
Hellenic Observatory Visiting Fellowships Programme

The Hellenic Observatory welcomes applications to its Visiting Fellowships Programme. Visiting Fellows are external scholars who conduct their own research whilst benefiting from and contributing to the research culture of the Hellenic Observatory and the LSE community. The Programme is part of the London School of Economics and Political Science Visiting Fellows Scheme and is aimed at researchers, academics and practitioners at various stages of their career, who would like to spend a period of time in LSE to conduct research on a topic relevant to the work of the Hellenic Observatory. 

The Visiting Fellowship Programme is hosted by the Hellenic Observatory in line with its mission to promote the multidisciplinary study of contemporary Greek and Cyprus and to foster cooperation between the academic communities of Greece, Cyprus, the UK and beyond. 

While visiting fellowships are official non-remunerated LSE appointments, the Hellenic Observatory will consider applications for financial support from all applicants. Please see below more information regarding the categories of visiting fellowships, the application process and financial support.

Categories of Visiting Fellowships

Visiting Fellows: appointed under the LSE Visiting Fellow Scheme which is aimed at academics at Assistant Professor level, post-doctoral/early career researchers, or non-academic professionals at a broadly comparable level in the early stages of their career.

The status recognises the potential contribution from those in government service, in professional practice, in the private sector or in other appropriate fields, to the research and other activities of the LSE host department (Hellenic Observatory). Therefore, applications by practitioners and researchers outside the academia are welcome, but normally applicants should hold at least a PhD degree or have equivalent professional experience.

Visiting Senior Fellows: appointed under the LSE Visiting Senior Fellow Scheme, which is aimed academics at Associate Professor, Lecturer (post-Major Review equivalent), Senior Lecturer, or Reader level, or professionals at a broadly comparable level in their profession. 

The status is intended to apply to scholars who have already published work of distinction, as well as recognising the potential contribution from those in government service, in professional practice, in the private sector, or in other appropriate fields, to research and other activities of the LSE host department (Hellenic Observatory).

Visiting Professor / Visiting Professor in Practice: The LSE may confer the title of Visiting Professor or Visiting Professor in Practice for a defined but renewable period on persons of appropriate distinction whose connections with the School are appropriate to the visiting title. This category includes individuals with a non-academic background (Visiting Professor in Practice) who may have achieved prominence in public life, or who have attained distinction in their professions without however requiring sufficient academic distinction. 

Duration of appointment and residency

Visiting Fellowships are offered for a period from 6 to 12 months, and this term is renewable upon review.  Fellows may visit the Hellenic Observatory at the LSE at any time during the period of their appointment, upon prior agreement with the Hellenic Observatory Director. All research seminars, events and academic activity, take place during the three LSE academic terms, and applicants are urged to take the term dates into account when they plan their visit.

Visiting Fellows may design, initiate and conclude their research plans from their country; however, it is expected that they will spend at least three (3) consecutive months at the Hellenic Observatory in London.  

Expectations and Benefits


  • Visiting Fellows are expected to conduct research that is within the scope of the Observatory’s research agenda, which includes a broad range of topics within the social sciences discipline with a focus on contemporary Greece and/or Cyprus.  Prospective Visiting Fellows are asked, at the application stage, to clearly define their planned work programme of their proposed visit and to outline its relevance to the Hellenic Observatory. 
  • It is anticipated that visiting scholars will play an active part in the intellectual life of the Hellenic Observatory.  This involvement could be by, although not limited to, attending our research seminars and events; giving a seminar or a public lecture; meeting postgraduate students or LSE research and academic staff to discuss their work and actively participating in the Hellenic Observatory’s teamwork culture. 
  • Output: It is expected that all Visiting Fellows present one research seminar while they are in the School and submit a research output, for example, a paper for the Hellenic Observatory Discussion Paper Series, a presentation, a written piece for our website/blog, or other work that may be agreed in advance. Also, Visiting Fellows are expected to list the ‘Hellenic Observatory Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science’ as one of their affiliations on publications coming out of the research conducted whilst they visited the School.


