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The Hellenic Observatory staff writes regularly to the Greek and international press. Below you will find a selection of their articles & interviews.


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  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay's article "Cyprus reunification 'within reach', claims John Kerry" (Guardian) was quoted in the article 'What will happen in 2016?', Guardian (31 December 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone  was cited in the article 'Μετά την έρευνά του για το ελληνικό σύστημα διακυβέρνησης - Κέβιν Φέδερστοουν: Στην Ελλάδα οι πρωθυπουργοί λειτουργούν με το «εμείς» και «αυτοί»' ("After research on the Greek system of government: Kevin Featherstone: In Greece the prime ministers work with "we" and "them"), Protothema (16 December 2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article 'Controversial role of Moscow’s man in Cyprus', Cyprus Mail (13 December 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone  was cited in the article 'Μετά τη διάλεξή του στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών για τον «Κανόνα Δικαίου», Κόνορ Γκέρτι: Τα κοινοβούλια να αποφασίζουν για τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, όχι τα δικαστήρια' ("After his lecture at the Athens Concert Hall for the "Rule of Law", Connor Gerti: The parliaments to decide on human rights, not the courts"), Protothema (8 December 2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article 'In Cyprus, a renewed push toward peace raises new questions', DW (5 December 2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article "Cyprus reunification 'within reach', claims John Kerry", Guardian (4 December 2015)

  •  Dr Rebecca Bryant was cited in an article titled 'The EU’s ‘short-sighted’ migration deal with Turkey', IRIN Global (30 November 2015)

  • Dr Dimitri Sotriopoulos  co-edited the book Austerity and the Third Sector in Greece: Civil Society in the European Frontline, Farnham, Surrey,Ashgate Publishing (2015)

  • Dr Dimitri Sotriopoulos  published an article "Southern European Governments and Public Bureaucracies in the Context of Economic Crisis",  European Journal of Social Security, no.2, 2015, pp. 226-245

  • Prof Conor Gearty,  wrote an op-ed article entitled 'Η κατάσταση της ελευθερίας στην Ευρώπη', Το Βήμα Newspaper (19 November 2015)

  • Dr Angelos Chryssogelos authored an article titled 'The EU's crisis within a crisis', EUObserver (25 November 2015)

  • Dr Rosa Vasilaki's research proposal was awarded second prize by the Greek Politics Specialist Group. The proposal is a continuation of Rosa’s research at the Hellenic Observatory as a postdoctoral fellow, which looked at the experience of policing the crisis and its violent manifestations, at the views and perceptions of police officers vis-à-vis their role and their relationship with the protesting public, as well as at their thoughts about political transformation.

  • Dr Rosa Vasilaki wrote an article titled 'Το μεταναστευτικό ως πολιτικό ζήτημα' ("Immigration as a political issue"), News247 (21 November 2015)

  • Dr Rosa Vasilaki wrote an article titled 'Ο Ισλαμισμός θα χτυπήσει και τη δική μας πόρτα' on the topic of Islamism, Imerisia (21 November 2015)

  • Dr Platon Tinios wrote an article titled 'Ασφαλιστικό: Εξήντα χρόνια Κασσάνδρες' ("Insurance: Sixty years Cassandras"), LIFO (12 November 2015) Read a PDF version here.

  • Dr Platon Tinios wrote an article titled 'Το μεγάλο φροντιστήριο του ασφαλιστικού: Θα επωφεληθούμε', Economic Review, (November 2015) Read a PDF version here.

  • Dr Platon Tinios wrote an article titled 'Το Ελληνικό Σύστημα Συντάξεων: Προς ένα νέο κοινωνικό συμβόλαιο' ("The Greek Pension System: Towards a new social contract"), Athens Review of  Books, (November 2015) Read a PDF version here.

