Staff publications

Research published by our academics during their tenure in the Department

The Department of International History produces extensive world-class research. New material published by our faculty members since 2012, namely academic articles, chapters and books, can be found here. For work published in previous years, please browse the LSE Research Online or find out more about the research interests of each individual academic in the People section and on LSE Experts.

Latest Books



Globalizing Europe: A History

Dr David Motadel (2025) (Cambridge University Press)

The book explores modern Europe's entanglements with the wider world, considering the continent not only as an engine but also as a product of global transformations.



Beatriz Allende spanish versioncover

Beatriz Allende. Una vida revolucionaria en América Latina durante la Guerra Fría

Dr Tanya Harmer (2024) (Spanish edition release)

This biography of Beatriz Allende (1942-1977) - revolutionary doctor and daughter of Chile's socialist president, Salvador Allende - portrays what it means to live, love, and fight for change. Inspired by the Cuban Revolution, Beatriz and her generation drove political campaigns, university reform, public health programs, internationalist guerrilla insurgencies, and government strategies. Centering Beatriz's life within the global contours of the Cold War era, Tanya Harmer exposes the promises and paradoxes of the revolutionary wave that swept through Latin America in the long 1960s.

Contesting Indonesia

Contesting Indonesia: Islamist, Separatist, and Communal Violence since 1945 

Dr Kirsten E. Schulze (Cornell University Press, 2024)

Contesting Indonesia explains Islamist, separatist and communal violence across Indonesian history since 1945. In a sweeping argument that connects endemic violence to a national narrative, Kirsten E. Schulze finds that the outbreak of violence is related to competing local notions of the national imaginary as well as contentious belonging.

Drawing on a vast collection of interviews and archival and published sources, Contesting Indonesia provides a new understanding of the history of violence across the Indonesian archipelago.


Global Monarchy: Royal Encounters in the Imperial Age

Dr David Motadel

On 2 October, Dr David Motadel published his new book. His work is based on the prestigious Ernst Kantorowicz Lecture which David gave in 2023.

The book examines how non-European monarchs used state visits to imperialist Europe in the 19th century to preserve their country's independence. It shows how the monarchs represented their country during state visits to the courts of Europe, to what extent rituals such as the exchange of gifts, the awarding of medals and participation in military parades supported the dynastic legitimacy of the non-European monarchs as well as the sovereignty of their country, and finally the extent to which state visits by non-European monarchs offered a way to integrate their country into an order of non-European powers dominated by the European powers. international relations.

Dr Motadel's book will be published in English next year, but for now you can view the German version here: Globale Monarchie - David Motadel | Wallstein Verlag (

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State Building in Cold War Asia: Comrades and Competitors on the Sino-Vietnamese Border

Dr Qingfei Yin (Cambridge University Press, 2024)

Departing from conventional studies of border hostility in inter-Asian relations, Yin Qingfei explores how two revolutionary states – China and Vietnam – each pursued policies that echoed the other and collaborated in extending their authority to the borderlands from 1949 to 1975.

Making use of central and local archival sources in both Chinese and Vietnamese, she reveals how the people living on the border responded to such unprecedentedly aggressive state building and especially how they appropriated the language of socialist brotherhood to negotiate with authorities. During the continuous Indochina wars, state expansion thus did not unfold on these postcolonial borderlands in a coherent or linear manner.

Weaving together international, national, and transnational-local histories, this deeply researched and original study presents a new approach to the highly volatile Sino-Vietnamese relations during the Cold War, centering on the two modernising revolutionary powers' competitive and collaborative state building on the borderlands and local responses to it.

Making Sense of the Great War Mayhew

Making Sense of the Great War: Crisis, Englishness, and Morale on the Western Front

Dr Alex Mayhew (Cambridge University Press, 2024)

The First World War was an unprecedented crisis, with communities and societies enduring the unimaginable hardships of a prolonged conflict on an industrial scale.

In Belgium and France, the terrible capacity of modern weaponry destroyed the natural world and exposed previously held truths about military morale and tactics as falsehoods. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers suffered some of the worst conditions that combatants have ever faced. How did they survive? What did it mean to them? How did they perceive these events?

Whilst the trenches of the Western Front have come to symbolise the futility and hopelessness of the Great War, Alex Mayhew shows that English infantrymen rarely interpreted their experiences in this way. They sought to survive, navigated the crises that confronted them, and crafted meaningful narratives about their service. Making Sense of the Great War reveals the mechanisms that allowed them to do so.

Ron Book

The Blue Frontier: Maritime Vision and Power in the Qing Empire (Revised Chinese Edition)

Dr Ron C. Po (National Taiwan University Press, 2024)

In this revisionist history of the eighteenth-century Qing Empire from a maritime perspective, Ronald C. Po argues that it is reductive to view China over this period exclusively as a continental power with little interest in the sea. With a coastline of almost 14,500 kilometers, the Qing was not a landlocked state. Although it came to be known as an inward-looking empire, Po suggests that the Qing was integrated into the maritime world through its naval development and customs institutionalization. In contrast to our orthodox perception, the Manchu court, in fact, deliberately engaged with the ocean politically, militarily, and even conceptually. The Blue Frontier offers a much broader picture of the Qing as an Asian giant responding flexibly to challenges and extensive interaction on all frontiers - both land and sea - in the long eighteenth century.

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Made in China: When US-China Interests Converged to Transform Global Trade

Dr Elizabeth Ingleson (Harvard University Press, 2024)

The surprising story of how Cold War foes found common cause in transforming China’s economy into a source of cheap labor, creating the economic interdependence that characterizes our world today.

For centuries, the vastness of the Chinese market tempted foreign companies in search of customers. But in the 1970s, when the United States and China ended two decades of Cold War isolation, China’s trade relations veered in a very different direction.

Elizabeth Ingleson shows how the interests of US business and the Chinese state aligned to reframe the China market: the old dream of plentiful customers gave way to a new vision of low-cost workers by the hundreds of millions. In the process, the world’s largest communist state became an indispensable component of global capitalism.

Ron Po Book 2024 website

Shaping the Blue Dragon: Maritime China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

Dr Ron C. Po (Liverpool University Press, 2024)

In Shaping the Blue Dragon, Ronald Po examines China’s relationship with the maritime world from the Ming through the Qing by following the stories of ordinary and extraordinary people engaging with the blue domain. Pirates, cartographers, administrators, naval generals, maritime writers, emperors, visionaries, and travellers. Most of their stories are unheard in the Anglophone community. Despite the range of their backgrounds and expertise, their cumulative lives were all bounded to the sea. They bared their own souls and mirrored their own logics and reflections in their actions, yet in doing so their characters, identities, and life histories were largely shaped by a maritime China that was in transition between the fourteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

Perfidious Albion – Britain and the Spanish Civil War 2024

Perfidious Albion – Britain and the Spanish Civil War

Professor Paul Preston (The Clapton Press, 2024)

Essential reading for anyone interested in finding out more about the background to British attitudes to the Spanish Civil War. The book's title reflects the first three chapters that deal with the hypocrisy and prejudice of British foreign policy towards the Spanish Republic, greatly influenced by the right-wing diplomats Norman King and Sir Henry Chilton. The final two chapters assess the influence on British perceptions of the Spanish Civil War of four prominent 'writer-historians': George Orwell, Herbert Southworth, Burnett Bolloten and Gerald Brenan.

Nicaragua Must Survive

Nicaragua Must SurviveSandinista Revolutionary Diplomacy in the Global Cold War

Dr Eline van Ommen (University of California Press, 2023)

This book details the innovative diplomatic campaign of the Sandinistas during the Cold War era, attracting global attention and support. Through a blend of grassroots organizing and formal foreign policy, the revolutionaries managed to create an international environment that helped them withstand challenges and pressure from the United States in Central America. The book emphasizes the pivotal role of Western Europe in Nicaragua's revolutionary diplomacy and highlights the diverse range of individuals who were drawn to the country to witness the revolution firsthand.

Architects of Terror. Paranoia, Conspiracy and Anti-Semitism in Franco’s Spain 2023

Architects of Terror: Paranoia, Conspiracy and Anti-Semitism in Franco’s Spain

Professor Paul Preston (William Collins, 2023)

Architects of Terror is the story of how fake news, mendacity, corruption and nostalgia for lost empire generated violence and hatred. The book presents vivid portraits of the key ideologues who propagated the myth of the Jewish-Masonic-Bolshevik Conspiracy and of the military figures who implemented the atrocities that it justified. Among the convictions shared by these individuals was their belief in the idea that Freemasonry was responsible for Spain ’ s loss of empire and in the factual veracity of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the notorious fiction about the global domination of the Jews.

