It is the policy of the School to provide opportunities for part-time teaching to current research students wherever possible. The Department invites all of its PhD students to apply for undergraduate class teaching. Teaching does not formally constitute part of the Department's PhD training as the Department cannot guarantee the availability of teaching opportunities for all students. However, the Department does encourage PhD students to gain teaching experience, especially if they are interested in pursuing an academic career.
The Department is open to receiving applications for part time teaching at any time in the academic year however we ask applicants to submit no later than the end of April each session, to allow the Department time to process and reach out to the relevant TRCs.
We will let applicants know whether they will be offered teaching by the end of June.
Please consult the LSE Undergraduate Course Guides for details of the courses taught by the Department. Please note that PhD students must have passed their upgrade in order to be eligible for undergraduate teaching.
Current PhD students and those who have recently completed their PhD from outside the Department, whether at LSE or other UK universities, are also welcome to apply for undergraduate class teaching. However, teaching places are limited and preference will be given to PhD students in the Department in the first instance.
A limited amount of seminar teaching on Masters courses is available each year. In order to be eligible for consideration to teach at Masters level, applicants must have already been awarded their PhD.
The Department is open to receiving applications for part time teaching at any time in the academic year. The selection of graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) is based on a joint decision between the programme directors and the teacher responsible for the course (TRC). This meeting usually takes place in summer term at the end of
Decisions are also governed by budgetary restrictions. Applicants should note that preference will be given to students doing the PGCertHE. For more information on this qualification please refer to the LSE’s Teaching and Learning Centre. Preference is also given to students from the International History Department over outside applicants.
Please note that having taught on a particular course one session does not guarantee teaching in the subsequent session. The Department has to strike a balance between returning GTAs and new GTAs. Applicants are asked to note that GTAs who pull out of teaching at the last minute without a compelling reason will not be offered teaching again.
Demand for GTAs varies from year to year in line with staff sabbaticals and unpredictable student take-up on individual courses. In many instances the total number of GTAs required does not become clear until the beginning of the new academic year. Thus, while the Department endeavours to notify all applicants at the end of Summer Term, it may not always be possible to do so. Successful applicants will receive an initial holding letter. Offers will remain provisional until the start of Autumn Term. Unsuccessful candidates will also be notified by the end of June each session.
Applicants should fill out the form below and attach an up-to-date copy of their CV. Where available, they should also provide any past teaching scores. Applicants can provide a teaching reference as an attachment, although it is not typically required. Any queries about teaching applications should be directed to
In order not to interfere with the student's ability to finish his or her PhD within four years, as a general principle, GTAs in their first year of teaching will usually receive only one class group, while GTAs in their second, third or fourth years will usually receive no more than two class groups. GTAs are required to mark formative coursework and to hold two office hours per week. GTAs do not usually mark exams. Training/induction for new GTAs will be provided by the School and also at the Department level at the beginning of the new academic year and attendance is mandatory. GTAs are remunerated for attending induction.
New GTAs are appointed at Band 5 step 18. Returning GTAs get an increment for each year of service in the Department – i.e. those with one year experience are appointed at step 19, and those with two year's experience are appointed at step 20. GTAs in their final year of the PhD (i.e. the fourth year) are appointed at step 21 assuming they have continuously taught for three years.
In addition, in the Department of International History, those GTAs that have provided a continuous service to the Department for 3 years and have been awarded their PhD, are also invited to mentor new GTAs and are appointed at band 6 step 24.5 should they accept to mentor new GTAs.
New Guest Teachers (i.e. those without experience of working in this Department but with experience elsewhere) start on band 5, step 20; those teaching on Masters’ courses or mentoring start on band 6, step 24.
Present salary scales can be viewed in the Human Resources website.
For any queries relating to pay please email