PBS Ready Set GO-23-09-19-_CG14352-Carl Goodwin Photography

Student life in the department



On this page you will find a general overview of life in the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science (PBS). You will find information about what to expect when you join the department, life as a student, and support available to you.

For a comprehensive guide to what studying at LSE is like, visit the LSE Student Life pages.

For more detailed information about teaching at all levels of study within the department, please read our FAQs:

  • For undergraduate study in the department read our BSc Psychological and Behavioural Science FAQs here.
  • For postgraduate study (including part-time) please read our Postgraduate FAQs here.
  • For executive postgraduate study please read our Executive MSc Behavioural Science FAQs here.
  • For PhD study in the department please read our MPHil/PhD Psychological and Behavioural Science FAQs here.

Our programmes


  • BSc Psychological and Behavioural Science. Accreditated by the British Psychological Society (BPS).

Postgraduate (full and part-time)

  • MSc Behavioural Science
  • MSc Organisational and Social Psychology
  • MSc Social and Cultural Psychology
  • MSc Social and Public Communication
  • MSc Societal and Environmental Psychology (formerly MSc Psychology of Economic Life)

Executive postgraduate: a programme aimed at full-time professionals who want to obtain a graduate qualification in behavioural science

  • Executive MSc Behavioural Science


  • MPhil/PhD Psychological and Behavioural Science

Our approach to teaching

We are proud of our approach to teaching which, in the LSE tradition, aims to understand the causes of things: Rerum cognoscere causas.

Many of our academics work with policymakers, charities, NGOs and organisations to influence change around the world. This is the foundation of our teaching. We encourage you to bring this ethos to your own work.

A number our faculty have won awards for their teaching.

Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) 

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) are core aspects of the university experience. In the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science we want to create a space where students and staff can raise EDI-related issues. This is where our EDI committe comes in; as a forum for critical reflection on teaching, research, and student activities. The committee also organises events that celebrate diversity and inclusion.

Our commitment to EDI is embedded in the LSE Ethics Code and LSE 2030 strategy. LSE strives to enable every member of the school community to excel, by investing in every part of LSE community; by facilitating lasting relationships with our alumni, friends and partners; by ensuring that LSE works for everyone. 

Find out more about our commitment to EDI and how to contact our committee on our EDI webpage.


What to expect when you start at LSE

Welcome and enrolment 

Welcome is when you officially become an LSE student. During Welcome, there will be important LSE-wide and departmental events, including compulsory enrolment. It is also a fantastic chance to meet your fellow classmates and programme team, and get to know the LSE community, clubs and societies before your classes start.

If you’re a new student joining us this year, enrolment is compulsory.

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PBS Welcome at the Peacock Theatre, 2022
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Dr Miriam Tresh helps new undergraduate BSc Psychological & Behavioural Science students with a game of human Bingo as a way of getting to know each other. 


Student handbook

We produce a student handbook for every level of study in the department. The handbook is a comprehensive guide to your specific programme and level of study and is your go-to resource for information on:

  • The department including our address, details about the common room, opening times and social media.
  • Key contacts for your programme including teaching staff and Programme Managers.
  • An overview of your programme, including a breakdown of the programme structure.
  • Tips on how to get involved in student life at LSE including SSLC, Peer Supporters, student only forums, LSE Change Makers, student societies and more.
  • Key information from LSE, including information about Moodle, the Student Hub and more.

The handbook is sent to all students before the start of term and we encourage you to read and refer back to it throughout your studies. If you are a returning undergraduate student, you will receive a new handbook for your academic year.


The academic year

Term names and dates

At LSE, the following names are used for our terms and breaks:

Autumn Term: this is the first term of the year which begins in the Autumn

Winter Break: this is the break between the first and second term, usually starting in mid-December and running until January

Winter Term: the second term of the academic year, starting in January

Spring Break: this is the break between the second and third term

Spring Term: the final term of the academic year, which starts after the Spring break and typically ends in June 

Please note that prior to 2023/24, Michaelmas, Lent and Summer were used to denote our three terms. 