New Zealand, Britain, and European Integration Since 1960

New Zealand, Britain, and European Integration Since 1960

Dr Hamish McDougall (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023)

This book examines how New Zealand, despite its distance from Western Europe, held significant political sway in Britain's accession to the European Community due to trade negotiations. The issue of New Zealand's trade with Britain had the potential to disrupt UK's efforts to join the Community, being impacted by the Cold War, economic shocks, and decolonization. Even post-entry, New Zealand continued to create tensions between Britain and an integrating Europe. The book challenges traditional portrayals of British decline and colonial independence, shedding light on Britain's efforts to retain influence post-empire.

Sherman Nehrus India A History in Seven Myths

Nehru's India: A History in Seven Myths

Professor Taylor C. Sherman (Princeton University Press, December 2022)

Nehru’s India brings a nuanced set of new interpretations to the history of early independent India. Taylor Sherman reevaluates the role of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister, in shaping the nation. She argues that the notion of Nehru as the architect of independent India, as well as the ideas, policies, and institutions most strongly associated with his premiership have lost their explanatory power.

Po-Turning the Tide Historical Actors and Social Memory in Late Qing China

Turning the Tide: Historical Actors and Social Memory in Late Qing China

Dr Ronald C. Po (China Times Publishing Co,Octber 2022)

“Turning the tide” was a common goal of a sizeable number of Chinese intellectuals and Western advisors in nineteenth-century China in the hope of strengthening the country. But these historical actors, argued Dr. Po, were also conditioned by a series of structural and external problems, alongside their own cultural traditions and frustrations, while eagerly looking for a way to revitalise the empire.


False Prophets: British Leaders' Fateful Fascination with the Middle East from Suez to Syria

Professor Nigel Ashton (Atlantic Books, March 2022)

The book explores the reasons why British leaders have been unable to resist returning to the mire of the Middle East, while highlighting the misconceptions about the region that have helped shape their interventions, and the legacy of history that has fuelled their pride and arrogance. 

Zubok - Collapse

Collapse. The Fall of the Soviet Union

Professor Vladislav Zubok (Yale University Press, 2021)

This major study of the collapse of the Soviet Union shows how Gorbachev’s misguided reforms led to its demise. Thirty years on, Professor Zubok, who observed the Soviet collapse for himself, offers a major reinterpretation of the final years of the USSR, refuting the notion that the breakup of the Soviet order was inevitable.


The Ottomans: Khans, Caesars, and Caliphs

Professor Marc David Baer (Basic Books, 2021)

The book recounts the Ottomans’ remarkable rise from a frontier principality to a world empire, tracing their debts to their Turkish, Mongolian, Islamic, and Byzantine heritage. 


Women of the Somali Diaspora. Refugees, Resilience and Rebuilding After Conflict

Dr Joanna Lewis (Hurst Publishers, 2021)

A study of resilience after conflict through the experiences of Somali women refugees and their community in the London diaspora.


The Placid Ocean: Qing China and the Asian Seas

Dr Ronald C. Po (China Times Publishing Co., 2021)

The book examines various topics ranging from the story of consuming shark fins and the social history of Chinese sea poems, to maritime militarisation across the Bohai Sea and the interdisciplinary history of visualising marine species in eighteenth century China. Dr Po connects these topics through an intellection of what he calls “new Qing maritime history.” The book will take the reader on a journey revealing how the maritime world has mattered to China, as well as how China the maritime world.

Cant - LandWithoutMasters

Land without Masters: Agrarian Reform and Political Change under Peru’s Military Government

Dr Anna Cant (University of Texas Press, 2021)

The book offers a fresh perspective on the way the Peruvian government’s major 1969 agrarian reforms transformed the social, cultural, and political landscape of the country.

Casey - War Beat Pacific

The War Beat, Pacific. The American Media at War Against Japan

Professor Steven Casey (Oxford University Press, 2021)

The definitive history of American war reporting in the Pacific theater of World War II, from the attack on Pearl Harbor to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Hartley - MagicTextsTravel

Magic, Texts and Travel: Homage to a Scholar, Will Ryan

Professor Janet Hartley (co-editor, Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia, 2021)

Co-edited with Dr Dennis Shaw (Birmingham), the book focuses on the three themes of magic, text, and travel in relation to Russia and other Slavonic regions.


Toward a Global History of Latin America’s Revolutionary Left

Dr Tanya Harmer (co-editor, University Press of Florida, 2021)

The volume showcases new research on the global reach of Latin American revolutionary movements during the height of the Cold War, mapping out the region’s little-known connections with Africa, Asia, and Europe.


Revolutionary World. Global Upheaval in the Modern Age

Dr David Motadel (Cambridge University Press, 2021)

Bringing together a group of distinguished scholars, the book shows that the major revolutions of the modern age, which have so often been studied as isolated national or imperial events, were almost never contained within state borders and were usually part of broader revolutionary movements.


The Volga. A History of Russia's Greatest River

Professor Janet Harlety (Yale University Press, 2021)

The Volga River has played a crucial role in the history of the peoples who are now a part of the Russian Federation – and has united and divided the land through which it flows. Professor Hartley explores the history of Russia through the Volga from the seventh century to the present day.



Po, Ronald (2023) “Defining Chinese Commodities in the Early Modern Era: A Historical and Conceptual Analysis,” in David Ludden (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, published online on May 24, 2023).

Thomas WIlkinson

Wilkinson, Tom (2023) "Consuming Students: Advertisements and the Indian Youth Market, 1935–65", South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 46:2, 481-511. 


Stock, Paul (2023). "The Idea of Asia in British Geographical Thought", 1652–1832. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1-24.


Spohr, Kristina (2023) "The Baltic States, Russia and Europe's order 1917-1991-2022" in Charles Clarke, Understanding the Baltic States (Hurst Publishers). 

Spohr, Kristina., Zubok, Vladislav., Ludlow, Piers, et al (2023) "The war in Ukraine, Cold War History", 23:1, 121-206. 


Motadel, David (2023). "The Political Role of the Historian". Contemporary European History, 32(1), 38-45. 


Po, Ronald (2023) “China and the Sea in Literature and (Mis)Perception, 1644-1839,” in Paul D'Arcy (ed.), The Cambridge History of the Pacific Ocean (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), vol. 1, pp. 549-573.



Thomas WIlkinson

Wilkinson, Tom (2022) "The Undisciplined Youth and a Moral Panic in Independent India", Circa 1947-1964. Journal of Historical Sociology, 35( 4), 507– 526


Motadel, David (2022) Globalizing Europe: European History after the Global TurnAnnales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales - English Edition. 1-21. 

Professor Janet Hartley

Hartley, Janet (2022) Veterans and Empire: A Comparison of British and Russian Treatment of Veterans in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth CenturiesJournal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 100, 14-31.



Stock, Paul (2022) How Should Historians Talk About Spatial Agency? Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques, 48:1, 1-22.



Dominic Lieven (2022) In the Shadow of the GodsThe Emperor in World History, Penguin, UK


Ashton, Nigel (2022) False Prophets: British Leaders' Fateful Fascination with the Middle East from Suez to Syria, Atlantic Books, London, UK

Ashton, Nigel and Aldous, Richard (2022) David Reynolds: Studies in Competitive Co-operationDiplomacy and Statecraft, 33:1, 1-18. This is part of a special issue that Professor Ashton co-edited under the same name.


Ingleson, Elizabeth (2022) U.S.-China Relations in the Cold War: Bridging Two Eras. In Reeder, Tyson (ed.), Routledge History of U.S. Foreign Relations. Routledge, New York, USA and Abingdon, UK, 341-356.



Professor Marc David Baer

Baer, Marc David (2021) The Ottomans: Khans, Caesars, and Caliphs, Basic Books, New York, New York, USA.

Anna Cant

Cant, Anna (2021) Radio Education in the Andes during the second half of the 20th Century. In Beezley, William H. (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History. Oxford University Press, USA.

Cant, Anna (2021) Land without Masters: Agrarian Reform and Political Change under Peru's Military Goverment, University of Texas Press, Austin, USA.


Casey, Steven (2021) The War Beat, Asia: The American Media at War Against Japan, Oxford University Press, New York, USA and Oxford, UK.


Harmer, Tanya and Martín Álvarez, Alberto (eds) (2021) Toward a Global History of Latin America’s Revolutionary Left. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA.

Harmer, Tanya, Frens-String, Joshua, and Schlotterbeck, Marian (2021) Special Issue: Chile’s Popular Unity (UP) Experiment at 50. Eds. Radical Americas, 6:1.

Harmer, Tanya, Frens-String, Joshua, and Schlotterbeck, Marian (2021) Fifty years after Popular Unity: Chile’s estallido social in historical context. Special Issue: Chile’s Popular Unity (UP) Experiment at 50. Eds. Radical Americas, 6:1.

