Professor Andreas Kornelakis

Professor Andreas Kornelakis

Research Associate, Economy & Public Policy; GreeSE Papers' Editor

Hellenic Observatory Centre for Research on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus

English, Greek
Key Expertise
Comparative management

About me

Andreas is a Reader (Associate Professor) at King’s College London and received his PhD from the London School of Economics (LSE). He worked as a researcher in large EU-funded projects (DYNAMO, RECWOWE) and acted as an evaluator and assessor for the European Commission, the British Council, the Economic and Social Research Council, EU-COST, Cyprus RIF, and other funders. His research is published in journals such as: British Journal of Industrial Relations; Work Employment & Society; ILR Review; Business History; International Journal of HRM; among others. His op-eds appeared in outlets such as: LSE Business Review, The Conversation, Business Horizons, ETUI Policy Briefs, Transfer, and others. He was a visitor at several universities, for example, the University of Amsterdam; the National University of Ireland (Galway); and the European University Institute (Florence). In his research he applies a comparative and institutional analytical perspective on topics of comparative management, HRM and employment relations.

 Research interests: Greek employment relations; corporate governance; political economy; institutional analysis