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone  discussed Cameron’s strategy on the EU referendum in an Op-Ed for the Kathimerini newspaper (Greece) in an article titled ‘Europe is just a domestic game’ (15 November 2015)

  • Dr Angelos Chryssogelos was quoted in an article titled 'Greek Banking Crisis 2015 Update: What Will Recapitalization Mean For Average Greeks?', International Business Times (5 November 2015)

  • Dr Angelos Chryssogelos authored an article titled 'Greece’s Migration Card in the Austerity Waiting Game', Euro Insight (3 November 2015) Dr Rebecca Bryant authored an article titled 'The EU's Dirty Deal', IRIN Global (19 October 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone's and Professor Dimitri Papadimitriou's lecture at the Megaron Athens Concert Halls has been reviewed in an article  in Protothema (16 October 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone's  and Professor Dimitri Papadimitriou's lecture at the Megaron Athens Concert Halls has been reviewed in an article in Kathimerini (16 October 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone and Professor Dimitri Papadimitriou's  recent book 'Prime Ministers in Greece: The Paradox of Power' was mentioned in an article in the Greek newspaper ProtoThema (11 October 2015)

  • Dr Platon Tinios authored an article titled 'Ελληνικό «τρικ» με τις μειώσεις συντάξεων'  ("Greek 'trick' with slashed pensions"), Kathimerini (11 October 2015)

  • Prof Kevin Featherstone's and Prof Dimitri Papadimitriou's recent book 'Prime Ministers in Greece: The Paradox of Power' has been reviewed by Thanasis Kontogeorgis at Kathimerini (4 October 2015)

  •  Dr James Ker-Lindsay and Dr Rebecca Bryant were cited in the article'Playing the long game – but for how long?', examining the current state of the Cyprus reunification talks, Cyprus Mail (21 September 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone   was interviewed on Sky TV, BBC World and News TV on the outcome of the Greek elections (20 September 2015)

  • Dr Vasslis Monastiriotis   was quoted in an article by Benjamin Dodman, profiling the leader of New Democracy party in Greece, France 24 (18 September 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis   gave a live studio interview for the programme European Closing Bell (anchoring, Louisa Bojesen) about the Greek elections and the state of the economy, CNBC Europeon (17 September 2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay  was interviewed on the Worldview programme about the Cyprus reunification talks, WBEZ Radio, Chicago (15 September 2015)

  •  Professor Kevin Feathertone was quoted in the article 'Tsipras waagt het er niet zomaar op' ("Tsipras doesn't just risk it"), Trouw (22 August 2015)

  • Dr James Keri-Lindsay was quoted in the article "Expats in Cyprus could lose out if UK exits EU", Cyprus Mail ( 2 August)

  •  Dr Spyros Economides  participated in the EU Financial Affairs Comittee Seminar and gave evidence about Greece & the euro-crisis (15 July 2015)

  • Dr Effie Fokas was quoted in the article 'Les comptes bien peu orthodoxes de l’Eglise grecque', Le Monde (July 2015)

  • Dr James Keri-Lindsay  was quoted in the article "As Talks Progress, Optimism Grows for Elusive Cyprus Peace",  World Politics Review (30 July)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article "Pourquoi la réunification de Chypre semble plus proche que jamais" [Why the Reunification of Cyprus seems closer than ever], L’Orient Le Jour (Lebanon) (22 July 2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides gave evidence  on the current situation in Greece to the House of Lords EU Sub Committee on Financial Affairs. (15 July 2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides was interviewed on the consequences of  Greece’s bail out agreement on BBC Radio 4’s PM programme (14 July 2015). He was also interviewed on the developments in the Greek crisis by the Japanese daily newspaper Yomiuiri Shimbun (13 July 2015).

  • Dr Spyros Economides appeared on Newshour on BBC World Service Radio commenting on the political implications of the latest Greek bail out agreement (14 July 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone was interviewed by Thomas Aagaard in the article 'Professor: Græsk regering står over for kollaps' ("Professor: Greek government faces collapse"), Finans (13 July 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone was interviewed by ABC News Australia on the Greek crisis (13 July 2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides commented on the Greek crisis for the BBC World Service US programme The World (13 July 2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article 'Atény môžu byť odstrašujúcim príkladom pre radikálov, tvrdí politológ' ("Athens can be a deterrent against radicalism, says political scientist"), Pravda (Slovakia) (13 July 2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay  was quoted in the article 'Busting the Myth of Russian Aid to Greece', Wall Street Journal (12 July 2015)