Harmer, Tanya (2021) Towards a global history of the Unidad Popular. Special Issue: Chile’s Popular Unity (UP) Experiment at 50. Eds. Radical Americas, 6:1.

Professor Janet Hartley

Hartley, Janet (2021) The Volga. A History of Russia's Greatest River. Yale University Press, London, UK.

Hartley, Janet and Shaw, Denis J.B. (eds) (2021) Magic, texts and travels: homage to a scholar, Will Ryan. Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia, London, UK.


Motadel, David (2021) Revolutionary World. Global Upheaval in the Modern Age. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Motadel, David and Drayton, Richard (2021) Material Conditions and Ideas in Global History. The British Journal of Sociology, 72: 1, 26-38.



Rodriguez-Salgado, Maria José (2021) The Transformation of Philip, Prince of Spain, into the Lord of the Low Countries. In McGowan, Margaret M. and Shewring, Margaret (eds), Charles V, Prince Philip and the politics of succession: imperial festivities in Mons and Hainault, 1549, Tournhout, Brepols, Belgium.


Sherman, Taylor C. (2021) Not part of the plan? Women, state feminism and Indian socialism in the Nehru years. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 44:2, 298 - 312.

Sherman, Taylor C. and Khan, Raphaëlle (2021) 'India and Overseas Indians in Ceylon and Burma, 1946-1965: Experiments in Postimperial Sovereignty'. Modern Asian Studies (online).



Sood, Gagan D. S., Frankema, Ewout and Tworek, Heidi (2021) ‘Editors’ note - Global history after the Great Divergence. Journal of Global History, 16:1, 1-3.

Sood, Gagan D. S. (2021) A Political Sociology of Empire: Mughal historians on the Making of Mughal Paramountcy, Modern Asian Studies (published online).



Zubok, Vladislav (2021) Collapse. The Fall of the Soviet Union. Yale University Press, London, UK.


Professor Marc David Baer

Baer, Marc David (2020) Sultanic Saviors and Tolerant Turks. Writing Ottoman Jewish History, Denying the Armenian Genocide. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana.

Baer, Marc David (2020) German, Jew, Muslim, gay: the life and times of Hugo Marcus. Religion, Culture, and Public Life. Columbia University Press, New York, US.

Baer, Marc David (2020) "Sinnig zwischen beiden Welten". Der Intellektuelle Hugo Marcus und die Ahmadiyya-Bewegung zur Verbreitung des Islam. Münchner Beiträge zur Judischen Geschichte und Kultur, 14:2, Begegnungen. Juden und Muslime im Deutschland der Zwischenkriegszeit, 16-26. 



Boyce, Robert (2020) Le trilemme de Dani Rodrik et la grande crise de l’entre-deux-guerres. In Fraboulet, Danièle and Verheyde, Philippe (eds.) Pour une histoire sociale et politique de l’économie. Hommages à Michel Margairaz, Éditions de la Sorbonne, Paris, France.

Anna Cant

Cant, Anna (2020) “Vivir Mejor”: Radio Education in Rural Colombia (1960–80). The Americas, 44: 4, 573-600.


Harmer, Tanya (2020) Beatriz Allende. A Revolutionary Life in Cold War Latin America. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US.

Harmer, Tanya (2020) Un replanteamiento de la Guerra Fría en América Latina anteel centenario de la Revolución Bolchevique. In Aránguiz Pinto, Santiago (ed.) La Revolución Bolchevique y América Latina: Apropriaciones, experiencias y trayectorias. Ril Editores, Santiago, Chile.


Knox, MacGregor (2020) The Sea and the Rise of the Dictators: Italy, 1919-40. In Rodger, N. A. M. (ed.), The Sea in History – The Modern World. Boydell and Brewer, Martlesham, Suffolk, UK, pp. 534-544.

Professor Piers Ludlow

Ludlow, Piers (2020), Solidarity, Sanctions and Misunderstanding: The European Dimension of the Falklands Crisis. The International History Review, online.

Ludlow, Piers (2020) A Double-Edged Victory: Fontainebleau and the Resolution of the British Budget Problem, 1983-84. In M. Gehler (ed.), Reshaping Europe: Towards a Political, Economic and Monetary Union, 1984-1989, Nomos, Germany.


Rodriguez-Salgado, Maria José (2020) ”Do not reveal that I wrote this”: diplomatic correspondence, news and narratives in the early years of the civil war in the Low Countries. In Fagel, Raymond, Álvarez Francés, Leonor and Santiago Belmonte, Beatriz (eds.), Early modern war narratives and the revolt in the Low Countries, Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.

Rodriguez-Salgado, Maria José (2020) “No great glory in chasing a Pirate”.  The manipulation of news during the Tunis Campaigns of 1534 and 1535, Mediterranea. Ricerche Storiche, 49, Anno XVII, pp.417-444.

Rodriguez-Salgado, Maria José (2020) Challenging Images: Charles V’s relationship with art, artists and festivities. In García Pérez, Noelia (ed.), Mary of Hungary.  Renaissance Patron and Collector. Gender, Art and Culture, Brepols Publishers, Tournhout, Belgium.

Rodriguez-Salgado, Maria José (2020) “Materia de padre a hijo”.  Felipe II y el recogimiento del príncipe Don Carlos. In Marcos, Albero (ed.), La Cátedra de Felipe II a los Cinquenta Años, Valladolid, Spain.


Schulze, Kirsten E. and Tom Smith (2020) Exporting Global Jihad. Volume Two: Critical Perspectives from Asia and North America, eds. IB Tauris, London, UK.

Schulze, Kirsten E. (2020) From Afghanistan to Syria: How the global remains local for Indonesian militant Islamists. In Schulze, Kirsten E. and Tom Smith (eds.) Exporting Global Jihad. Volume Two: Critical Perspectives from Asia and North America. IB Tauris, London, UK.


Spohr, Kristina, Hamilton, David S. and Moyer, J. (2020) The Arctic and World Order. eds, Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC, USA.



Dr Antony Best

Best, Antony, Kornicki, Peter and Cortazzi, Hugh (2019) British Royal and Imperial Relations, 1868-2018: 150 Years of Association, Engagement and Celebration, eds. Renaissance Books, Folkestone, UK.

Best, Antony (2019) A Royal Alliance: Court Diplomacy and Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1902-41. In Best, Antony, Kornicki, Peter and Cortazzi, Hugh (eds.) British and Japanese Royal and Imperial Relations, 1868-2018: 150 Years of Association, Engagement and Celebration. Renaissance Books, Folkestone, UK.


Boyce, Robert (2019) The Bank of England in the First World War and its Aftermath: The Price of Victory. In Feiertag, O. and Margairaz, M. (eds.), Les banques centrales pendant la Grande Guerre/Central Banks in the Great War, Presses de Sciences Po, France, Paris, pp. 225-48.


Casey, Steven (2019) Selling a Limited War in Korea, 1950-53. In Andrea Dew, Marc Genest, and S.C.M. Paine (eds.), From Quills to Tweets: How America Communicates War and Revolution, Georgetown University Press, Washington DC, US.


Harmer, Tanya (2019) The 'Cuban Question' and the Cold War in Latin America, 1959–1964, Journal of Cold War Studies, 21:3, 114-151.


Lewis, Joanna (2019) Somali Women, Resilience and the Diaspora. Journal of the Anglo-Somali Society/ Warsidaha Ururka Ingiriiska iyo Soomaalida, 65 (Spring).

Professor Piers Ludlow

Ludlow, Piers, Dujardin, Vincent, Bussière, Éric, Romero, Federico, Schlenker, Dieter and Varsori, Antonio (2019) The European Commission 1986-2000: History and Memories of an Institution, eds. Publications office of the Europan Union, Luxembourg.

Ludlow, Piers (2019) "The Commission and Institutional Reforms", "All change with qualified majority voting: relations with the Council", "From love affair to stand-off: relations with the European Parliament", "The Fight Against Fraud", "The Budgetary Revolution: from near bankrupcy to stability", "The Peace Programme for Northern Ireland", "Subsidiarity: the emergence of a new term", "The Commission and the World: Introduction" and "Jacques Delors". In Ludlow, Piers, Dujardin, Vincent, Bussière, Éric, Romero, Federico, Schlenker, Dieter and Varsori, Antonio (eds.), The European Commission, 1986-2000: History and Memories of an Institution. Publications office of the Europan Union, Luxembourg.


Motadel, David (2019) Nationalist Internationalism in the Modern Age. Contemporary European History, 28:1, 77-81.

Motadel, David (2019) The Global Authoritarian Moment and the Revolt against Empire. The American Historical Review, 124: 3 (June), 843–877.

Motadel, David, Dejung, Christof and Osterhammel, Jürgen (2019) The Global Bourgeoisie. The Rise of the Middle Classes in the Age of Empire, eds. Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ, USA; Woodstock, UK.


