Student-organised event: feminist documentary screening with pizza
Screening of documentary 'Slut Phobia' (Sletvrees 2013) by Sunny Bergman in which gender norms in sexuality and duality in female sexuality are explored.
The screening was followed by a group discussion led by event organisers MSc students Laura Arts (International History) and Emily ter Steeg (International Relations).
This event was generously supported by a fund from the LSE Department of International History's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Laura Arts is a graduate student at the LSE, pursuing a Dual MSc in International Affairs in cooperation with Peking University, China. Her area of focus is international financial history and she is currently writing a dissertation on the Bank of England during the Interwar period. At the LSE, she is enrolled in courses on international finance, economic history, economic diplomacy and international history. Laura is an avid reader of intersectional feminist literature and has been active in feminist communities in various countries in her free time.
Emily ter Steeg is a graduate student at the LSE, pursuing a Dual MSc in International Political Economy in cooperation with SciencesPo Paris. Her main topics of academic interest are food security, foreign direct investment and development. She is writing her dissertation on corporate responsibility and power redistribution along global value chains. At LSE, she is enrolled in courses in the International Relations, Environment & Geography and Management Department. Emily has a special interest in the role of gender in development projects and conflict resolution.
Laura and Emily have also worked together on the translation of a feminist historical book of the Dutch politician Ina Brouwer.
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This event has now passed.