
COVID-19 and its Impact on Domestic Workers: continental perspectives on Argentina, India, and the United Kingdom

Hosted by the International Inequalities Institute

Online public event


 Dr. Shalini Grover

Dr. Shalini Grover

Research Officer for Globalised Care Economies, LSE III

Dr. Joyce Jiang

The Voice of Domestic Workers

Dr. Lorena Poblete

Dr. Lorena Poblete

Associate Professor at the National University of San Martin

 Professor Louise Ryan

Professor Louise Ryan

Director of Global Diversities and Inequalities Research Centre, London Metropolitan University

Dr. Neha Wadhawan

Dr. Neha Wadhawan

Work in Freedom Program, ILO, Delhi


Dr Alpa Shah

Dr Alpa Shah

Associate Professor of Anthropology, LSE; Lead III Researcher on Global Economies of care

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on the lives of the millions of domestic workers across the world who provide essential services of care but are rarely seen as essential workers?

This International Inequalities Institute seminar will compare the experiences of domestic workers in India, Argentina and the UK to address three fundamental issues. It will ask what the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed about the inequalities faced by domestic workers. It will explore how the impact of the pandemic on domestic care workers makes us reflect on the question of what is work. And it will investigate the implications of the pandemic on work relations between employers and domestic workers. The aim is to highlight, examine and compare the multiple crises and inequalities of care experienced by those who are essential to giving care across three continents. 

Dr. Shalini Grover is currently Research Officer for Globalized Care Economies at the International Inequalities Institute (III) LSE. She has published widely on marriage, love, kinship, legal pluralisms, labour relations and care work.

Dr. Joyce Jiang is a lecturer in Human Resource Management at the York Management School, University of York.

Dr. Lorena Poblete is a researcher based in Argentina and Associate Professor at the National University of San Martin (IDEAS-UNSAM). Her research is based on labour regulations, social security regimes and labour institutions.

Professor Louise Ryan is Director of the Global Diversities and Inequalities Research Centre, London Metropolitan University. She is an established scholar in the field of migration engaging with many research projects and grants on this theme.

Dr. Neha Wadhawan is associated with the Work in Freedom Program, ILO, Delhi. Her work is on migrant domestic workers in Jharkhand and Delhi and policy issues around domestic work.

Dr Alpa Shah (@alpashah001) is Associate Professor of Anthropology at LSE and leads the LSE International Inequalities Institute Research Theme on Global Economies of Care.

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