  • The Hellenic Observatory offers a vibrant academic and research environment with many opportunities for collaborations and exchange of ideas within the European Institute and across LSE. Early career visiting staff are allocated a mentor from the LSE permanent academic staff, who offers guidance on the research development and collaborations.  
  • Visiting Fellows enjoy a recognised status within the LSE and are formally appointed by the School as Visiting Fellow, Visiting Senior Fellow, Visiting Professor & Visiting Professor in Practice accordingly. 
  • During their visit Fellows are invited to attend the Hellenic Observatory research seminars, public events and social events and, upon arrangement, have access to the other LSE departmental research seminar series. 
  • Visiting Fellows are listed on the Hellenic Observatory people webpage and their research activities are promoted via the Hellenic Observatory communication channels, website, social media, digital campaigns and its annual Newsletter
  • Visiting Fellows have access to the facilities of the LSE as a whole, including the Library and IT resources and are offered desk space and administrative support along with the permanent research staff of the Hellenic Observatory. Fellows are provided with an LSE login, email address and ID card allowing unsupervised access across the LSE campus. 
  • During the period of their appointment visiting staff are eligible to apply for external research funding in their own name and using the School’s name. This is upon prior agreement by the Hellenic Observatory and subject to the support of the Director of the Hellenic Observatory and the Head of the European Institute and with the approval of the Fellow’s own home institution.


In the context of its mission to foster international research collaborations the Hellenic Observatory wishes to encourage applications to its Visiting Fellowship Programme and is pleased to provide funding of £4000 for up to two Visiting Fellows per annum to strengthen the international community of scholarship on Contemporary Greek studies. 

The funding is available to cover expenses such airfares, accommodation, and other living expenses for the period of time (3 consecutive months) that visitors will be spending in London. It is essential that visitors are based in London during the period in which the related expenses are incurred.  

If you wish to apply for the Visiting Fellowship funding, please indicate your interest in your cover letter when applying to the Visiting Fellowships Programme (see below: How to apply). 

For more information or questions in relation to the Visiting Fellowship funding please contact .

Selection process and deadlines

Applications for visiting appointments go through a two-stage process. In the first instance they are considered by an academic committee comprising senior Hellenic Observatory staff. Applications accepted at this stage are endorsed by the Hellenic Observatory Director and are forwarded to the LSE’s appointments committee for approval. The LSE’s appointments committee makes the final decision regarding visiting posts and reserves the right to reject an application. 

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and are considered for approval several times a year. The appointment process may require 4-6 weeks to complete so you are advised to apply at least 2 months before your proposed start date of your visitPlease contact to confirm the timeline for applications and the relevant deadlines as these can vary.  

Indicatively, please follow the below timeline for planning your visit during each academic year: 

Apply by end of:

- June for a visit starting in or after September.
- August for a visit starting in or after December.
- October for a visit starting in or after March. 
- May for a visit starting in or after July. 

How to apply

Apply via e-mail to attaching the following documents: 

1. Cover letter (not exceeding 2 pages) including information about: a) your planned research programme; b) the benefits the fellowship will bring to your on-going research; c) the relevance of your research to the work of the Hellenic Observatory and the reasons why the Hellenic Observatory is an appropriate host of your research; d) the proposed timeframe of your visit, specifying the period to be spent at the Hellenic Observatory in London; e) details about how you plan to finance your visit and whether you wish to be considered for financial support from the Hellenic Observatory.  

2. Research Proposal (not exceeding 8 pages). The research proposal should clearly specify the research question of the proposed research and give details about the analytical framework, literature and methodological approach to be followed. It should also explain how the proposed research relates to the applicant's past research and publications. The research proposal should also indicate the research output that you propose to submit to the Hellenic Observatory in relation to your visit, i.e., discussion paper, seminar, blog article, etc. 

3. Curriculum Vitae.

For more information and questions or if you wish to discuss your proposal prior to your application, send an e-mail to or call us on +44 (0)20 7107 5096.