of their work.

Ellen RaimEMScAlum

Ellen Raim

Vice President, People and Culture

I use my knowledge of behavioural science in my work all the time. Understanding how people respond and react allows me to design the workplace with this top of mind. We can build processes, tools and culture to create conditions that lead to employee engagement and productivity.


Agata Slota

Sr Manager - Behavior Change, Research and Communications - Palladium

For the past ten years, I've been working in communications roles in international development. Since doing the master's degree I've begun taking on work that has a greater focus on behaviour change, as underpinned by behavioural science insights. I am currently leading a research project on behaviour change and anti-corruption, and am a senior advisor on a programme aimed at changing social norms related to human trafficking.




Ian Hadden
Doctoral researcher, University of Sussex

My Masters dissertation was a field randomised controlled trial looking at whether a virtually zero-cost psychological intervention could help students from low-income families do better at school. The intervention was very successful, reducing the attainment gap by a remarkable 62%. As a result, I'm undertaking a PhD to examine this and similar interventions in more detail. My aim is to help build the evidence needed to support large-scale implementation of similar low-cost interventions in schools. Results are promising and it’s an exciting time! The published paper based on my dissertation is here, and a 10-min video explaining it is here.


Sergio Pelaez

Strategy Director, Bancolombia

The EMSc has provided me with a unique perspective to face any business challenge with very simple but powerful insights on how we really behave in organizational life. It has also triggered new intellectual interests such as narrative economics and psychology of the future.


Sulav Saha

Managing Principal, Data & Analytics

The EMSc has provided a set of tools that let me analyse human behaviour through well researched frameworks, heuristics and biases. The qualification has also trained me in research methods that I have been applying to evolving organisational challenges and opportunities. These have ranged from regulatory compliance, organisational culture, risk management, customer and user experience design.  These skills have complimented my background in data science and analytics and proven to be a key differentiator in my approach to diagnosing, articulating and building pragmatic solutions for clients and employers.    



Quique Belenguer
Behavioral Economics Global Leader, BBVA

The program helped me to really understand what Behavioral Economics is. One thing is reading some books and another truly understanding what all that is about and how to use it. Furthermore, my classmates were brilliant people with whom I had great discussions and who I still call to share ideas and concerns with. No doubt, I got my current position because of my experience at LSE and, as responsible for BE methodology at BBVA, I have the chance to review periodically what I learnt only to find new information and nuances.



Philip Broadley

Independent non-executive director AstraZeneca plc and Legal & General Group plc

I studied for the Executive Masters as I was moving from an executive role to my chosen second career as an independent board member and charity trustee. The programme was invaluable in preparing me for the critical role a board member should play in considering the interests of all stakeholders: attempting to take the point of view of others. Avoiding biases, over-reliance on past experiences and making decisions with imperfect information are examples of the constant use in my work of lessons learned at LSE.

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Henry Chong
Hong Kong

Chief Executive Officer, Fusang Corp.

Fusang is a technology company, but we operate in a world built on human relationships. Studying Behavioural Science at the LSE has helped me to understand how we all think, work, and interact: skills that I put into practice every day as Fusang looks to shape the future of digital finance & build Asia’s 1st digital stock exchange. 


John Hitchin
Chief Executive, Renaisi

I didn't become a behavioural scientist or set or a behavioural science unit in my organisation, but I did take a wide range of methods and theories from the course and applied them to the work we do. It has helped me improve the thinking and quality of our work, particularly around design, and influencing other stakeholders. I continue to use ideas from the Behavioural Decision Science module in how I run our social enterprise, and balance the financial and social impact of what we do.


Zoe Rahwan

Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Human Development

This programme deepened my knowledge of Behavioural Science in a way that is difficult to achieve by self-study. The lecturers were excellent, sharing both their knowledge and passion in class. Classmates inspired research ideas and critical thinking regarding course materials. Moreover, they provided invaluable support in research I undertook subsequently in the field. The capacity to conduct experiments that was developed throughout the programme has been critical to the research I now conduct. The knowledge and tools provided by this program can help to move a student along an existing career path, or as in my case, facilitate a pivot to an academic role.