Each year the Iranian History Initiative invites a world-leading historian of modern Iran to deliver the Gholam Reza Nikpay Annual Lecture at LSE. This annual lecture was established in 2023 to honour the memory of one of LSE’s most distinguished Iranian alumni, Dr Gholam Reza Nikpay, who served as Minister of Housing from 1966 to 1969, Mayor of Tehran from 1969 to 1977, and subsequently a member of the Iranian Senate.
This talk will look at the production and reception of historical writing in the Pahlavi period, placing it within the context of its Qajar inheritance and the legacy of the immense investment in education in the late Pahlavi period.
The paper will look at different types of historical writing and its reception, the transition from ‘mythological’ history to a more rigorous focus on the discipline as the State sought to develop a coherent national culture and identity. How did this new history develop, who were its practitioners and how successful was it in imbuing a sense not only of ‘national’ identity, but a ‘historical consciousness’ with a developed awareness of context and process.
The paper will argue that while Pahlavi Iran, drawing on the legacy of the Qajars, invested enormously in production of historical knowledge, they were much less successful in engendering a shift in historical consciousness and that arguably the move from mythic to ‘historical’ forms of dissemination, enhanced rather than diminished the level of historical illiteracy among the wider population.
About our speaker:
Ali M Ansari is Professor of Iranian History and founding Director of the Institute for Iranian Studies at the University of St Andrews; Senior Associate Fellow, Royal United Services Institute. In 2016 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. In 2018 he was elected Hon Vice President of the British Institute for Persian Studies, and re-elected President of BIPS in 2023.
In 2020 he was awarded a two-year Knowledge Exchange Fellowship at the FCDO. His publications include Modern Iran since 1797, 3rd updated Edition, Taylor and Francis, London, 2019, Iran, Islam & Democracy - The Politics of Managing Change 3rd updated Edition, Gingko, London, 2019; These Islands: A Letter to Britain, Haus Curiosities, 2018, Iran: A Very Short Introduction OUP, 2014, The Politics of Nationalism in Modern Iran CUP, 2012; Iran Under Ahmadinejad, Adelphi Paper, IISS, January 2008, Confronting Iran: the failure of US policy and the roots of mistrust Hurst, London, 2006. His latest book is a short history of Iran for Polity Press, published in 2024.
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