Stelios Sakkas is a Senior Economist at the Economics Research Centre/Dep. of Economics at the University of Cyprus. He holds a PhD in Economics from Athens University of Economics and Business. Formerly a Research Economist at the European Commission-JRC (Seville), he specializes in macroeconomics, fiscal policy, and regional economics using general equilibrium models. His work is published in journals like Macroeconomic Dynamics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Open Economies, Review, Regional Studies, the Manchester School among others. With extensive policy engagement, he has contributed to significant Flagship reports of the European Commission and he has served on Experts Committees (e.g. as the European Semester JRC country-desk Representative for Greece) and collaborated with international national bodies such as the OECD, the European Investment Bank, the Cypriot Ministry of Finance, the Foundation of Economic and Industrial Research and the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund.
Research Interests: Fiscal policy and the energy transition; the rise of intangible economies in Europe