Schulze, Kirsten E. and Joseph Chinyong Liow (2019) Making Jihadis, Waging Jihad: Transnational and Local Dimensions of the ISIS Phenomenon in Indonesia and MalaysiaAsian Security 15: 2, 122-139.

Schulze, Kirsten E. (2019) From Ambon to Poso: Comparative and Evolutionary Aspects of Local Jihad in Indonesia. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 41:1 (April), 35-62.

Schulze, Kirsten E. and Julie Chernov Hwang (2019) Militant Islam in Southeast Asia: New Insights into Jihad in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 41:1 (April), 1-13.

Schulze, Kirsten E. and Julie Chernov Hwang (2019) Special Issue: Militant Islam in Southeast Asia: New Insights into Jihad in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. eds. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 41:1 (April).


Spohr, Aino Rosa Kristina and Hamilton, Daniel S. (2019) Open Door: NATO and Euro-Atlantic Security After the Cold War, eds. Foreign Policy Institute/Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs at Johns Hopkins University SAIS, Washington DC, US.

Spohr, Aino Rosa Kristina (2019) Post Wall, Post Square: Rebuilding the World after 1989. HarperCollins, London, UK.

Spohr, Aino Rosa Kristina (2019) Wendezeit. Die Neuordnung der Welt nach 1989. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Munich, Germany.

Spohr, Aino Rosa Kristina and Hamilton, Daniel S. (2019) Exiting the Cold War, Entering a New World, eds. Foreign Policy Institute/Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs at Johns Hopkins University SAIS, Washington DC, US.


Stevenson, David (2019) The Field Artillery Revolution and the European Military Balance, 1890-1914, The International History Review, 41, 6, 1301-1324.


Stock, Paul (2019) Europe and the British Geographical Imagination, 1760-1830. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.




Alvandi, Roham (2018) The Age of Aryamehr: Late Pahlavi Iran and its Global Entanglements, ed. Gingko Library, London, UK.

Alvandi, Roham (2018)  Introduction: Iran in the Age of Aryamehr. In Alvandi, Roham (ed.) The Age of Aryamehr: Late Pahlavi Iran and its Global Entanglements. Gingko Library, London, UK.

Professor Marc David Baer

Baer, Marc David (2018) Mistaken for Jews: Turkish PhD Students in Nazi Germany. German Studies Review, 41:1 (February), 19-39.

Dr Antony Best

Best, Antony and Cortazzi, Hugh (2018) British Foreign Secretaries and Japan: Aspects of the Evolution of British Foreign Policy, eds. Renaissance Books, Folkestone, UK.

Best, Antony (2018) British Relations with Japan, 1858-2017: An Overview. In Cortazzi, Hugh and Best, Antony (eds.), British Foreign Secretaries and Japan: Aspects of the Evolution of British Foreign Policy. Renaissance Books, Folkestone, UK,  pp.1-21.

Best, Antony (2018) Sir Samuel Hoare and Japan: An Orthodox Conservative in the 1930s. In Cortazzi, Hugh and Best, Antony (eds.), British Foreign Secretaries and Japan: Aspects of the Evolution of British Foreign Policy. Renaissance Books, Folkestone, UK, pp.179-83.

Best, Antony (2018) Sir Alec Douglas-Home and Japan: The Revival of Political Relations, 1961-74. In Cortazzi, Hugh and Best, Antony (eds.), British Foreign Secretaries and Japan: Aspects of the Evolution of British Foreign Policy. Renaissance Books, Folkestone, UK, pp.259-64.

Dr Megan Black

Black, Megan (2018) The Global Interior: Mineral Frontiers and American Power, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, USA.


Casey, Steven (2018) The Unprecedented President: Donald Trump and the Media in Historical Perspective. In Robert Jervis, Joshua Rovner, and Diane Labrosse (eds.), SSF Policy Series: America and the World - 2017 and Beyond (The H-Diplo/ISSF Policy Series).


Harmer, Tanya (2018) Virtual Special Issue: The Cold War in Latin America. ed. Journal of Latin American Studies.

Harmer, Tanya (2018) Introduction: The Cold War in Latin AmericaJournal of Latin American Studies, virtual special issue.

Professor Piers Ludlow

Ludlow, N. Piers (2018) Commercial Preferences: Economics and Britain’s European Choices. In Thackeray, D. and Toye, R., eds. Imagining Britain’s Economic Future, c.1800-1975.  Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.


Motadel, David and Drayton, Richard (2018) The Futures of Global History The Journal of Global History 13:1 (March), 1-21.

Motadel, David (2018) Islamic Revolutionaries and the End of Empire. In Martin Thomas and Andrew S. Thompson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook ofthe Ends of Empires, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 555-579.

Ronald C. Po

Po, Ronald C. (2018) A Port City in Northeast China: Dengzhou in the Long Eighteenth Century, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 28: 1 (January), 161-187.

Po, Ronald C. (2018) Tea, Silk, and Porcelain: Chinese Exports to the West in the Early Modern Period. In Ludden, David (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Po, Ronald C. (2018) China and the Global South: A Geostrategic Perspective, Radical History Review 2018:131 (May), 135-138.

Po, Ronald C. (2018) The Blue Frontier: Maritime Vision and Power in the Qing Empire, University of Cambridge Press, Cambridge, UK.

Po, Ronald C. (2018) The Pearl by the Bohai Sea: Qinhuangdao in the Early Modern Period. In Ho, Clara, Mak, Ricardo and Tam, Y.H. (eds.), Voyages, Migration, and the Maritime World: On China’s Global Historical Role. Berlin, De Gruyter, pp. 143-164.


Prazmowska, Anita (2018) 'Frenchmen' in Polish Mines: The Politics of Productivity in Coal Mining in Poland 1946-1948. Europe-Asia Studies 70:2, 230-251.


Rodriguez-Salgado, Maria José (2018) A masterclass in Justification: Francis I, Charles V and Pope Paul III in the 1540s. In d’Amico, Juan Carlos and Fournel, Jean-Luis (eds.), François Ier et l’espace politique Italien. États, domaines et territoires, n.548, École Française de Rome, Rome, Italy.


Schulze, Kirsten E. (2018) The Surabaya Bombings and the Evolution of the Jihadi Threat in Indonesia. CTC Sentinel 11:6, June/July.

Schulze, Kirsten E. and Julie Chernov Hwang (2018) Why They Join: Pathways into Indonesian Jihadist Organizations. Terrorism and Political Violence 30:6, 911-932.


Sherman, Taylor C. (2018) Education in Early Postcolonial India: Expansion, Experimentation and Planned Self-Help. History of Education 47:4, 504-520.

Sherman, Taylor C. (2018) 'A new type of revolution': socialist thought in India, 1940s–1960s'. Postcolonial Studies 21:4 (2018), 485-504.


Sood, Gagan D. S. (2018) Through a Persian Looking Glass: Malabar’s World in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century. In: Pearson, Michael N. and Kooria, Mahmood (eds.), Malabar in the Indian Ocean: Cosmopolitanism in a Maritime Historical Region, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 201-231.

Sood, Gagan D. S. (2018) A World Revealed. History Today 68:2 (February), 58-69.


Stevenson, David (2018) Review Essay: Germany’s Fragile Rise. The Journal of Strategic Studies 41:1-2, 326-331.


Stock, Paul (2018) Lost treasures of Strawberry Hill: masterpieces from Horace Walpole's collection. Criticks: the reviews website of British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (25 Nov 2018).

Dr Imaobong Umoren

Umoren, Imaobong (2018) Race Women Internationalists Activist-Intellectuals and Global Freedom Struggles, University of California Press, Oakland, California, US.




Ashton, Nigel (2017) 'A Local Terrorist Made Good': The Callaghan Government and the Arab-Israeli Peace Process, 1977-79, Contemporary British History, 31:1 (January), 114-135.

Ashton, Nigel (2017) Taking Friends For Granted: The Carter Administration, Jordan and the Camp David Accords, 1977-80, Diplomatic History, 41:3 (June), 620-645.


Casey, Steven (2017) The War Beat, Europe: The American Media at War Against Nazi Germany, Oxford University Press, New York, USA and Oxford, UK.

Casey, Steven (2017) Confirming the Cold War Consensus: Eisenhower and the Election of 1952. In Priest, Andrew and Johnstone, Andrew (eds.), US Presidential Elections and Foreign Policy: Candidates, Campaigns, and Global Politics from FDR to Bill Clinton, University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, US.


Harmer, Tanya (2017) Dialogue or Détente: Henry Kissinger, Latin America, and the Prospects for a New Inter-American Understanding, 1973-1977. In: Sewell, Bevan and Ryan, Maria, (eds.) Foreign Policy at the Periphery: The Shifting Margins of US International Relations since World War II. University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, US.

Harmer, Tanya and Martín Alvarez, Alberto (2017) Special Issue: Revolutionary Transnationalism in Historical Perspective: Militant Networks in the Americas. eds. Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, 28:2.

Harmer, Tanya and Martín Alvarez, Alberto (2017) Introduction: Writing the History of Revolutionary Transnationalism and Militant Networks in the Americas. Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, 28:2, 7-13.


Jones, Heather (2017) Cultures of Commemoration: Remembering the First World War in Ireland. In: Crowley, John, Murphy, Mike and ó Drisceoil, Donal (eds.) Atlas of the Irish Revolution. Cork University Press, Cork, Ireland.

Professor Piers Ludlow

Ludlow, N. Piers (2017) More than just a Single Market: European Integration, Peace and Security in the 1980sBritish Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19:1.

Ludlow, N. Piers (2017) Conclusions. In Ikonomou, H., Andry, A. and Byberg, R., eds. European Enlargement across Rounds and Beyond Borders. Routledge, London, UK.

Ludlow, N. Piers (2017) Not A Wholly New Europe: How the Integration Framework Shaped the End of the Cold War in Europe. In Sarotte, M., Bozo, F. and Roedder, A., eds. German Reunification. A Multinational History. Routledge, London, UK.

Ronald C. Po

Po, Ronald C. (2017) Camphor-harvesting and Warship Construction in Early Qing China (康雍年間的戰船修造與樟木採辦) (in Chinese). In: Mak, Ricardo (ed.) History of Coastal Defense in Modern China: A Revisionist Approach (近代中國海防史新論). Joint Publishing Co. Ltd., Hong Kong, China.


Rajak, Svetozar, Karamouzi, Eirini, Hatzivassiliou, Evanthis and Botsiou, Konstantina E., eds. (2017) The Balkans in the Cold War, Palgrave MacMillan, London, UK.


Schulze, Kirsten E. (2017) The “ethnic” in Indonesia’s communal conflicts: violence in Ambon, Poso, and Sambas. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40 (12), 2096-2114.


Stevenson, David (2017) 1917: War, Peace, and Revolution, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.


Stock, Paul (2017) What is Europe? Place, Idea, Action. In: Amin, Ash and Lewis, Philip, (eds.) European Union and Disunion: Reflections on European Identity. British Academy, London, UK, pp. 23-28.

Stock, Paul (2017) Towards a Language of 'Europe': History, Rhetoric, Community. The European Legacy, 22:6, 647-66.


Zubok, Vladislav (2017) The Idea of Russia: The Life and Work of Dmitry Likhachev, I.B. Tauris, London, UK.

Zubok, Vladislav and Piffer, Tommaso, eds. (2017) Totalitarian Societies and Democratic Transition: Essays in Memory of Victor Zaslavsky, Central European University Press, Budapest, Hungary.

Zubok, Vladislav and William C. Wohlforth (2017), An Abiding Antagonism: Realism, Idealism and the Mirage of Western–Russian Partnership after the Cold War, International Politics, 54:4, 405-419.

Zubok, Vladislav (2017), The Soviet Union and China in the 1980s: Reconciliation and Divorce, Cold War History, 17:2, 121-141.


Professor Marc David Baer

Baer, Marc David (2016) At Meydanı’nda Ölüm: 17. Yüzyıl İstanbul'unda Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Hoşgörü ve İhtida (Death on theHippodrome: Gender, Tolerance, and Conversion in 17th century Istanbul. Koç Yayınları, Istanbul, Turkey. (in Turkish)


Casey, Steven (2016) When Congresses Get Mad, Foreign Affairs, 95:1, 76-84.

Casey, Steven (2016) The 1930s and the Road to War, Oxford Research Encyclopedia in History. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Professor Piers Ludlow

Ludlow, N. Piers (2016) Roy Jenkins and the European Commission Presidency, 1976-1980: At the Heart of Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.

Ludlow, N. Piers (2016) Roy Jenkins and the Importance of Top-Level Politics. In Dyson, K.and Maes, I., eds. The Architects of the Euro. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Ludlow, N. Piers (2016), Necessary but not automatic: how Europe learned to integrate. In Levine, D. H. and Nagar, D., eds. Region-Building in Africa. Political and Economic Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.


Harmer, Tanya (2016) The View from Havana: Chilean Exiles in Cuba and Early Resistance to Chile's Dictatorship, 1973–1977, Hispanic American Historical Review, 96:1, 109-146.

Harmer, Tanya (2016) Commonality, specificity, and difference: histories and historiographies of the Americas. In: Scarfi, Juan Pablo and Tillman, Andrew R., (eds.) Cooperation and Hegemony in US-Latin American Relations: Revisiting the Western Hemisphere Idea. Studies of the Americas. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, USA.

Harmer, Tanya (2016) 'Serémos como el Che': Chilean elenos, Bolivia and the cause of Latinoamericanismo, 1967-1970. Contemporanea.

Professor Janet Hartley

Hartley, Janet and Hamish Scott (2016), Isabel Margaret de Madariaga 1919–2014. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy, XV (September), 217-244.

Hartley, Janet (2016) War, Economy and Utopianism: Russia after the Napoleonic Era. In Forrest, Alan, Hagemann, Karen,  Rowe, Michael (eds.) War, Demobilization and Memory, Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 84-99.


Jones, Heather and Smith, Richard D. (2016) Introduction: Sir Edward Grey and the outbreak of the first world war. The International History Review, 38 (2). pp. 243-249.

Jones, Heather (2016) Revising the Laws of War on Prisoners of War in the Twentieth Century: Introduction. War in History, 23 (4). pp.  408-415.


Jones, Matthew (2016) Freedom from want. In: Engel, Jeffrey Engel (ed.), The Four Freedoms: The Global Contest for FDR’s Legacy of Liberty. Oxford University Press, New York, USA, pp. 125-64.


Knox, MacGregor (2016) Germany, Adolf Hitler, and the Second World War. China International Strategy Review 2015 (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press), pp. 378-399 (in English and Chinese).


Preston, Paul (2016) The Last Days of the Spanish Republic. HarperCollins, London, UK.


Rodríguez-Salgado, Maria-Jose (2016) Kinship, collaboration and conflict: the complex relations between Alessandro Farnese and Philip II. In: Valladares, Rafael, Barrios, Feliciano and Sánchez Belén, Juan A., (eds.) En la Corte del Rey de España. Liber Amicorum en homenaje a Carlos Gómez-Centurión Jiménez (1958-2011). Ediciones Polifemo, Madrid, Spain, pp. 59-105.

Rodríguez-Salgado, Maria-Jose (2016) The early modern Spanish monarchy and European cosmopolitanism. In: Bhambra, Gurminder K. and Narayan, John, (eds.) European Cosmopolitanism: Colonial Histories and Postcolonial Societies. International Library of Sociology. Routledge, Oxon, UK, pp. 82-105.


Spohr, Aino Rosa Kristina (2016) The Global Chancellor: Helmut Schmidt and the Reshaping of the International Order. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Spohr, Aino Rosa Kristina and David Reynolds, eds. (2016) Transcending the Cold War. Summits, Statecraft, and the Dissolution of Bipolarity in Europe, 1970-1990, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Spohr, Aino Rosa Kristina (2016) Helmut Schmidt: Der Weltkanzler. Theiss, Stuttgart, Germany.


Stevenson, David (2016) Thomas Mahnken and Joseph Maiolo (2016) Arms Races in International Politics: From the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century, eds. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.


Stock, Paul (2016) Europe 1600-1815, Victoria and Albert Museum Galleries. Criticks, the reviews website of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (01 Aug 2016)

Stock, Paul (2016) ‘Histories of Geography’ In The Oxford Handbook of European Romanticism, ed. Paul Hamilton, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Stock, Paul (2016) America and the American Revolution in British geographical thought, c.1760-1830. The English Historical Review, 131: 548, 64-91.

Stock, Paul (2016) Samuel Pepys: Plague, Fire, Revolution. Criticks: the reviews website of British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (11 Jan 2016)

Stock, Paul (2016) Benjamin Schmidt, Inventing Exoticism: Geography, Globalism and Europe's Early Modern World. Journal of Global History, 11, no 1 (2016).


Zubok, Vladislav (2016) Russia, the U.S., and the Backstory behind the Breakdown The Wilson Quarterly (Winter 2016)

Zubok, Vladislav (2016) Gorbachev, German Reunification, and Soviet Demise In German Unification: A Multinational History, eds. Frederic Bozo, Andreas Roedder, Mary Sarotte, Routledge, London, UK.

Zubok, Vladislav (2016) Dmitry Likhachev. The Life and the Century, Vita Nova, St. Petersburg, Russia.


Dr Antony Best

Best, Antony (2015) Daiei Teikoku no Shin-Nichi Ha: Kaisen ha Naze Sakerare Nakattaka = British Japanophiles: why could Britain and Japan not avoid war? [translated from the original English-language essays by Dr Tomoki Takeda]. Chuo Koron Shuppansha, Tokyo, Japan.

Best, Antony and Frattolillo, Oliviero (2015) Japan and the Great War, eds. Palgrave-Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.


Casey, Steven and Wrigth, Jonathan (2015) Mental Maps in the Era of Détente and the End of the Cold War, eds. Palgrave-Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.

Casey, Steven (2015) 'Reporting from the Battlefield: Censorship and Journalism'. In Cambridge History of the Second World War, eds. Richard Boswell, Evan Mawdsley and Joe Maoilo. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Professor Janet Hartley

Hartley, Janet, Keenan, Paul and Lieven, Dominic, eds. (2015) Russia and the Napoleonic wars, eds. War, culture and society, 1750-1850. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.

Hartley, Janet (2015) Slaves and Spouses: Russian Settlers and Non-Russians in Siberia. In Waegemans, E., von Konigsbrugge, H., Levitt, M. (eds.) A Century Mad and Wise: Russia in the Age of Enlightenment, Gronigen, pp. 247-60.

Hartley, Janet (2015) Education and the East: the Omsk Asiatic School. In di Salvo, Maria, Kaiser, Daniel H., Kivelson, Valerie A. (eds.) Word and Image in Russian History, Academic Studies Press, Boston, pp. 253-68.

Hartley, Janet M. (2015) The Russian Army. In Frederick C. Schneid (ed.) European Armies of the French Revolution 1789-1802. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, USA, pp. 86-106.


Jones, Heather (2015) A Prince in the Trenches? Edward VIII and the First World War. In Sons and Heirs: Succession and Political Culture in 19th Century Europe, eds. Heidi Merkhens and Frank Lorenz Müller. Palgrave Macmillan, Basignstoke, UK.

Jones, Heather et al (2015) Dans la guerre 1914-1918. Accepter, Endurer, Refuser, ed. Les Belles Lettres, Paris, France.

Jones, Heather (2015) Endurer la captivité. Les mécanismes de coping des prisonniers de guerre pendant la Grande Guerre. In Dans la Guerre 1914-1918: Accepter, Endurer, Refuser, eds. Heather Jones, Nicolas Beaupré and Anne Rasmussen. Belles Lettres, Paris, France.

Jones, Heather, Beaupré, Nicolas, Rasmussen, Anne (2015) Postface. Accepter, endure, refuser. Retours d’expérience, 1914-2014. In Dans la Guerre 1914-1918: Accepter, Endurer, Refuser, eds. Heather Jones, Nicolas Beaupré and Anne Rasmussen. Belles Lettres, Paris, France.


Keenan, Paul, Hartley, Janet and Lieven, Dominic (2015) Russia and the Napoleonic wars, eds. War, culture and society, 1750-1850. Palgrave Macmillan , Basingstoke, UK.

Keenan, Paul (2015) The Russian Imperial Court and Victory Celebrations during the Early Napoleonic Wars. In Russia and the Napoleonic Wars, eds. Janet Hartley, Paul Keenan and Dominic Lieven. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 163-78.

Keenan, Paul (2015) A Space between Two Worlds: St Petersburg in the Early Eighteenth Century. In The Uses of Space in Early Modern History, eds. Paul Stock. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 97–124.


Prazmowska, Anita (2015) Wladyslaw Gomulka: A Biography I.B. Tauris, London, UK.


Rodriguez-Salgado, Maria José (2015) Eating Bread Together: Hapsburg Diplomacy and Intelligence-Gathering in Mid Sixteenth-Century Istambul. In Detrás de las Apariencias. Información y Espionaje (Siglos XVI-XVII), eds. Emilio Sola Castaño and Genarro Varriale, UAH, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain.

Rodriguez-Salgado, Maria-Jose (2015) Koenigsberger, Helmut Georg, 1918-2014. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy, XIV. pp. 301-333.


Spohr, Aino Rosa Kristina (2015) Germany, America and the shaping of post-Cold War Europe. Cold War History, 15: 2, 221-243.

Spohr, Aino Rosa Kristina (2015) Helmut Schmidt and the shaping of Western security in the late 1970s: The Guadeloupe Summit of 1979. International History Review, 37:1, 167-192.

Spohr, Aino Rosa Kristina (2015) NATO’s Nuclear Politics and the Schmidt-Carter Rift. In The Euromissile Crisis and the End of the Cold War, eds. Leopoldo Nuti et al., Stanford University Press, US.


Stock, Paul (2015) The Uses of Space in Early Modern History, ed. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, US.

Stock, Paul (2015) Introduction: History and the Uses of Space. In The Uses of Space in Early Modern History, ed. Paul Stock, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, US.

Stock, Paul (2016) Review Essay: Georgian Britain: Modernity and the Middle Classes. Eighteenth-Century Life, 39 (3), 112-15.


Zubok, Vladislav (2015) "Do not think I am soft…": Leonid Brezhnev. In Mental Maps in the Era of Detente and the End of the Cold War 1968-91, eds. Steven Casey, Jonathan Wright, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.

Zubok, Vladislav (2015), H-Diplo Roundtable on Red Globalization: The Political Economy of the Soviet Cold War from Stalin to Khrushchev. H-Diplo Roundtable Review, XVI (24).


Professor Marc David Baer

Baer, Marc David (2014) History and Religious Conversion In: Lewis R. Rambo and Charles E. Farhadian (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Religious Conversion. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 25-47.

Dr Antony Best

Best, Antony (2014) 'The British Empire’s Image of East Asia, 1900-41: Politics, Ideology, and International Order’ In: Malcolm Murfett (ed.) Shaping British Foreign and Defence Policy in the Twentieth Century: A Tough Ask in Turbulent Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave/Macmillan, pp. 21-40.


Boyce, Robert, Jansen, Sabine, Purseigle, Pierre and Scot, Marie (2014) Introduction to the special issue 'Historiographies étrangères de la Première Guerre Mondiale’. Histoire@Politique, 22.

Boyce, Robert (2014) Tentatives de modernisation libérale et conservatrice en Grande Bretagne 1925 – 1935. In: Aglan, Alya, Margairaz, Michel and Verheyde, Philippe, (eds.) De la croissance à la crise (1925-1935) : le moment Tannery. Publications du Centre d'histoire économique internationale de l'Université de Genève (31). Droz, Geneva, Switzerland.


Casey, Steven (2014) When soldiers fall: how Americans have confronted combat losses from World War I to Afghanistan. Oxford University Press, New York, US.

Casey, Steven (2014) 'War Correspondents' In Oxford Bibliographies in Military History, ed. Dennis Showalter. Oxford University Press, New York, US.

Casey, Steven (2014) 'The Media' In Oxford Bibliographies in Military History, ed. Dennis Showalter. Oxford University Press, New York, US.

Casey, Steven (2014) 'The United States' In The Ashgate Companion to the Korean War, ed. James Matray and Donald W. Boose. Ashgate, Burlington, VT, US.


Harmer, Tanya (2014) Chile y la Guerra Fría Global. RIL Editores, Pontificia Univesidad Católica de Chile, Chile.

Harmer, Tanya (2014) The Cold War in Latin America In: Kalinovsky, Artemy and Daigle, Craig, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of the Cold War. Routledge, Abingdon, UK.


Jones, Heather (2014) 'The Great War: How 14-18 changed the relationship between war and civilians,' The RUSI Journal, August, 159 (4).

Jones, Heather (2014) The German Empire In Robert Gerwarth and Erez Manela (eds.) Empires at War, 1911-1923. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 52-72.

Jones, Heather (2014)  A Process of Modernization? Prisoner of War Interrogation and Human Intelligence Gathering in the First World War In Simona Tobia and Christopher Andrew (eds.) Interrogation in War and Conflict: a comparative and interdisciplinary analysis. Routledge, London, UK.

Jones, Heather (2014) Prisoners of war In: Winter, Jay, (ed.) The Cambridge History of the First World War: the State. Twentieth century regional history, 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 266-292.

Jones, Heather and Van Ypersele, Laurence (2014) Populations at risk: introduction to part 3 In: Winter, Jay, (ed.) The Cambridge history of the First World War. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 181-185.

Jones, Heather and Audoin-Rouzeau, Stéphane (2014) Armed forces: introduction In: Winter, Jay, (ed.) The Cambridge History of the First World War: the State. Twentieth century regional history, 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 147-150.


