
Intent to destroy: Russia's two-hundred-year quest to dominate Ukraine

Hosted by the Department of International History

LSE Lecture Theatre, Centre Building, United Kingdom


Professor Eugene Finkel

Professor Eugene Finkel

Kenneth H. Keller Professor of International Affairs, Johns Hopkins SAIS


Professor Vlad Zubok

Professor Vlad Zubok

International History Department

What drives Russia's violence in and against Ukraine from the 19th century to 2024?

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine is the single most important event in Europe since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. It is also arguably the major global geopolitical development since 9/11. Prof Finkel's main argument is that violence and repression are deeply rooted in the history of Russo-Ukrainian relations. Since the mid-19th century, dominating Ukraine and denying Ukrainians an independent identity, let alone a state, has been the cornerstone of Imperial, Soviet and eventually, post-Soviet Russian policies.

More specifically, Prof Finkel will show that Russian and Soviet policies were driven by two factors: identity and security. The idea of the shared origin and fraternity of Russians and Ukrainians is a staple of Russian self-perception and historiography. The second key factor is security. Western powers often passed through Ukraine to attack Russia; Ukraine’s fertile soil was crucial to feeding and funding the Russian and Soviet Empires. Even more than geopolitics, it was regime stability that drove Moscow and St. Petersburg’s obsessive focus on Ukraine. Nothing scares a Russian autocrat more than a democratic Ukraine, because if Ukrainians can build a democracy, then the supposedly fraternal Russian people might too. Thus, combined, identity, security, and the interaction between the two drive Russia’s policies towards Ukraine since the 19th century.

About our speaker:

Eugene Finkel's most recent book is Intent to Destroy: Russia's Two-Hundred-Year Quest to Dominate Ukraine (Basic Books, 2024). He is also the author of Ordinary Jews: Choice and Survival during the Holocaust (Princeton University Press, 2017), and co-author of Reform and Rebellion in Weak States (Cambridge University Press, 2020) and Bread and Autocracy: Food, Politics and Security in Putin’s Russia (Oxford University Press, 2023). His articles have appeared in the American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Comparative Politics, and other journals. Finkel also published articles and op-eds in The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Affairs, The Spectator and other outlets.

About our chair:

Vladislav Zubok is Stevenson Professor at the LSE and the head of the Cold War Studies programme at the International History Department. His most recent book Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union (Yale University Press, 2021) received Reginald Zelnik Book Prize in History and is a finalist for Cundill History Prize. He commented on current events widely, including most recently in Foreign Affairs, the Wall Street Journal, and Engelsberg Ideas.

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