Dr Tommaso Milani

Dr Tommaso Milani

PhD Alumnus

Department of International History

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Key Expertise
Socialism, European Integration, Political History, Intellectual History

About me

Dr Tommaso Milani completed a doctoral thesis on Hendrik de Man and the transformation of Western European Socialism in the interwar period at the end of 2017. His main research interests include the history of contemporary political thought and the history of political parties, with particular reference to France, Britain, Belgium, and Italy. He taught in the department as a Graduate Teaching Assistant and Guest Teacher from 2017 to 2019. He was a stipendiary lecturer at Balliol College, Oxford, in 2018/19 and a Teaching Fellow at Sciences Po Paris, Campus de Reims, in 2019/20. He held a Max Weber Fellowship at the European University Institute (History and Civilization Department) in 2020/1, and is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Institut für soziale Bewegungen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Thesis title

"'Les Belles Années du Plan'? Hendrik de Man and the Reinvention of Western European Socialism, 1914-36 ca."

Expertise Details

Socialism; Planning; European Integration; Political History; Intellectual History

Publications (selection)


Conference papers (selection)

2019 (November) 
Speaker at the conference “European Socialist Networks and the Remaking of European International Policy after 1945: Power, Solidarity and Normative Regimes in Transnational Perspective” on the topic “Planning for Europe? The Interwar Planist Network and the Socialist Movement for the United States of Europe (MSEUE) after 1945”, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London.   

2019 (March) 
Speaker at the conference “Lifting the Fog: Visions and Ideas of Europe in Britain” on the topic “Europe as an Expedient? Progressive Intellectuals, the Labour Party, and European Integration, 1930-1974 ca.”, University of East Anglia.  

2018 (November) 
Speaker at the Modern European History seminar on the topic “Critical Reception: The Idea of Planning and Western European Social Democracy, c. 1919 - 1939”, University of Oxford.   

2018 (June)  
Speaker at the conference “The Munich Crisis and the People: International, Transnational & Comparative Perspectives” on the topic “A Neutralist Alternative? Hendrik de Man, the Munich Conference, and the Oslo Group, 1936-1940”, University of Sheffield.   

2018 (January) 
Speaker at the seminar “Les Gauches et l’International” on the topic “A Transnational Fight for the National? The Belgian Labour Plan, 1930-1936 ca”, Sciences Po Paris. 

Awards and scholarships (selection)

  • 2013-17: PhD studentship, LSE
  • 2013-17: Graduate studentship, Graduate Institute, Geneva (awarded but declined)
  • 2013-16: Hamied graduate scholarship, University of Cambridge (awarded but declined)
  • 2015-16: LSE mobility studentship for Sciences Po Paris.
  • Various LSE research student travel bursaries during the PhD.
  • 2013: Iris Forrester Prize for Excellence, LSE.