Knox, MacGregor (2014) Fascismo, forze armate e il carattere della disfatta del 1940-1943 [Fascism, the armed forces, and the nature of defeat in 1940-43] In Paola Bianchi and Nicola Labanca, eds., L'Italia e il 'Militare'. Guerra, nazione, rappresentazioni dal Rinascimento alla Repubblica. Fondazione Firpo, Italy,   237-259.


Prazmowska, Anita J. (2014) Wladyslaw Gomulka: a biography Communist lives. I.B.Tauris, London, UK.


Schulze, Kirsten E. (2014) Transforming the Aceh conflict: from military solutions to political agreement In: Freedman, Amy L., (ed.) The Internationalization of Internal Conflicts: Threatening the State. Routledge, Abingdon, UK.


Stock, Paul (2014) Ships, clocks and stars: the quest for longitude Criticks: the reviews website of British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (21 August).

Stock, Paul (2014) Diverse maniere: Piranesi, fantasy and excess Criticks: the reviews website of British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (28 April).



Ashton, Nigel J. and Gibson, Bryan, eds (2013) The Iran-Iraq War: new international perspectives Cold War history. Routledge, London, UK.

Ashton, Nigel J. (2013) Hitler on the Nile?: British and American perceptions of the Nasser regime, 1952-70 In: Freedman, Lawrence and Michaels, Jeffrey, (eds.) Scripting Middle East Leaders: the Impact of Leadership Perceptions on Us and Uk Foreign Policy . Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK.

Professor Marc David Baer

Baer, Marc David (2013) An Enemy Old and New: The Dönme, Anti-Semitism, and Conspiracy Theories in the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic. Jewish Quarterly Review, 103 (4, Fall). 523-555

Baer, Marc David (2013) Turk and Jew in Berlin: The First Turkish Migration to Berlin and the Shoah. Comparative Studies in Society & History, 55 (2). 330-55.

Dr Antony Best

Best, Antony (2013) G. E. Morrison (1862-1920) and Japan. In: Cortazzi, Hugh, (ed.) Britain and Japan: Biographical Portraits. Britain and Japan, 8. Global Oriental, Leiden, 469-480.

Best, Antony (2013) Major-General F.S.G. Piggott (1883-1966). In: Cortazzi, Hugh, (ed.) Britain and Japan: Biographical Portraits. Britain and Japan, 8. Global Oriental, Leiden, 102-116.

Best, Antony (2013) Japan and the Cold War. In: Immerman, Richard H. and Goedde, Petra, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War. Oxford handbooks in history. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 286-302.

Best, Antony (2013) Eikoku to Nihon pan-Ajia shugi e no chōsen, 1895-1956 [Britain, Japan and the Challenge of Pan-Asianism, 1895-1956]. In: Matsūra, Masataka, (ed.) Ajia Shugi Wa Nani O Kataru Noka : Kioku Kenryoku Kachi. Minerubashobō, Kyōto, Japan, 240-254.

Best, Antony (2013) The Leith-Ross mission and British policy towards East Asia, 1934-37. The International History Review, 35 (4). 681-701.

Best, Antony (2013) A cardinal point of our world strategy: the Foreign Office and the normalization of relations with Japan, 1952-63. In: Young, John W. and Pedaliu, Effie G. H. and Kandiah, Michael D., (eds.) Britain in Global Politics: From Churchill to Blair (Security, Conflict and Cooperation in the Contemporary World). Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, 100-118.

Professor Janet Hartley

Hartley, Janet (2013) Полтавская битва — поворотный пункт в англо-российских отношениях Преподавание истории и обществознания в школе (6). 60-68.

Hartley, Janet, Bogatyrev, Sergei and Dixon, Simon, eds. (2013) History and Literature in Eighteenth-Century Russia. Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia.

Hartley, Janet (2013) The Army: prisons and prisoners In: Bogatyrev, Sergei and Dixon, Simon and Hartley, Janet, (eds.) History and Literature in Eighteenth-Century Russia. Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia.


Jones, Heather and Weinrich, Arndt (2013) Introduction In: Francia: Forschungen Zur Westeuropäischen Geschichte. Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Paris, France, 305-315.

Jones, Heather and Weinrich, Arndt (ed.) (2013) The pre-1914 period: imagined wars, future wars. Francia: Forschungen Zur Westeuropäischen Geschichte, 40. 305-464.

Jones, Heather (2013) Discipline and punish? Forms of violent punishment in prisoner of war camps in the First World War: a comparative analysis In: Jahr, Christoph and Thiel, Jens, (eds.) Lager Vor Auschwitz: Gewalt und Integration Im 20. Jahrhundert. Metropol Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 99-116.

Jones, Heather (2013) Church of Ireland great war remembrance in the south of Ireland: a personal reflection In: Horne, John and Madigan, Edward, (eds.) Towards Commemoration: Ireland in War and Revolution 1912-1923. Royal Irish Acadeny, Dublin, Eire, 74-82.

Jones, Heather (2013) As the centenary approaches: the regeneration of First World War historiography. Historical Journal, 56 (3). 857-878.

Jones, Heather (2013) Eine technologische Revolution? Der Erste Weltkrieg und die Radikalisierung des Kriegsgefangenenlagers In: Greiner, Bettina and Kramer, Alan, (eds.) Welt Der Lager: Zur "Erfolgsgeschichte" Einer Institution. Hamburger Edition , Hamburg, Germany, 110-133.


Jones, Matthew (2013) A man in a hurry: Henry Kissinger, transatlantic relations, and the British origins of the year of Europe dispute. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 24 (1). 77-99.

Jones, Matthew and McGarr, Paul (2013) 'Real substance, not just symbolism’? The CIA and the representation of covert operations in the foreign relations of the United States series. In: Moran, Christopher R. and Murphy, Christopher J., (eds.) Intelligence studies in Britain and the US: historiography since 1945. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK, 65-89.


Keenan, Paul (2013) St Petersburg and the Russian Court, 1703-1761. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.


Lewis, Joanna (2013) White man in a wood pile: race and the limits of macmillan's great 'wind of change' in Africa. In: Butler, Larry and Stockwell, Sarah, (eds.) The Wind of Change. Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.

Professor Piers Ludlow

Ludlow, N. Piers (2013) European integration in the 1980s: on the way to Maastricht. Journal of European Integration History, 19 (1). 11-22.

Ludlow, N. Piers (2013) The unnoticed apogee of Atlanticism?: US-Western European relations during the early Reagan era In: Patel, Kiran Klaus and Weisbrode, Kenneth, (eds.) European Integration and the Atlantic Community in the 1980s. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 17-38.

Ludlow, N. Piers (2013) The real years of Europe?: U.S.-West European relations during the Ford administration. Journal of Cold War Studies, 15 (3). 136-161.


Rodriguez-Salgado, Maria-Jose (2013) Il Capo dei Capi: the duke of Alba in Italy In: Ebben, Maurits and Baron van Hövell tot Westerflier MCL, Rolof, (eds.) Alba: General and Servant to the Crown. Karwansaray Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Schulze, Kirsten (2013) Transforming the Aceh Conflict: From Military Solutions to Political Agreement. In Freedman Amy L. (ed) Threatening the State: The Internationalisation of Domestic Disputes. Routledge, London.


Stock, Paul (2013) Tourist treasures: plunder and collection on the grand tour. Eighteenth-Century Studies, 46 (2). 323-326.

Stock, Paul (2013) The real-and-imagined spaces of philhellenic travel. European Review of History, 20 (4). 523-537.


Westad, Arne (2013) China and Europe: opportunities or dangers? Global Policy, 3. 96-100.

Westad, O.A, Roberts, J. M. (2013) The Penguin history of the world 6th, Penguin Books Ltd, London, UK.


Zubok, Vladislav (2013) Cold War strategies/power and culture - East: sources of Soviet conduct reconsidered In: Immerman, Richard H. and Goedde, Petra, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 305-322.



Alvandi, Roham (2012) Nixon, Kissinger, and the Shah: The Origins of Iranian Primacy in the Persian Gulf, Diplomatic History, 36 (2). 337-372.


Ashton, Nigel J. (2012) For king and country: Jack O’Connell, the CIA and the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1963-71. Diplomatic History, 36 (5). 881-910.

Ashton, Nigel J. and Gibson, Bryan (2012) Introduction: the Iran-Iraq War: new international perspectives. In: Ashton, Nigel J. and Gibson, Bryan, (eds.) The Iran-Iraq War: New International Perspectives. Cold War history. Routledge, London, UK, 1-12.


Boyce, Robert (2012) The Great Interwar Crisis and the Collapse of Globalization, revised paperback edition. Palgrave Macmillan.

Boyce, Robert; Jansen, Sabine (2012) ‘La culture économique des homes politiques à l’épreuve du pouvoir’. eds. Special Issue of Histoire@Politique, Politique, culture, société 16 (Jan-Apr).

Boyce, Robert (2012) Aristide Briand: défendre la République par des accommodements économiques. histoire@politique, 16.


