Professor Pierre-Héli  Monot

Professor Pierre-Héli Monot

Visiting Professor

Department of International History

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English, French, German
Key Expertise
Political Theory and Aesthetics, History of Literacy and Higher Education

About me

Pierre-Héli Monot is Professor of Transnational American Studies (Aesthetics, Political Theory, and Public Humanities) at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany. He was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, and studied at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Since 2020, he has been the Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Grant The Arts of Autonomy: Pamphleteering, Popular Philology and the Public Sphere. The project examines the global spread of polemical literature since the Enlightenment and the development of political agency among popular readerships.

His major field of study is the intersection of political theory and aesthetics. He is currently working on the transformations of the concept of “universality” during the 20th century. This project adopts a broad perspective on the political history of universality and sets out to examine and historicize “universalist” claims in the public sphere and their cultural, i.e., non-universal underpinnings. While the critique of universalist reason and arguments has been a highly influential position in the humanities and social sciences since the early 1980s, a massive resurgence of arguments claiming either universal validity or universal applicability has been well underway since the early 2010s. This project historicizes these standpoints in a longue durée and global perspective. Its goal is firmly located in international history and intellectual history.

Pierre-Héli Monot has held Visiting Fellowships at Harvard University, Brown University, King’s College London, and New York University. His most recent publications include a monograph on conceptions of revolutionary politics among the educated bourgeoisie (Hundert Jahre Zärtlichkeit: Surrealismus, Bürgertum, Revolution, 2024), an essay on the place of historicism in the Culture Wars of the 1980s (“Three Historicist Comments: Otium, Critique, Revolutionary Reformism, or What Was Interesting About the Culture Wars”, Minnesota Review, 2024), and an essay on popular protest in the 2010s (“On Neoclassicism”, 2022). A brief history of polemical literature is forthcoming from Cambridge University Press.

Expertise Details

History of Democratic Participation; Cosmopolitanism and Universality; Global History of Polemic and Print Cultures; History of Literacy and Higher Education.

Recent Publications

  • MONOT, Pierre-Héli, 2024: “Three Historicist Comments: Otium, Critique, Revolutionary Reformism, or What Was Interesting About the Culture Wars”, Minnesota Review, 102 (Spring 2024), p. 71–84.
  • MONOT, Pierre-Héli, 2024, Hundert Jahre Zärtlichkeit: Surrealismus, Bürgertum, Revolution, Berlin:  Matthes & Seitz.
  • MONOT, Pierre-Héli, ed., 2024: “Aristophanes: The Clouds. A Commented Edition with Contextual Sources, Translated by Ian Johnston” (Version 1.0). In The Arts of Autonomy: A Living Anthology of Polemical Literature, edited by Pierre-Héli Monot. Munich: The Arts of Autonomy, 2024.
  • MONOT, Pierre-Héli, 2023: “Poor, Nasty, Brutish, and Short: Contemporary Technological Pamphleteering, Popular Literacy, and the Politics of Literary Circulation”, in: Michael Gamper, Jutta Müller-Tamm, David Wachter, Jasmin Wrobel (eds.), The Value of Literary Circulation / Der Wert der literarischen Zirkulation, Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 173–185.
  • MONOT, Pierre-Héli 2022: “On Neoclassicism: Theatrocracy, the 1%, and the Democratic Paradox, from Sophocles to Occupy Wall Street”, American Dramaturgies for the 21st Century, ed. Julie Vatain-Corfdir, Paris: Sorbonne University Press. 201-216.
  • MONOT, Pierre-Héli, 2021: “Maximalist Expectations in an Age of Anti-Populism”, in: Common Grounds? Transatlantic Perspectives on the State of American Democracy,ed. Cedric Essi, Heike Paul, Boris Vormann, Special Issue of Amerikastudien/American Studies. 215-221.
  • MONOT, Pierre-Héli, 2021: “Is All Discourse Official? On the Poetics of Gifting and Gossiping”, in: Contagion and Conviction: Rumor and Gossip in American Culture, ed. Pierre-Héli Monot and Florian Zappe, Special Issue of the European Journal of American Studies, 15/4, 2020 (2021).
  • MONOT, Pierre-Héli, 2019: “Possibilities, Responsibilities: On Poetic Genres and Political Poiesis”, in: David Kerler, Timo Müller, eds.: Poem Unlimited: New Perspectives on Poetry and Genre, Anglia volume 63, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2019, 99-113.
  • MONOT, Pierre-Héli, 2019: “ 仁“ in: Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, Brent Ryan Bellamy, Chantal Bilodeau, eds.: Loanwords to Live With: An Ecotopian Lexicon Against the Anthropocene, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019, 226-236.
  • MONOT, Pierre-Héli, 2018: “La Lumière, la Vie, la Lettre et Le Pain: de l’Eucharistie à la Découverte de la Faim” [“Light, Life, Letter, and Loaf: From the Eucharist to the Discovery of Hunger”], in: Christophe Ippolito, ed.: La Littérature et la Vie, Collection Perspectives Comparatistes, vol. 351, Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2018, 51-67.
  • MONOT, Pierre-Héli, 2017: “The One, the Many and the Few: A Philological Problem and its Political Form”, in: SPELL, vol. 35, Special Issue: American Communities: Between the Popular and the Political, ed. Lukas Etter, Julia Straub, Tübingen: Narr, 2017, 85-103.

Fellowships and Grants

  • ERC Starting Grant, The Arts of Autonomy: Pamphleteering, Popular Philology and the Public Sphere, 1988-2018
  • Harvard University, Visiting Fellow 2012–2013
  • King’s College London, Visiting Fellow, 2018–2019
  • New York University, Visiting Fellow, 2022
  • Fellow of the German National AcademicFoundation
  • Fulbright American Studies Institute, San Francisco State University
  • Center for Advanced Studies, Member of the Young Center, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich