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How the Global Cold War Remade American Politics

Hosted by the Department of International History

Zoom, United Kingdom


Dr Michael Brenes

Dr Michael Brenes


Dr Thomas Ellis

Dr Thomas Ellis

Book talk

Michael Brenes, Associate Director of the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy and Lecturer in History at Yale University, has published his first book, For Might and Right: Cold War Defense Spending and the Remaking of American Democracy, in October 2020 with University of Massachusetts Press. In this book, Brenes traces how the Global Cold War influenced American politics, arguing that US Cold War defense spending produced a powerful bipartisan political coalition that transformed American democracy and whose impact reverberates to this day.

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Dr Michael Brenes, Associate Director of the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy and Lecturer in History at Yale University.

Dr Thomas Ellis, LSE Teaching Fellow in International History at LSE.

The Department of International History (@lsehistory) teaches and conducts research on the international history of Britain, Europe and the world from the early modern era up to the present day. Sponsored by the department's Contemporary International History and the Global Cold War research cluster.

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