Casey, Steven (2012) Rhetoric and style of Truman's leadership In: Margolies, Daniel, (ed.) A Companion to Harry S. Truman. Wiley-Blackwell, London, UK, 26-46.

Casey, Steven, ed (2012) The Korean War at Sixty: New Approaches to the Study of the Korean War. Routledge, London, UK.


Harmer, Tanya (2012) Mexican diplomacy and the Cuban missile crisis: documents from the foreign ministry archives in Mexico City. Cold War International History Project Bulletin: the Global Cuban Missile Crisis at 50. New Evidence From Behind the Iron, Bambo (17/18). 191-216.

Harmer, Tanya (2012) Brazil's cold war in the southern Cone, 1970–1975. Cold War History, 12 (4). 659-681.

Professor Janet Hartley

Hartley, Janet (2012) Russia as a great military power, 1762–1825 In: Schneid, Frederick C., (ed.) The Projection and Limitations of Imperial Powers, 1618-1850. History of warfare (75). Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, 105-121.


Jones, Heather (2012) Propaganda, trauma and remembrance: Trinity College Library’s collection of First World War memoirs In: Vaughan, William , (ed.) The Old Library, Trinity College Dublin, 1712–2012. Four Courts Press.

Jones, Heather (2012) Droit international et prisonniers de guerre occidentaux lors de la Grande Guerre In: Pathé, Anne-Marie and Théofilakis, Fabien, (eds.) La Captivité De Guerre Au Xxe Siècle: des Archives, des Histoires, des Mémoires. Armand Colin/Recherches. Armand Colin, Paris, France, 48-58.


Keenan, Paul (2012) Card-playing and gambling in eighteenth-century Russia. European History Quarterly, 42 (3). 385-402.


Knox, MacGregor (2012) Mussolini and Hitler: charisma, regime and national catastrophe In: Ibrahim, Vivian and Wunsch, Margit, (eds.) Political Leadership, Nations and Charisma. Routledge research in political communication. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, 98-112.


Lewis, Joanna (2012) Harold MacMillan and the wind of change. In: Louis, William Roger, (ed.) Resurgent Adventures With Britannia: Personalities, Politics and Culture in Britain. I.B. Tauris, London, UK.


Lieven, Dominic (2012) Tolstoy on war, Russia, and empire. In: McPeak, Rick and Orwin, Donna Tussing, (eds.) Tolstoy on War: Narrative Art and Historical Truth in "War and Peace". Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA.

Professor Piers Ludlow

Ludlow, N. Piers (2012) Problematic partners: de Gaulle, Thatcher, and their impact In: Jones, Erik and Menon, Anand and Weatherill, Stephen, (eds.) Oxford Handbook of the European Union. Oxford handbooks in politics & international relations. Oxford University Press , Oxford, UK, 206-218.


Neitzel, Sonke and Welzer, Harald (2012) Soldaten: on fighting, killing, and dying: the secret Second World War tapes of German POWs. Simon & Schuster Ltd, London, UK.

Neitzel, Sonke (2012) Die Die Banalität des Kriegsalltags. Anmerkungen zu den Wahrnehmungen und Deutungen deutscher Soldaten im Totalen Krieg. In: Konrad, Helmut, Botz, Gerhard, Karner, Stefan and Mattl, Siegfried, (eds.) Terror und Geschichte. Veröffentlichungen des Cluster Geschichte der Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft(2). Böhlau Verlag , Vienna, Austria, pp. 161-168.


Preston, Paul (2012) The Spanish holocaust: inquisition and extermination in twentieth-century Spain. Harper Collins, London, UK.

Preston, Paul (2012) The destruction of Guernica. HarperPress.

Preston, Paul (2012) The Spanish holocaust: inquisition and extermination during the civil war and after. W.W. Norton & Co..

Preston, Paul (2012) A Catalan contribution to the myth of the contubernio Judeo-Masónico-Bolchevique In: Quiroga , Alejandro and del Arco, Miguel Ángel , (eds.) Right-Wing Spain in the Civil War Era: Soldiers of God and Apostles of the Fatherland, 1914-45. Continuum International Publishing Group, London, UK, 177-194.


Rajak, Svetozar (2012) Yugoslavia and the Cuban missile crisis: documents from the foreign ministry archives in Belgrade. The Cold War International History Project Bulletin (17/18). 591-614.

Westad, Odd. Arne and Chubarian, Alexandr and Pechatnov, Vladimir and Rajak, Svetozar, eds (2012) British – Soviet relations in the Cold War, 1945-1964. British Academy/ Russian Academy, London, UK; Moscow, Russia.


Schulze, Kirsten (2012) ‘The 1948 War: The Battle over History’ In Peters, Joel and David Newman (eds.) Routledge Hanbook on the Israel-Palestinian Conflict Routledge, London.


Sood, Gagan D. S. (2012) An Islamicate Eurasia: Vernacular perspectives on the early modern world In Michael E. Bonine, Abbas Amanat & Michael E. Gasper (eds) Is there a Middle East? The Evolution of a Geopolitical Concept. Stanford University Press. Stanford, California. 152-169 & 262-265.


Stevenson, David (2012) Fortifications and the European military balance before 1914. Journal of Strategic Studies, 35 (6). 829-859.

Stevenson, David (2012) The First World War and European integration. The International History Review, 34 (4). 841-863.


Westad, Odd Arne (2012) Restless empire: China and the world since 1750 Basic Books, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Westad, Odd Arne and Leffler, Melvyn P., eds (2012) Endings The Cambridge history of the Cold War, 3 of 3. Cambridge University Press , Cambridge, UK.

Westad, Odd Arne and Leffler, Melvyn P., eds (2012) Origins The Cambridge history of the Cold War, 1 of 3. Cambridge University Press , Cambridge, UK.

Westad, Odd Arne and Leffler, Melvyn P., eds (2012) Crises and détente The Cambridge History of the Cold War, 2 of 3. Cambridge University Press , Cambridge, UK.

Westad, Odd Arne, Chubarian, Alexandr, Pechatnov, Vladimir and Rajak, Svetozar, eds (2012) British – Soviet relations in the Cold War, 1945-1964. British Academy/ Russian Academy, London, UK; Moscow, Russia.

Westad, Odd Arne (2012) China and Southeast Asia IDEAS reports - special reports, Kitchen, Nicholas, ed SR015. LSE IDEAS, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Westad, Odd Arne (2012) Europe in an Asian century: Europe between the superpowers: China and Europe: opportunities or dangers? IDEAS reports - special reports, Kitchen, Nicholas, ed SR013. LSE IDEAS, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Westad, Odd Arne (2012) Restless empire: China and the world since 1750 The Bodley Head, London, UK.

Westad, Odd Arne, Kitchen, Nicholas, Fenby, Jonathan, Breslin, Shaun , Lin, Xiaojun, Yu, Jie, Yueh, Linda, Casarini, Nicola and Jonquières, Guy de (2012) China's geoeconomic strategy IDEAS reports - special reports, Kitchen, Nicholas, ed SR012. LSE IDEAS, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

Westad, Odd Arne (2012) China's geoeconomic strategy: China’s international future IDEAS reports - special reports, Kitchen, Nicholas, ed SR012. LSE IDEAS, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.


Zubok, Vladislav (2012) L’idea di Occidente in Russia: da Stalin a Medvedev In: Strada, Vittorio, (ed.) Da Lenin a Putin e Oltre: la Russia Tra Passatio e Presente. Jaca Book.

Zubok, Vladislav (2012) Russia and the West: twenty difficult years In: Lundestad, Geir, (ed.) International Relations Since the End of the Cold War: New and Old Dimensions. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Zubok, Vladislav M. (2012) Introduction to discussion: Elena Aga-Rossi and Victor Zaslavsky. Stalin and Togliatti: Italy and the origins of the Cold War. H-Diplo Roundtable Review, XIII (18). 2-6.

Zubok, Vladislav (2012) Soviet intellectuals after Stalin's death and their visions of the Cold War's end In: Bozo, Frédéric and Rey, Marie-Pierre and Ludlow, N. Piers and Rother, Bernd, (eds.) Visions of the End of the Cold War in Europe, 1945-1990. Berghahn Books, Oxford, UK, 74-89.

Zubok, Vladislav M. and Shiraev, Eric B. (2012) International relations Oxford University Press, New York, USA.

Zubok, Vladislav M. (2012) Soviet intellectuals after Stalin’s death and their visions of the cold war’s end In: Frédéric Bozo, Marie-Pierre Rey, N. Piers Ludlow, and Bernd Rother, eds. Overcoming the Iron Curtain: Visions of the End of the Cold War in Europe, 1945–1990. Vol. 11, Contemporary European History. Berghahn Books, Oxford, UK.