Exact term dates vary depending on your level and mode of study.  For the most up to date term dates, reading weeks and school closures, visit the LSE Term Dates page.

Office hours

All members of LSE teaching staff and Academic Mentors hold weekly office hours during term-time. These times are available on the Student Hub.

This time gives you the opportunity to see your Academic Mentor and/or teaching staff when you need support. This will be a hybrid approach of both on campus and online meetings at the discretion of the individual faculty member. 

What to expect from an Office Hour

Office hours are designated times, typically lasting for ten or fifteen minutes, for academic staff to be available for students to have a conversation about wellbeing, offer feedback on student’s progress, specific summative or formative assessments, and have more in-depth discussion about an academic area. They are often one-to-one and may take place virtually. 

Departmental seminars

Our department host two seminar series which students are encouraged to join:

Departmental Seminar Series

Our longest-running seminar series where guests from around the world, and from LSE, present their research for discussion. These take place most weeks in Michaelmas and Lent terms. You will be notified by email about upcoming events and students are given priority access. Find out more about the Departmental Seminar Series here.

Behavioural Science and the Wider World

This seminar series brings together PBS students, alumni and industry to explore how behavioural science can be applied directly to policy and industry. Find out more about the series here.

The PBS offices and common room: Connaught House

The Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science is based in Connaught House (building code CON).

Our address:

Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science

Connaught House

63–65 Aldwych London


In the building, you will find the student common room, PhD room, and offices for our faculty and Professional Services Staff including your programme managers.

Student Common Room

Connaught House (CON) 5.21 (Connaught House, fifth floor).

PBS students are invited to use the student common room on the fifth floor of Connaught House from 8am to 9pm, Monday to Friday. No alcohol is allowed in this space without the presence of a faculty or staff member.

PBS social events


PBS Halloween reception October 2021
PBS Halloween party in the Shaw Library

 Every year we organise several social events. We work in collaboration with your student representatives to organise the events you would like to come to.

LSE Public Lecture Programme

Professor Cass R. Sunstein

We host a number of events across a wide-range of topics in the psychological and behavioural sciences, bringing experts from around the world and from the department. Guest speakers have included Professor Richard H. Thaler, Professor Cass R. Sunstein, Dr Dambisa Moyo and Professor Jonathan Haidt. 

You can find out more about events featuring PBS speakers and guests on our Events page. Here you will also find recordings of past events. 


Student voice and representation

Student Staff Liason Committee (SSLC)


SSLC_LSE Student Union

SSLC Reps (Student Staff Liason Committee Representatives) ensure student concerns are addressed and students have a say in the running of their programme. They raise issues about the quality of the programme and the experience as an LSE student, including the things they love and the things they want improved. SSLC Reps also ensure that the department listens directly to student feedback and that issues are resolved as swiftly as possible to improve the your teaching and learning experience. 

How does it work? 

SSLC Reps are elected separately for each programme at the start of the Michaelmas Term. The Reps are there for their fellow students to draw attention to what is going wrong and right. The meetings are a chance for the reps to bring their feedback on their courses and the Department in general. 

Each departmental SSLC will meet twice a year, once in Michaelmas Term and again in Lent Term.

Here are just a few things that have changed as a result.


Working with teams across LSE to support and guide you (including LSE Careers and the LSE Student Union)

LSE Careers

We work closely with LSE Careers to design a programme of career events with some of our most established alumni. In the past we have had events how past students got to where they are today, taking your questions and giving you the answers that can help you get on the path you want to be on. 

LSE Careers will work with you on a 1-1 basis as well to help you with your specific questions or concerns.

You will also have access to LSE Careers events more generally, which in the past have covered industries from policy and research, political communications, consultancy and more.

Wellbeing and support from LSE

There are a number of services to support you while you study at LSE, including the Student Services Centre (SSC) LSE Careers, Student Wellbeing, Faith Centre and LSE LIFE.