On 27 October, the Department of International History hosted its inaugural Black History Month roundtable discussion based on the theme of the "Global in the Local".
Speakers from the department discussed a range of topics including the 60th anniversary of the 1957 Little Rock incident, US black intellectuals and criticisms of aid development policy, black activists in interwar London, and the abolition of slavery in Zambia.
After the roundtable, the panel opened for questions and answers from the audience.
Dr Megan Black is Assistant Professor of International History with research interests in the United States and the world, environmental history, and political economy.
Dr Jack Hogan is LSE Teaching Fellow. His research focuses on the economic and social history of precolonial and early colonial Central and Southern Africa.
Professor Matthew Jones is Professor and Head of Department at the Department of International History at the LSE.
Dr Imaobong Umoren is Assistant Professor of International History. Her research interests include the intersecting history of race, gender, migration, and religion in the nineteenth and twentieth century Caribbean, US and global African diaspora.
The Department of International History (@lsehistory) teaches and conducts research on the international history of Britain, Europe and the world from the early modern era up to the present day. Founded in 1954, the department is one of the youngest departments at LSE. But in its short life, it has risen to become one of the top three university history departments in the UK, thanks to both its internationally renowned graduate programme and research record.
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