Mr Will  Sandbrook

Mr Will Sandbrook

Visiting Fellow

Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science

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Key Expertise
Public Policy, Financial Inclusion, Financial Wellbeing

About me

Will is managing director of Nest Insight, a public benefit research and innovation centre focused on identifying solutions and interventions to help low and moderate income households build financial security. Through this role he has delivered large-scale mixed-method research programmes, including field experiments testing workplace interventions to support improved financial resilience. He is an alumnus of LSE's Executive MSc Behavioural Science, and has published articles on pensions, financial security and related issues including in the AARP international journal, the International Journal of Pensions Management and thought leadership papers for organisations including the World Bank. His current research focus includes work on approaches to enabling pensions wealth to support home ownership; identifying innovative solutions to support financial resilience, and an ongoing focus on scaling solutions to build emergency savings for low and moderate income households. 


Expertise Details

Public Policy; Financial Inclusion; Financial Wellbeing

My research