
Stephen Machin appointed to Labour Market Advisory Board

Stephen Machin, CEP

Stephen Machin, Professor of Economics at LSE and CEP Director, has been appointed to the newly-created Labour Market Advisory Board, the UK government has announced.

Professor Machin is one of eight board members appointed by work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall MP. The board, chaired by Paul Gregg, the former director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Policy at the University of Bath, will develop new ideas and initiatives to tackle economic inactivity.

Ms Kendall said: “Spiralling inactivity is the greatest employment challenge for a generation, with a near record 2.8 million people out of work due to long-term sickness.

“Addressing these challenges will take time, but we’re going to fix the foundations of the economy and tackle economic inactivity.”

Professor Machin is renowned for his work on labour market inequality. He is a fellow of the Society of Labour Economists and a former member of the Low Pay Commission.