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Meet some of our MSc Alumni and read about their work after graduation

Alumni from our MSc in Inequalities and Social Science – programme go on to pursuing their passions and tackling inequalities in a wide range of places all over the world. It’s always exciting to hear what our alumni have been up to – here we highlight some of our alumni who are making an impact in their chosen fields. 

The MSc in Inequalities and Social Science has truly broadened my horizons in terms of how to approach problems from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
Carlota Ramos

Carlota Ramos López Duplan, 2023 graduate

Carlota Ramos is currently an advisor on justice and inequalities in the campaign of Mexico’s leftist candidate for the presidency. She's partaking in an ambitious overhaul of Mexico's justice system through comprehensive reforms. This groundbreaking initiative is anchored in core principles: multi-agency coordination, zero tolerance for corruption, gender equality, and unwavering commitment to inclusion and equality.. In addition, she is undertaking a specialization in Governance and Public Innovation offered by the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF), which will further equip her with the knowledge and skills needed to drive positive change in Mexico's governance and address deep-rooted social inequalities.

Michael C. George

Michael C. George, 2016 graduate

Michael is a Senior Advisor to the Deputy Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, which administers the tax code in the United States. Prior to this, he was a Senior Advisor for Policy for Vice President Kamala Harris, where his portfolio focused on economic, tax, budget and labor policy. Prior to his time at the White House, he was a Program Officer at the Gates Foundation, where he led a $30M+ portfolio to support low-wage workers focused on improving the delivery of benefits like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Michael studied Government and Economics at Harvard University, and received Master's degrees from the London School of Economics and University of Oxford as a Marshall Scholar. 

Rob Anderson

Rob Anderson, 2018 graduate

Rob Anderson is Head of Implementation and Policy at the Centre for Homelessness Impact, leading the Centre’s work to support those working to end homelessness across the UK using evidence and data to accelerate their impact. Since leaving LSE, Rob has worked in social policy roles across the UK government, most recently HM Treasury where he led national spending policy on housing and homelessness during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Gaby Harris

Gaby Harris, 2016 graduate
Gaby completed her MSc at LSE in Inequalities and Social Sciences in 2016, and her PhD at LSE in Sociology in 2023. Her thesis explored what studying fashion reveals about girls’ social worlds, how they understand their place within them and how they navigate different social relationships through their wardrobe and consumption practices. She is particularly concerned with how relationships of power and inequality manifest in material relationships and consumption practices. Gaby is now a Lecturer in Fashion Cultures at Manchester Metropolitan University in the Fashion Institute. Gaby remains connected to the III as a Visiting Fellow.

Kosisochukwu Nnebe

Kosisochukwu Nnebe, 2021 graduate

Kosisochukwu Nnebe is a senior policy analyst within the Canadian federal government, as well as a visual artist and curator. Within government, she has led on social equity-related files in areas ranging from indigenous food security to social finance and philanthropy in support of Black Canadian communities. Most recently, she led the development of the Government of Canada’s approach to implementing the principles of the United Nations Decade for People of African Descent. Within her artistic and curatorial practice, Kosisochukwu is focused on continuing to engage with theories around decoloniality and epistemic justice, with a focus on anti-colonial solidarities between Black and Indigenous communities.

Hannah Rich new

Hannah Rich, 2016 graduate

Hannah was in the first cohort of III students back in 2015, supervised by the much-missed John Hills. Since graduating, she has worked in the charity and think-tank sector. She is currently a senior researcher at Theos think tank, researching faith groups, social action and economic insecurity. She has published numerous Theos reports including ‘Beyond Left and Right: finding consensus on economic inequality’ (2021) and ‘A Torn Safety Net’ (2022). She is also the director of Christians on the Left, a faith-based affiliate organisation of the Labour Party and an elected member of Labour's National Policy Forum.

Alma Kaiser

Alma Kaiser, 2020 graduate (Germany)

Alma currently works as a consultant for the federal digitisation of the German public sector, where she advocates for equitable and inclusive digital strategies. For her dissertation at the LSE, she centered the knowledges of cleaning staff to reflect on their enduring marginality in high-ranking London universities. Her research was published by the open access and peer review journal New Sociological Perspectives. The Goethe-Institut magazine Humboldt published her personal reflection as to how stories of absence suggest colonial power structures, which equally originates in an essay she had written at the LSE for the course “The anti-colonial archive.”

Bori Toth

Bori Tóth, 2020 graduate (UK)

Bori is an economist, working in the Government Economic Service in the UK. Her first role was in the local government finance team at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, during which she placed 3rd for the John Hoy awards, which is awarded to the best piece of economic analysis written by a government economist. She is now working in HM Treasury in macroeconomic assessment, while pursuing a MSc degree in Economics. Her main interests are economic inequality and public finance.


Mauricio Renteria Gonzales, 2020 graduate (Peru)

Mauricio is a sociologist and researcher at the Institute of Peruvian Studies (Peru). He has published articles and co-authored books around different forms of inequalities and social class. He did his undergraduate in Sociology at the National University of San Marcos, where he was awarded the first-place award for best overall performance in his class by the Academic Vice-Chancellor. He studied the MSc in Inequalities and Social Sciences in 2020, where he obtained the Atkinson Prize for best overall performance. In 2021 he was awarded the President's Doctoral Scholarship at the University of Manchester to pursue a PhD in Sociology.

