

Workshops and Fora


Beyond Austerity: Workshop on the growth of the Greek Economy

On the occasion of the book Beyond Austerity:Reforming the Greek Economy 
Monday 2 October French Institute, Athens 

Watch the video  
View some photos

The Hellenic Observatory supported the project 



Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association 4th Annual Economic Forum Investing in the Future: The Private Sector’s Bid For Economic

22 May 2017 
A forum organised by the Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association (EENE) in partnership with the Hellenic Observatory, LSE

Find out more



Seminar: From migration crisis to refugee crisis in Europe: Securitization priorities vs Integration policies?

18 January 2016
Apostolos G. Papadopoulos

Listen to the podcast



Anthropological Perspectives on the Crisis in Southern Europe

Friday 28 June 2013

Co-organised by the UCL’s Anthropology Department and the LSE’s Hellenic Observatory



2013 London Financial Regulation Seminar: The politics of the euro area crisis and Cyprus

15 May 2013

Speaker: Athanasios Orphanides, Former Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus

Co-hosted by the Financial Markets Group (FMG), the Hellenic Observatory and the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF)



1st Hellenic Forum ''GREXITING the crisis''

2, 4, 6, 8 March 2013, LSE

Organised by the LSE Student Union Hellenic Society and sponsored and supported by the Hellenic Observatory and others.



Neapolis University &Hellenic Observatory 2012 Forum
The Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities

Cyprus, 6 & 7 September 2012



Workshop on Social Change: Theory and Applications (the case of Greek Society)

Friday 9 March 2012
Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE

Listen to the Keynote Lecture Podcast
Listen to Session 1 Podcast



Policy Round Table with the Greek Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Dimitris Droutsas

27 January 2010

Canâda Blanch Room, Cowdray House, LSE

With the participation of government officials, diplomats and policy-makers, academics and ‘think-tankers, members of international financial institutions and journalists.



Migrant Integration in Small Island Economies: Evidence from the Island of Rhodes 
3 February 2009

Room 1.15, New Academic Building, LSE



The Security Dimensions of a Cyprus Settlement

10 October 2008
Canâda Blanch Room, Cowdray House, LSE



Workshop on Greece and its Strategic role in the Balkans

27 February 2004

In collaboration with the Institute for Defence Analyses (Ινστιτούτο Αµυντικών Αναλύσεων)



Workshop on The Priorities of Greek Foreign Policy

26 April 2004

Speakers:  Kevin Featherstone, Despina-Ino Afentouli, William Wallace, Thanos Dokos, Ian Lesser, Misha Glenny, Dimitrios Triantapfyllou, Alexandros Yiannis, Stephen Larrabee, Constantinos Economides, Thanos Veremis, Spyros Economides, Kostas Ifantis, Bruce Clark and Eirini Lemos-Maniati