As part of our mission of advancing high-quality and policy-relevant academic research on Greece and Cyprus and nurturing new talent in this field, we are launching a new scheme of Doctoral Affiliates, offering affiliation to the Hellenic Observatory Centre for Research on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus to suitable PhD candidates. The Programme will begin as a pilot in the 2024/25 academic year (starting in January 2025), with only two places available, and will be open only to students registered in one of LSE’s Doctoral Programmes or those with an LSE affiliation.
Successful applicants will be allocated a mentor (selected from amongst the senior members of the Centre) and a small research budget (up to £600) for conferences, fieldwork or related research purposes. Doctoral Affiliates will be expected to participate actively in the life of the Centre, for example by attending and, occasionally, assisting with its research seminars and public events; engaging with research staff at the Centre; and providing support to the Hellenic Observatory’s discussion papers series, blog and website.
Criteria and how to apply
The Hellenic Observatory Doctoral Affiliate scheme is open to all PhD students currently enrolled at LSE, who have active research, or demonstrable research interests, on Greece and/or Cyprus in any field within the social sciences and preferably relating to one of the Centre’s thematic priorities and areas of expertise. Preference will be given to PhD students who have been already upgraded from MPhil to PhD status. Affiliation will be for nine (9) months in the first instance (until 30 September 2025), renewable for up to three years.
To apply, please send the following documents to no later than 10:00 am (UK time) on Monday, 2 December 2024
- A copy of your CV
- A short biographical note and statement (maximum one-page A4) detailing your disciplinary and methodological background and research skills; and explaining how your doctoral or other research links to the research areas and thematic priorities of the Centre
- A letter (or email) by your PhD supervisor, confirming that they give permission for you to obtain a research affiliation outside your department.
Applications will be assessed by an internal committee at the Centre. The Doctoral Affiliate post is non-remunerable and does not constitute an employment contract. The Hellenic Observatory reserves the right to make fewer or more appointments than those advertised.