  • Dr Athanasia Chalari gave a live interview on BBC News on the Greek Crisis (9 July 2015)

  • Dr  James Ker Lindsay  contributed in the article "Cipras bi pobedio u Srbiji" [Tsipras would win in Serbia], Danas (Serbia) (7 July 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was cited in the following articles: IMF warns Greece needs debt extension, by Mike Dooley, ( 7 July 2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay gave a live intereview at Monocle about Greek Foreign Minister Kotzias's trip to Israel and Palestine (7 July 2015)

  • Dr Monastiriotis gave a live radio interview at BBC London Radio on the Greek crisis (6 July 2015)

  • Dr Monastiriotis gave a live TV interview on the Greek crisis at Sky News (6 July 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was cited in the  article "Greek finance minister resigns" Armen Press ( 6 July 2015)

  • Dr Monastiriotis discussed the events following the Greek referendum on BBC World News (6 July 2015)

  • Dr Monastiriotis gave a live radio interview to Monocle 24 Radio on 29/6, talking about the referendum in Greece (6 July 2015)

  • DrJames Ker-Lindsay was interviewed live on the likely reaction of the European Union to the Greek referendum, LBC Radio (6 July 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Feathertsone gave a live interview on the Greek referendum,  BBC News (6 July 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Feathertsone gave an interview on the Greek referendum,  BBC World (6 July 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was cited in the following articles: "The Greek crisis, CHOSUNBIZ, "Greece referendum resulting in fallout", (China), "Greece split in two" ( 5 July 2015) 

  • Professor Kevin Feathertsone gave an interview on the Greek referendum, Australian ABC Radio (5 July 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Feathertsone gave an interview on the Greek referendum,  Agence France Presse TV (5 July 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was cited in the following articles: "Greece's choice: default or collapse", (China), "Greece between 'yes' to austerity and the collapse of the 'No' " CNN Mexico, by Ivana Kottasova ( 3 July 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Feathertsone gave an interview on the Greek referendum, UK Press Association (3 July 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Feathertsone gave an interview on the Greek referendum,  USA Today newspaper (3 July 2015) 

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was cited in the article "Greece's hideous choice: More austerity or collapse" by Ivana Kottasova, (part of ABC network) ( 2 July 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was cited in the article "Lessons from Syria and Greece" (Turkey) ( 1 July 2015) Prof Kevin Featherstone has given a live interview on India Today TV (30 June 2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides gve an interview on 'World Update' on  BBC World (30 June 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone has given various interviews on the Greek debt crisis on various media outlets (BBC TV; Greek TV (ANT-1); Japanese TV (NKK); Australian ABC Radio; LBC)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was cited in the following articles:  "Greece looks to Putin as debt negotiation deadline looms"  by Nancy Fleming, Radio France Internationale ( and "Who is responsible for Greece's failure to drift?" by Enis Şenerdem, BBC Turkey (29 June 2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay gave an interview on Greek crisis - what's likely to happen? on Radio New Zealand (29 June 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone authored an article titled 'Oταν ο λαϊκισμός αποτυγχάνει'  ("When populism fails"), Kathimerini (29 June 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis  was cited in the article "Greece’s small print"  by Jakub Krupa, Plus Biznesu (Poland) ( 28 June 2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article "Greek Experts: Eurogroup and Creditors’ Patience in Exhausted" in Polish Press Agency (PAP) (27 June 2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides  gave an interview on the ‘World Update’ programme on the Greek talks in Brussels, BBC World Service Radio (22 June 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone authored an article titled 'Αγαπημένοι μου Ελληνες...' ("Dear Greeks"), Ethnos (The Columnist) (29 June 2015)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone authored an article titled 'Oταν ο λαϊκισμός αποτυγχάνει'  ("When populism fails"), Kathimerini (29 June 2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides  gave an interview on the ‘World Update’ programme on the Greek talks in Brussels, BBC World Service Radio (22 June 2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides  gave a TV interview to Margaret Evans on the Greek talks in Brussels, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (22 June 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis  gave a live radio interview on the results of the Eurogroup, France 24 (22 June 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis  was quoted in the article 'How Greece’s economic crisis could affect the Middle East' by Paul Crompton, talking about the Greek crisis and its impact in the wider region, Al Arabiya News (21 June 2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay  gave a live interview on Greek PM Tsipras' visit to Russia (section starts at 4 minutes), The Monocle Daily (19 June 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis  gave a pre-recorded TV interview concerning the continuing negotiations between Greece and the Eurozone officials, 5 News (Channel 5) (18 June 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis  gave a radio interview to Nancy Flemming, concerning the crisis in Greece and the PM’s visit to Russia, Radio France International (18 June 2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides was interviewed on the sticking points for Greece re its debt repayment to ECB, BBC World Service (18 June 2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides was interviewed on the PM radio programme, on the sticking points for Greece re its debt repayment to ECB, Radio 4 (17 June 2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides was quoted in the article 'Greece: "The odds of default get shorter and shorter"', CBS News, also mentioned in Morningstar (17 June 2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay  was quoted in the article 'Cyprus peace talks: Rocky road to reunification', BBC News (16 June 2015) Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article 'Cyprus peace talks raise hopes of an end to a conflict that has haunted Europe' by the Guardian (14/5/2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis   gave a live TV interview, concerning the Greek crisis and its latest payment to the IMF, BBC World News (12/5/2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article "New Turkish-Cypriot Leader Fuels Cyprus Reunification Optimism", Bloomberg (7/5/2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article "New Turkish Cypriot Leader Courts Ankara", Wall Street Journal (6/5/2015)

