Beyond Berlin: What Does the Next Decade Hold for the Western Balkans? Chatham House, during the London Western Balkan summit, 10 July 2018. Tena Prelec was a speaker.
International Conference 'Why Remember?' in Sarajevo, July 2018. Professor Kenneth Morrison co-organised the Conference.
LSEE-CEFTA Academic Network Workshop Enhancing Research on Trade in the CEFTA Region, Belgrade, 20 June 2018. Will Bartlett gave a Keynote Lecture on ‘The Plan for a Regional Economic Area in the Western Balkans’.
SEESOX (St Antony's College, University of Oxford) invitation-only policy workshop on The Western Balkans and the Berlin Process. Co-organised by SEESOX and the Bank of Albania. 13 June 2018, Oxford. Tena Prelec and Will Bartlett participated.
Conference: The EU and the Balkans at the end of the First Decade of the 21st Century, University of Peloponnese, Corinth, 4-5 June 2018. Will Bartlett gave a Keynote Lecture on “The political economy of EU assistance to the Western Balkans: complementarity, coordination and competition”.
Consultative Meeting of the Regional Cooperation Council in Brussels, 20 June 2018 (with Nermin Oruč). Will Bartlett presented a report on ‘Labour Markets in the Western Balkans: Performance, Causes and Policy Options’.
UN's International Organisation for Migration (IOM), Baku, Azerbaijan, 27-29 June 2018. Closed door, 3-day policy workshop on Citizenship with government representatives. Tena Prelec presented her research on the Serbian diaspora: ‘Transnational citizenship in action: The changing political views of Serbia's active diaspora’.
Vulnerability to Human Trafficking: A study of Vietnam, Albania, Nigeria and the UK. Report on Albania. University of Bedfordshire and IOM. July 2018. Dr Enkeleida Tahiraj provided comments.
What is New in the New Turkey? CEVIPOL, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, June 2018. Dr Esra Özyürek gave an invited talk.
Conference: ‘The Welfare State in the Western Balkans’, Belgrade June 6-8, 2018. Dr Enkeleida Tahiraj delivered a talk on the feasibility of Universal Basic Income implementation in the Balkans.
The Sustainability of External Imbalances in the European Periphery, 17th Annual Conference of the European Economics and Finance Society (with B. Tunali; London, June 2018). Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis participated in the Conference.
High-Level Conference on Economic and Social Cohesion in the Western Balkans co-organised by TAIEX and the European Economic and Social Committee with the support of the Bulgarian Presidency to the Council of the EU, 15 May 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria. Will Bartlett presented LSEE’s work on social cohesion.
Celebration of 20 Years of the Copenhagen Criteria, Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7 May 2018. Prof James Ker-Lindsay delivered a presentation on ‘The EU and Democratic Challenges in the Western Balkans’.
Roundtable: ‘Security in the Western Balkans’, Cabinet Office, 2 May 2018. Prof James Ker-Lindsay participated.
Transitions in the EU labour market: structure, crisis and recovery, 2nd workshop on Structural Reforms, LSE (May 2018). Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis participated.
Panel: The Continuum of Gender Violence: Networked Reflections’ at Gender Violence Across War and Peace Conference, Women, Peace, Security Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science. 18 May 2018. Dr Denisa Kostovicova was a speaker.
Location, Localisation, Agglomeration: testing the geographical dimension of FDI spillovers Over-education and underemployment in Greece’s lagging-behind regions, SIME seminar – King's College Business School, London (May 2018). Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis participated.
‘BREXIT’ and its implications for the UK and Europe Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, and the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence. 27th April 2018. Prof Kevin Featherstone delivered the lecture.
10th Workshop on Labour Economics 2018, Trier, Germany, April 2018. Tomic, I., & Zilic, I., presented their paper ‘Working for 200 euro? The effects of traineeship reform on labour market outcomes in Croatia’.
Round Table on Preparation of Albanian Civil Society for EU Accession Negotiations at the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in Tirana. 12 April 2018, Tirana – MFA. Dr Max Fras facilitated the round table involving MFA, Prime Minister’s Office, Albanian Parliament, EU Delegation in Tirana and civil society organisations.
Flucht und Integration als Herausforderung fuer Europa Koerber History Forum, Berlin, March 2018. Dr Esra Özyürek participated.
Generation Allah: Democratizing Young Muslim Men and Working Through Holocaust Memory in Germany Mary E. Johnson Lecture on Social Justice and Human Rights at Mount Holyoke College, March 2018. Dr Esra Özyürek participated.
CEPS Ideas Lab, Panel discussion: The Western Balkans: Europe’s Black Hole? Brussels, 22-23 February 2018. Tena Prelec was a speaker.
Workshop: ‘Prosperity and Security in the Western Balkans’, British Embassy Athens, SEESOX and ELIAMEP, Thessaloniki, 16 March 2018. Prof James Ker-Lindsay delivered a presentation on ‘The Drivers of Change in the Western Balkans’.
Workshop: Chatham House, two-day workshop on the war economy in comparative perspective. Dr Vesna Bojicic- Dzelilovic delivered a keynote speech on the war economy in the Balkans.
8th ifo Dresden Workshop on Labour Economics and Social Policy, Dresden, Germany, March 2018. Tomic, I., & Zilic, I., presented their paper ‘Working for 200 euro? The effects of traineeship reform on labour market outcomes in Croatia’.
Political and Economic Reforms in the Western Balkans: Are We There Yet?, Perspectives on the Future of the Western Balkans, Chatham House. 8 March 2018. Dr Denisa Kostovicova was a speaker.
Workshop: Perspectives on the Future of the Western Balkans, Chatham House, 8 March 2018. Prof James Ker-Lindsay delivered a presentation on ‘Britain and the Balkans Post-Brexit’.
Seminar: Civil Society in Albania, 5 March 2018. Dr Enkeleida Tahiraj and Dr Max Fras participated.
Dr Enkeleida Tahiraj was engaged as expert in the University of Bremen (et al) research consortium on Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) ‘Global Dynamics of Social Policy’.
Swedish Institute for Policy Studies on Quality of Government and Corruption across the EU Member States. Dr Enkeleida Tahiraj delivered a talk.
The Establishment of Social Ministries in the Western World stream, part of the Global Social Policy Dynamics research project, University of Bremen. Dr Enkeleida Tahiraj delivered a research piece on Albania.
One day conference on Universal Basic Income and an evening talk, ‘Beveridge Rebooted: a basic income for every citizen?’ as part of the LSE Beveridge Festival 2.0. Event was supported by LSEE, LSE Social Policy, STICERD, LSE ID, UNDP and CBIT. 20 February 2018. Dr Enkeleida Tahiraj co-organised the events.
Round Table discussion at a conference Boosting the Social Dimension in the Western Balkans and Turkey: the Contribution of Governance to Decent Work and Life, organised by the European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Brussels, 31 January 2018. Will Bartlett was an invited participant.
RECOM Process: Institutionalisation of the Initiative for RECOM ‘XI Forum for Transitional Justice in Post-Yugoslav Countries, Organised by Coalition for RECOM, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 28-29 January 2018. Dr Denisa Kostovicova was a speaker.
Conference: Serbian (Yugoslav) – British Relations from the 19th to the 21st centuries, Department of Political Science, University of Belgrade, 26-27 January 2018. Prof James Ker-Lindsay delivered a presentation on ‘British Policy towards Kosovo’.