Ms Sayeh Yousefi

Ms Sayeh Yousefi

PhD Student

Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science

Connect with me

English, Farsi, French
Key Expertise
Belief Revision, Persuasion, Misinformation, Political Attitudes

About me

PhD Topic: Persuasion and Attitude Change 

PhD Supervisors: Dr Jens Madsen and Professor Bradley Franks

Sayeh is a PhD student studying persuasion and belief change. Her research explores how and when people change their minds about key ideological issues. She is specifically interested in how new information and evidence can lead to attitude change, and what factors of information (i.e. the source, the style of information, the content of information, etc.) are most influential in changing peoples’ minds. Her research so far has focused on how we can challenge negative attitudes towards immigrants, and the effectiveness of different types of evidence in political persuasion.

Prior to starting her PhD, Sayeh worked in research on government evaluation projects, consulting on projects involving immigration, employment supports, policing, and other timely policy issues. She also worked as a research assistant at the Parkland Institute, investigating municipal election spending patterns in Alberta. Sayeh also worked on pedagogical research at the University of Toronto, helping design a data literacy course for students at the Munk School. Sayeh holds an MA in Political Science at the University of Alberta and her BA Honours in Peace, Conflict, and Justice studies at the University of Toronto, as a Loran Scholar. 


  • LSE PhD Studentship
  • London Goodenough Association of Canada Scholarship
  • LSE Knowledge Exchange and Impact Fund PhD Grant

My research