  • Dr Rosa Vasilaki was quoted in the article 'Greece to let out UK envoy’s killer' by The Sunday Times (3/5/2015)

  •  Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article "Mustafa Akinci wins northern Cyprus presidential election” by The Guardian (27/4/2015)

  • Prof Kevin Featherstone  gave a brief interview on Greek-Russian relations, BBC 2 Newsnight (8/4/2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live TV interview on the repayment of the IMF loan instalment by Greece, BBC News Business Live (9/4/2015) 

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a Skype interview on the official visit of the Greek Prime Minister to Russia and the Greece-Eurozone negotiations, France 24 TV channel (9/4/2015) 

  • Dr Bernard Casey and Dr Vasileios Bougioukos wrote a 'letter' titled For Greeks, the heroic exodus of Missolonghi implies the last resort, Financial Times (6/4/2015)

  •  Prof Kevin Featherstone wrote an article titled 'Φτάνοντας στο «Plan B»' ("Arriving at the «Plan B»"), Kathimerini (22/3/15)

  • Prof Kevin Featherstone gave an interview 'Φόβος και όχι λατρεία για την Ευρώπη της ανεργίας', Naftemboriki (20/03/2015)Prof Kevin Featherstone was quoted in the article, 50 Dias de Syriza. Das promessas ao mundo real, Observador (19/03/2015)Prof Kevin Featherstone was quoted in the article, A German Tale of Thrift, A Greek Tale of Victimhood, The Wall Street Journal -Europe(06/03/2015)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article 'Fears Cyprus is ‘breaking ranks’, The Cyprus Mail (1/3/15)

  •  Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article 'Putin's Cyprus deal gives Russia a foothold in the EU', Daily Mail (27/2/15)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article 'Cyprus Signs Military Deal to Let Russian Navy Use Its Ports', Vice News (26/2/15)

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in the article 'Spirit of ’74 Helps Nation Survive Financial Crisis', The Times (18/2/15)

  • Dr Spyros Economides discussed what the Greek Government has achieved in reaching a compromise deal and buying some breathing space on its debt repayment, BBC Radio 4 (21/2/2015)

  • Prof Kevin Featherstone wrote an article "Greece: Greek politics stall research reforms", Nature International Weekly Journal of Science (11/2/2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave an interview to Sheila Fogarty at LBC Radio about the Eurogroup meeting on Greek proposal (20/2/15)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live interview to Esteile Winters at Radio Sputnik (Voice of Russia), World Service Edition about the Eurogroup meeting on Greek proposal (20/2/15)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live radio interview to Pantelis Mitroulas, NERIT Radio (18/2/2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was quoted in an article by Joao Werner Grando in the EXAME Business Magazine (Brazil), (18/2/2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a radio interview to Lucy Burton at the BBC World Service (17/2/2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides  was interviewed on Greece and overtures to Russia, China and the US, Newshour, BBC World Service Radio (11/2/2015)

