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Behavioural Science

Our expertise


The Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science (PBS) brings together international experts at the forefront of behavioural science, to undertake research that seeks to understand, predict and change human behaviour.  

Our work informs policy in the UK and Europe, including ongoing research relating to COVID-19. LSE experts in the field of behavioural science continue to engage with policymakers and private companies to inform and drive measures of happiness, behaviour change, inclusion and sustainability. 

Experts in the department have paved the way for the use of behavioural science research techniques to test cognition and behaviour, including those found in the LSE Behavioural Lab.

Work in the department addresses the following broad themes and topics:

  • Climate change 

  • Ethical behaviours and decision making 

  • Happiness and wellbeing 

  • Mental health and economic outcomes 

  • Health and public policy 

  • Technology and data 

  • Workplace culture 

  • Risk-taking behaviours. 

Our research is anchored in a shared evidence-based approach that is theoretically informed and policy relevant.

Expertise in the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science



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Professor Liam Delaney

Key areas of expertise: Behavioural science; behavioural economics; health; wellbeing

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Professor Paul Dolan

Key areas of expertise: Happiness; public policy; wellbeing; behavioural economics

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Dr Matteo M. Galizzi

Associate Professor

Key areas of expertise: Behavioural economics; experimental economics; health economics; behavioural experiments in health; behavioural science for health and pandemic responses, behavioural spillovers; behavioural data linking; external validity, generalisability, and replicability of economic experiments

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Dr Laura M. Giurge

Assistant Professor

Key areas of expertise: Behavioural science at work; the experience and use of time; gender diversity; field experiments; workplace innovations; productivity; happiness; work-life balance; power & ethics; decision-making; leadership development


Dr Christian Krekel

Assistant Professor

Key areas of expertise: Behavioural Economics; Wellbeing; Policy and Programme Evaluation; Applied Microeconometrics; Applied Panel Analysis; Spatial Analysis

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Dr Dario Krpan

Associate Professor

Key areas of expertise: Motivation; embodiment; priming; perception; dynamical systems; technology; social cognition

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Dr Kate Laffan

Assistant Professor

Key areas of expetise: Environmental economics; economic preferences; subjective wellbeing; welfare; pro-environmental behaviour; consumer behaviour; charitable giving; volunteering; sustainability


Dr Grace Lordan

Associate Professor, Director of The Inclusion Initiative (TII)

Key areas of expertise: Decision-making; experimental leadership; career success; inclusion; unconscious bias; behavioural science; gender equality; future of work; labour economics

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Professor Michael Muthukrishna

Key areas of expertise: Assimilation; corruption; cross-cultural psychology; cultural and social change; data science; democracy; economic psychology; entrepreneurship; human evolution; innovation; intelligence; multiculturalism; cultural evolution


Dr Jet G. Sanders

Assistant Professor

Key areas of expertise: Behavioural science; experimental psychology; cognitive psychology; time; public health; hyper-realistic masks

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Dr Ganga Shreedhar

Assistant Professor

Key areas of expertise: Behavioural economics; environmental economics; ecological economics; environmental psychology; conservation marketing; behavioural public policy


Dr Ben Tappin

Assistant Professor

Key areas of expertise: Persuasive communication; technology; political behaviour; attitude change; randomised experiments; quantitative methods; Bayesian statistics