
Upcoming Events

What's on

Through the organisation of conferences, public lectures, and panel discussions, the Hellenic Observatory addresses a range of topics of interest to academic, financial and industrial institutions, policy-makers and the media. Its series of events help achieve one of its core missions, to encourage social dialogue and inform the academic and policy debates on contemporary policy issues for Greece, Cyprus and Southeast Europe.


November 2024

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Britain, Cyprus and the fall of the Greek junta

Thursday 7 November 2024, 6.30pm-8.00pm

Speakers: Eirini Karamouzi, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary History, University of Sheffield
Neophytos Loizides, Professor of International Conflict Analysis, University of Warwick 
Konstantina Maragkou, Contemporary Historian, Newcastle University
Sir Roger Tomkys, British Embassy in Athens, 1972-1975 (video interview)

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Emeritus 
Professor; Professorial Research Fellow, Hellenic Observatory 

Venue: Shaw Library, 6th floor, Old Building, LSE

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*We recently encountered some technical issues with our in-person registration server, which have now been resolved. However, the problem may still persist when accessing the registration page from certain browsers or devices. If you experience any difficulties, please email, and we will be happy to register you directly. We look forward to welcoming you to our event.

*Hosted by the Hellenic Observatory Centre and the Anglo-Hellenic League

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Online Event
Regional financial centres: pathways for Greece and Cyprus

Monday 25 November 2024, 12.30pm-2.00pm

Speakers: Nikolaos Karamouzis, Executive Chairman,  SMERemediumCap; Chairman, Grant Thornton, Greece
Charlotte Ruhe, Managing Director for Central and South Eastern Europe, EBRD
Michael Sarris, Chairman of the Board of Directors, AstroBank
Dr Apostolos Thomadakis, Head of Research, European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI) 

Moderator: Anthony Bartzokas, Professor, University of Athens 

Chair: Vassilis Monastiriotis, Hellenic Observatory Centre Director; Professor of Political Economy & Eleftherios Venizelos Chair in Contemporary Greek Studies

Venue: This event is taking place online

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Public Lectures

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Hellenic Observatory Research Centre Launch Event
Clean growth: challenges and opportunities in the renewable energy paradigm

Wednesday 9 October 2024, 6.30pm-8.00pm

Speaker: Costas Arkolakis, Professor of Economics, Yale University

Chair: Vassilis Monastiriotis, Hellenic Observatory Centre Director; Professor of Political Economy & Eleftherios Venizelos Chair in Contemporary Greek Studies

Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, Lower ground floor, Cheng Kin Ku Building

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The past debt and financial crisis, the present and the future of the Greek economy

Speaker: Yannis Stournaras, Governor of the Bank of Greece

Chair: Vassilis Monastiriotis, Professor of Political Economy; Eleftherios Venizelos Chair in Contemporary Greek Studies

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*Co-hosted with the Hellenic Bankers Association (HBA) UK

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Moments of polycrisis: a mayor's perspective

Speaker: Kostas Bakoyannis, Greek politician; former Mayor of Athens (2019 - 2023)

Chair: Ricky Burdett, Professor of Urban Studies; Director of LSE Cities

Venue: Online and in-person event (Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE)

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*Hosted by LSE Cities in association with the Hellenic Observatory

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The modern left for progressive governance

Speaker: Stefanos Kasselakis, Leader of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

Venue: Online and in-person event (LSE Campus, TBC to ticketholders)

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Public Lecture
Does Europe Need Religion?

Tuesday 13 February 2024, 6.30pm-8.00pm

Speaker: Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain

Co-Chairs: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director
Revd Canon Prof James Walters, LSE Faith Centre Director; Chaplain and Professor in Practice

Venue: LSE Lecture Theatre, Ground floor, Centre Building, LSE

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*Co-hosted with the LSE Faith Centre

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Public Lecture
Applied Diplomacy: setting goals and identifying tools

Wednesday 24 January 2024, 6.00pm-7.30pm

Speaker: Yannis Tsaousis, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the Court of St James’s 

Chair: Spyros Economides, Associate Professor in International Relations and European Politics; Hellenic Observatory Deputy Director 

Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, Lower ground floor, Cheng Kin Ku Building

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Public Lecture:
Greek foreign policy: future challenges and opportunities

Monday 27 November 2023, 7.15pm-8.30pm

Speaker: Professor George Gerapetritis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic 

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

Venue: LSE Campus TBC to ticketholders

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The economic challenges for the new Greek government

Thursday 5 October 2023, 6.30pm-8.00pm

Speaker: Sir Christopher Pissarides, Regius Professor of Economics, LSE

Discussant: George Alogoskoufis, Professor, Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business