  • Dr Spyros Economides was interviewed on 'Will China or Russia rescue Greece? Probably not.' CNN (11/2/2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was quoted in the article by Seppo Ylonen published in the newspaper Kaleva (Finland, February 2015)

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was quoted in the article 'Monastiriotis o nowych pomysłach rządu: Wiosną Grecja może być na dnie' ("Monastiriotis talks about the new ides of the government") (Gazeta Prawna, 5/2/15)

  • Dr Spyros Economides  participated in a panel discussion on ‘Greece, Russia and the EU’. ‘Free Thinking’, BBC Radio 3 (5/2/15)




  • Dr Athanasia Chalari was interviewed by The EconomistGreeks are ready to change

  • Prof Kevin Featherstone contrasted the confusion and errors over the arrest of the Golden Dawn leaders in Greece with what the arrests might signify more generally: a decisive shift against the Neo-Nazi party and the greater confidence of the mainstream parties, in the article A Decisive Shift for Kathimerini (6/10/2013)  

  • Dr Spyros Economides gave an interview on the Tsohatzopoulos sentencing for the ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (8/10/2013)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone, in an op-ed for Kathimerini (Greece), wrote about A Decisive Shift happening in Greece against the Neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn and in favour of the mainstream parties (6/10/2013)

  •  Dr Spyros Economides was interviewed on the Neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn by the Spanish newspaper La Razón (30/9/2013)

  • Dr Spyros Economides  appeared on BBC Newshour commenting on the arrests of members of Golden Dawn. (28/9/2013)

  • Dr Spyros Economides was quoted in an article on the Greek Nazi party Golden Dawn by the Danish newspaper ' Information' (24/9/2013).

  • Dr Daniel M. Knight gave an interview to the LSE's Press Office  , discussing his research on solar energy and Greece (4/9/2013).

  • Professor Featherstone published an article for The Independent entitled Greece's Herculean task is to survive a recession as big as the Wall Street Crash (17/9/2013). 

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone, in an Op-Ed for Kathimerini (Greece), asked ‘What is Britain saying now?’ in its foreign policy after the parliamentary vote on Syria (1/9/2013).

  •  Dr Daniel Knight published an article entitled Pandora's Box: photovoltaic energy and economic crisis in Greece at The Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (14/8/2013).

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone, in an Op-Ed for Kathimerini  (Greece), argued it is time to think about the European South (4/8/2013).

  • Dr Nikos Skoutaris gave an interview on The big shift right, to the English Edition of Kathimerini (5/7/2013).

  •  Dr James Ker-Lindsay was quoted in an article of the Cyprus-mail entitled Russia eyeing Cyprus bases (30/6/2013).

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone, in an Op-Ed for Kathimerini (Greece), argued that the sudden closure of ERT, the state broadcaster, ‘tells us all we need to know’ about the challenges of reforming the public sector in Greece (16/6/2013).

  • Dr Nikos Skoutaris published an article in the greeklish website, commenting on the closing down of ERT, the Greek public television network (14/6/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live radio interview to Takis Kampulis at Athens 9,84 Radio (Greece) about the latest IMF report on the Greek adjustment programme (10/6/2013).

  • Dr Daniel M. Knight has published an article on the Greek crisis in Anthropology News online entitled Your Money or Your Life (4/6/2013).

  •  Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live radio interview to Takis Kampulis at Athens 9,84 Radio (Greece) about the latest IMF report on the Greek adjustment programme (10/6/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was quoted in an article in the Cyprus Weekly In quest of a new growoth model for Cyprus. The article also appeared at the Cyprus News AgencyIn CyprusKathimeriniPolitis onlineSigma-live (8/5/2013).

