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Project Europe: Success or Failure?

Hosted by the Department of International History

Zoom, United Kingdom


Professor Kiran Patel

Professor Kiran Patel

Dr Eirini Karamouzi

Dr Eirini Karamouzi

Professor Mary Nolan

Professor Mary Nolan


Professor Piers Ludlow

Professor Piers Ludlow

Book talk

Professor Kiran Patel’s new book, Project Europe: A History (CUP, 2020), provides a fresh and provocative interpretation of the history of European integration. In this event, the author and the panellists discussed how the European Union and its predecessors could become so important over time, and how it has impacted on ordinary people's lives. Did the EU really create peace after the Second World War, as is often argued? How about its contribution to creating prosperity? The discussion looked back at the myths and realities of integration and challenge conventional wisdoms of Europhiles and Euro-sceptics alike.

Kiran Patel is chair of European history at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich. He has been (inter alia) a visiting fellow/professor at Harvard University, LSE, Sciences Po in Paris and the University of Oxford. His new book is Project Europe: A History (Cambridge University Press, 2020).

Eirini Karamouzi is Senior Lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of Sheffield. Before moving to Sheffield, she was a Lecturer of European Studies and History at Yale University.

Mary Nolan is Professor of History at NYU. Her areas of research include Europe and America in the Twentieth Century. She is the author of ‘The Transatlantic Century: Europe and America 1890 – 2010’.

Piers Ludlow is Head of Department in International History at LSE. His main research interests lie in the history of Western Europe since 1945, in particular the historical roots of the integration process and the development of the EU.


The Department of International History (@lsehistory) teaches and conducts research on the international history of Britain, Europe and the world from the early modern era up to the present day. Sponsored by the department's Contemporary International History and the Global Cold War and the Conflict and Identity in Europe since the 18th Century research clusters.


Podcast of this event is available in audio format. Listen here.

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