

The III at 10: New Directions in Inequality Research

We are delighted to announce a two-day conference to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the International Inequalities Institute, taking place on 18-19 September 2025 at LSE.

The aim of the conference is to bring together current examples of innovative and important research on inequality from across the social sciences and to help chart a path forward for interdisciplinary research on inequality.

We invite submissions of innovative research papers on any aspect of inequality, especially (but not exclusively) those related to the III’s main research programmes, namely: (i) Wealth, Elites and Tax Justice; (ii) Opportunity and Mobility; (iii) Perceptions of Inequality; (iv) Gender Justice and the Wellbeing Economy; (v) research related to the III’s Global Inequality Observatory.

The conference will feature two Keynote Speakers:

Thomas PikettyParis School of Economics 
Leslie McCallStone Center, City University of New York 

The conference will also include a panel discussion on the present and future of research on inequality, with the participation of Armine Ishkanian (LSE), Anne Phillips (LSE) Francisco Ferreira (LSE), Branko Milanovic (Stone Center, CUNY) and others.

Submission guidelines

A full paper (preferred) or an extended abstract must be submitted by 28 March 2025 to iii.anniversary@lse.ac.uk, as a pdf file. Only one paper may be submitted per corresponding author, but they may be co-authors on other submissions. Decisions will be communicated by 12 May 2025.

Scientific committee

Submissions will be considered by a programme committee consisting of Francisco Ferreira (chair), Paolo Brunori, Frank Cowell, Armine Ishkanian, H. Xavier Jara, Stephen Jenkins, Naila Kabeer and Mike Savage.


We regret that the conference will be unable to provide funding for travel or accommodation for contributing participants.

Questions may be addressed to iii.anniversary@lse.ac.uk.