  •  Dr Nikos Skoutaris published an opinion piece on the Cyprus crisis in Greek 5+1 reflections on the Cyprus crisis (22/4/2013)

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone with Professor Stamatis Krimigis (Johns Hopkins University and NASA), wrote an Op-Ed in Kathimerini (Greece) arguing that Greece’s future development model will depend on whether the Greek Government can establish a more effective approach to research and innovation (21/4/2013). 

  • Professor Kevin Featherstone in his regular Op-Ed in Kathimerini commented on the implications of the Euro-Zone’s Cyprus deal. The article was entitled Angela won’t shift (7/4/2013).

  •  Dr George Kyris (Hellenic Observatory-Neapolis University Post-Doctoral Fellow) was interviewed by BBC News on the bail-out agreement for Cyprus. on the bail-out agreement for Cyprus.

  • Dr George Kyris wrote an article for The Guardian entitled Cyprus's economic woes could help resolve the island's dispute (28/3/2013).

  • Dr George Kyris was interviewed by Sigma TV Cyprus on the crisis in Cyprus.

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live radio interview to Christos Pagonis for his programme “Χάριν Οικονομίας” at the Greek Broadcasting Corporation, ERA- Programme 1 (27/3/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a pre-recorded radio interview to Tim Ecott for Voice of Russia (UK Edition) (27/3/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave an interview to Selah Hennessy for an article at the Voice of America, entitled Banks in Cyprus Remain Closed After Bailout(26/3/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live TV interview to Popi Tsapanidou for “SKAI Life” at SKAI TV, Greece (26/3/2013).

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was interviewed on the impact of the Cyprus bailout on Russia and Turkey on Bloomberg Turkey (25/3/2013).

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay talks about the latest developments in the search for a Cyprus bailout and the effects on society for ABC Australia Radio (22/3/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis Interview to Svetlomira Gyurova for an article at Capital Weekly (Bulgaria), entitled Cyprus Roulette (22/3/2013).

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was interviewed about the latest efforts to solve the Cyprus economic crisis for Monocle 24 Radio (22/3/2013).

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay was interviewed by BBC World TV on the wider economic impact of the Cyprus crisis and the role of Russia on Cyprus (21/3/2013).

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay discussed the political significance of the Cyprus economic crisis and the role of Russia in Cyprus for Sky News TV (21/3/2013).

  •  Dr James Ker-Lindsay explains the geopolitical dimension of the Cyprus economic crisis on BBC World Service Radio (21/3/2013).

  • Dr Kevin Featherstone  wrote an opinion article for the ELIAMEP's Crisis Observatory entitled A Window of Opporunity, But Wll it Be taken (11/3/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live interview  on the financial crisis in Cyprus to Sebastian Stodolak published in Obserwator Financowy [Financial Observer Poland] (20/3/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live TV interview about the current situation in Cyprus to Serafeim Kotrotsos at Real FM Greece (20/3/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live TV interview to Joanna Gosling at BBC News about the deposits levy in Cyprus (19/3/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live interview  on the current situation in Cyprus to BBC Radio Scotland at their Newsdrive programme (19/03/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave a live interview on the current situation in Cyprus to Peter Allen at BBC 5 Live Drive programme (19/3/2013).

  • Dr Nikos Skoutaris  (HO Visiting Fellow) was interviewed on the current crisis in Cyprus by the Newsday BBC World Service (19/3/2013).

  • Dr George Kyris (HO Visiting Fellow and Neapolis University Post-doctoral fellow)  was interviewed by the BBC World Service. Please note that the interview will begin shortly after five minutes (19/3/2013).

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay explains the underlying causes of the Cyrpus economic crisis for Monocle 24 Radio (18/3/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave an interview to Vanessa Feltz at BBC London 94.9 on the Cyprus Bailout Agreement (18/3/2013).

  • Dr James Ker-Lindsay discussed the latest efforts to secure a solution to the Cyprus economic crisis on Monocle 24 Radio (19/3/2013).

  •  Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis was quoted in an article by entitled Austerity drives down Greek deficit (18/2/2013).

  • Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis gave an interview on the financial cirisis in Cyprus to Ann McMillan for the programme The National at CBC News, Canada (18/2/2013).

  • Professor Featherstone’s latest article for Kathimerini entitled Who would really be king? (10/2/2013).