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Organisational Psychology

Our expertise


Organisational psychology is broadly concerned with how working conditions and structures impact individual wellbeing, mental health, and decision-making in working environments.  

The Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science (PBS) has an established international reputation in organisational psychology, attracting faculty and experts from around the world to conduct their research, and to teach students, at LSE.  

Experts within this discipline have secured grants that have contributed to awareness of risk in different workplace settings, social identity and wellbeing in the workplace and has helped to improve workplace culture across several sectors, from finance to healthcare.  

Experts in the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science work across the following broad themes and topics: 

  • Workplace wellbeing 

  • Risk and safety culture 

  • Workplace identity 

  • Entrepreneurship and underemployment 

  • Individual and group decision-making

Our research is anchored in a shared evidence-based approach that is theoretically informed and policy relevant.

Experts in the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science



Lucia Garcia 2020 200 x 200

Dr Lucia Garcia-Lorenzo

Associate Professor

Key areas of expertise: Organisational change and development; organisational culture; entrepreneurship; knowledge management; temporary work; unemployment; un(der)employment.


Professor Alex Gillespie

Key areas of expertise: Communication; misunderstandings; culture; perspective taking; listening; dialogue.


Dr Ilka Gleibs

Associate Professor

Key areas of expertise: Organisational psychology, social identity, ethics, social psychology.

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Dr Tom W. Reader

Associate Professor

Key areas of expertise: Organisational culture; decision-making; safety and risk.

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Dr Barry Rogers

Visiting Professor in Practice

Key areas of expertise: Impact of temporal context on behavior; challenging organisational orthodoxies; design and delivery of executive education; transitions from technical specialism to enterprise leadership; disruption.