Professor Jane Elliott is a Professorial Research Fellow at the International Inequalities Institute. She is leading an ESRC-funded project ‘UK Voices: new methods for understanding the impact of social change on individual lives’. This pilot project aims to augment UK data infrastructure by developing a mixed-methods, repeated cross- sectional data resource that includes detailed qualitative data on a very large and representative sample of the population. She obtained her PhD in Sociology from the University of Manchester, and an undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Social and Political Sciences from the University of Cambridge. Prior to joining LSE, Jane was a Professor of Sociology at the University of Exeter, and from 2014-2017 was Chief Executive of the Economic and Social Research Council. She has a long-standing interest and expertise in combining qualitative and quantitative research and in data infrastructure for the social sciences. From 2009- 2014 she was Director of the Centre for Longitudinal Studies which manages the British Birth Cohort Studies.