
Why haven't we won the War on Drugs?

Drugs Policía Nacional de Los Colombianos

In the August episode of the #LSEIQ podcast we ask 'Why haven't we won the 'War on Drugs?'

For nearly 50 years, governments around the world, led by the US, have been fighting a war on drugs. The aim? To reduce the production, supply and use of certain drugs and ultimately create a 'drug-free society'. But, having cost the US more than $1trillion to date and taken hundreds of thousands of lives, it’s a war with high collateral damage.

Exploring the issues around current drugs policy are John Collins, Executive Director of the LSE IDEAS International Drug Policy Project and coordinator of the Expert Group on the Economics of Drug Policy, Michael Shiner, Associate Professor in the Department of Social Policy and head of teaching at the International Drug Policy Project at LSE, and Danny Kushlick, founder and head of external affairs of the Transform Drug Policy Foundation.

Each episode of LSE IQ sees a range of LSE academics and other experts line up to give their perspective on one timely question. Next month, we ask ‘What is the secret to happiness?’

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