Louise Russell-Prywata

Louise Russell-Prywata, 2019 graduate and an Atlantic Fellow for Social and Economic Equity (UK)

Louise is the Director of Policy and Programs at OpenOwnership, a global initiative driving technology and policy changes that increase corporate transparency. Louise leads a program of work supporting governments to establish open data registers of the people who benefit or control companies based in their jurisdictions. Previously Louise was Head of Development at Transparency International UK, where she worked closely with the organisation’s research, policy, advocacy and communications teams to develop and fundraise for campaigns and projects that address a variety of anti-corruption issues. 


Nathalia de Andrade Medeiros Tavares, 2019 graduate (Brazil)

Nathalia is a published author, a researcher and a lawyer, who has more than 10 academic publications, including her book about inequalities, social protection and taxation. Currently, she works as a research leader and a lawyer who manages a team of tax and fiscal litigation and advisory in Brazil, providing consultancy to Development Banks, Government Social Security institutions and health care institutions. Besides her current experiences, Nathalia also worked as an Assistant Professor in Public Finance and Tax Law at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, as a Councilor’s assessor in decisions rendered for the Federal Council of Taxpayers in Brazil, and as a volunteer on labour and social protection laws.


Keir Lewis, 2019 graduate (UK)

Keir has recently started in a new role as the Research and Learning Officer for 4in10, London's Child Poverty Network. In this role, he conducts research on the implications and causes of child poverty in London and takes part in training and communications activities for the organisation. Previously, Keir worked for Just Finance Foundation, which is a charity that fights against the injustices of the financial system in the UK. In his role as the Programme Co-ordinator, he focused on programme delivery for vulnerable adults who experience financial precariousness, as well as contributing to campaigns.


Kulsoom Jafri, 2018 graduate (UK)

Kulsoom is the Lead Campaigner for Seafarers and Inland Navigation at the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF). She campaigns to promote better working conditions in the global maritime industry where workers are often invisibilized but keep essential world trade moving. Her work challenges the exploitative practices of shipping and cruise companies, as well as holding states accountable for poor employment regulations.

Angela Picciariello - International Inequalities Institute - III - London School of Economics - LSE - MSc

Angela Picciariello, 2018 graduate (Italy)

Angela has been working as Research Lead on Inequality and Measurement for Oxfam GB, focusing on campaign-oriented research around inequalities, the taxation of wealth and climate change. In April 2020, Angela started a new role at ODI as Senior Research Officer in the Climate and Sustainability Programme, carrying out research on a range of sustainable development and climate policies.


Cara Leavey, 2018 graduate (UK)

Cara currently works at the Health Foundation as a Policy and Programme Officer. She mainly works on the Young people's future health inquiry programme. The programme explores young people's ability to access the core building blocks of health, such as housing or work, and the systems around them needed to create these opportunities. She also helps manage a programme for the Health Foundation which looks at how economic development interventions can be used to shape health outcomes. 


Bart van Bruggen, 2017 graduate (Netherlands)

Bart works as manager of the nursing track of a regional Healthcare College in the Netherlands. In the March 2021 general election, he was a parliamentary candidate for the Dutch Labour Party, but they did not obtain enough seats for him to be elected. In the past, Bart worked as a senior policy adviser to the Netherlands Patients Federation, representing the interests of patients in the Dutch health care system.

Veronica Avila updated

Veronica Avila, 2017 graduate (US)

Veronica  currently lives in New York and works as the Deputy Director of Worker Campaigns at the Action Center on Race and the Economy, ACRE. Before that, she worked as a digital campaigner supporting progressive groups build online support for offline campaigns and as an organizer/researcher with labour (trade) unions and workers' centers.

Anthony Miro Born

Anthony Miro Born, 2017 graduate (Germany)

Anthony Miro Born is a doctoral student in the Department of Sociology at the LSE. His PhD research focuses on the intersections of social mobility, housing inequality and territorial stigmatisation. He previously worked at Humboldt University in Berlin and at the European Parliament in Brussels. 

Liz mann

Liz Mann, 2016 graduate (UK)

Liz is a Leverhulme Trust Scholar based in the Department of Social Policy at the LSE. Her research focuses on wealth inequality, exploring its interaction with income inequality and poverty, the extent to which people’s position in the wealth hierarchy is static over time and the extent to which this correlates to their income. It also looks at public attitudes towards both wealth inequality and the possible policy responses.


Gaby Harris, 2016 graduate (UK)

Gaby returned to the III in 2018 as an ESRC funded doctoral student. Her project focuses on young people’s experiences of social exclusion. Specifically, in how status and taste are displayed through branded clothing and the symbolic meaning behind brand choices. Her interests lie in how distinctions of taste are experienced and how these vary across intersections of class, race and gender. The research will take an ethnographic approach to explore this.

Mark-Rucci (updated

Mark Rucci, 2016 graduate (US)

Mark is a current J.D. Candidate at the University of Michigan Law School, with experience in both the U.S. Department of Justice and United States Attorney's Office. He is a former director at Revolution's Rise of the Rest Seed Fund, a venture firm dedicated to investing in underrepresented founders in underserved markets. There, Mark worked with policymakers, universities, investors, media, and companies to foster innovation and democratize access to capital in all parts of the United States. Prior to that, Mark worked as a strategy consultant for federal agencies and international NGOs at Deloitte Consulting in Washington, DC. During his time at LSE, he also served as a research assistant to Professor Abigail McKnight in the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE). Alongside his colleagues at CASE, Mark helped to publish papers on the relationship between poverty and inequality for the European Commission and Oxfam.  


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