Chair: Vassilis Monastiriotis, Professor of Political Economy and Eleftherios K. Venizelos Chair in Contemporary Greek Studies

Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, Lower ground floor, Cheng Kin Ku Building

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The Paradox of Trust in a "Low Trust" Society. Insights from a Greek Study 
The 10th PhD Symposium - Keynote Lecture

Friday 26 May 2023, 6.00pm- 7.30pm

Speaker: Stathis Kalyvas, Gladstone Professor of Government, All Souls College, University of Oxford 

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE 

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Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Greece – the Way Forward: in conversation with Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Monday 28 November 2022, 7.30pm- 8.30pm

Speaker: Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

Venue: LSE Campus, Venue TBC to Ticketholders

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Minimum Wages: lessons from international experience

Tuesday 7 December 2021, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speaker: Alan Manning, Professor of Economics; Director of the Community Programme, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE

Discussants: Manolis Galenianos, Professor of Economics, Royal Holloway, University of London
Antigone Lyberaki, Professor of Economics, Panteion University

Chair: Vassilis Monastiriotis, Associate Professor of Political Economy at the European Institute, LSE

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*Part of the Hellenic Observatory Athens Lecture Series, hosted in collaboration with the National Bank of Greece, with the support of the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association & part of LSE’s Shaping the Post-COVID World initiative.

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The Brexit Deterrent? How Britain's Exit has Shaped Public Support for the EU

Thursday 21 October 2021, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speaker: Sara Hobolt, Sutherland Chair in European Institutions, Department of Government, LSE

Discussant: Sofia Vasilopoulou, Professor of Politics, University of York

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

Welcoming Address: Gikas Hardouvelis, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Greece

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*Part of the Hellenic Observatory Athens Lecture Series, hosted in collaboration with the National Bank of Greece, with the support of the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association & part of LSE’s Shaping the Post-COVID World initiative.

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18th Hellenic Observatory Annual Lecture
Migration Crisis and its Impact for Europe

Tuesday 22 June 2021, 1.00pm- 2.30pm (UK time)

Speaker: Notis Mitarachi, Minister of Migration & Asylum of the Hellenic Republic 

Discussant: Maria Gavouneli, Associate Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory

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Inequality, the Misallocation of Talent and Economic Development

Thursday 15 April 2021, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speaker: Oriana Bandiera, Sir Anthony Atkinson Chair in Economics, LSE

Aristides N. Hatzis, Professor of Philosophy of Law & Theory of Institutions, University of Athens 
Daphne Nicolitsas, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Crete

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory

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*This event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the National Bank of Greece with the support of the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association.

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The Left in Power: reflections on SYRIZA's promise and achievements

Speaker: Euclid Tsakalotos, Speaker of Syriza Parliamentary Group; Coordinator of Syriza's Economic Policy

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory

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Shaping Cities in an Urban Age 

Thursday 11 February 2021, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speaker: Ricky Burdett, Professor of Urban Studies, LSE; Director of LSE Cities

Discussants: Kostas Bakoyannis, Mayor of Athens
Lila Leontidou, Professor Emerita of Geography & European Culture, Hellenic Open University
George Petrakos, Economist; Professor at the Department of Planning & Regional Development, University of Thessaly

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory

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*This event formed part of LSE’s Shaping the Post-COVID World initiative. Τhe event was part of the Hellenic Observatory's Athens Lecture Series co-οrganised with the National Bank of Greece and supported by the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association. The event was also part of the LSE Athens Urban Age Task Force, organised by LSE Cities and the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft.

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Trust, Resilience and the Effectiveness of Government: lessons from the COVID-19 crisis

Speaker: Sir Tim Besley, School Professor of Economics of Political Science & W. Arthur Lewis Professor of Development Economics, LSE

Discussants: Maria Petmesidou, Professor Emerita of Social Policy, Democritus University, Greece
Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, University of Athens

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory 

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*This event forms part of LSE’s Shaping the Post-COVID World initiative. Τhe event is part of the Hellenic Observatory's Athens Lecture Series co-οrganised with the National Bank of Greece and supported by the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association.

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Greece and its New Geopolitical Challenges: which way forward?

Thursday 5 November 2020, 5.00pm- 6.30pm (UK time)

Speaker: Nikos Dendias, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hellenic Republic

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory

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Golfing with Trump: economic decline, inequality, and the rise of populism in the US

Thursday 1 October 2020, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speaker: Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Professor of Economic Geography, LSE

Discussants: Dimitris Kairidis, Member of Parliament, Hellenic Republic; Professor of International Politics, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece
Antigone Lyberaki, Economist, Professor of Economics, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece

Chair: Vassilis Monastiriotis, Associate Professor in Political Economy, European Institute, LSE; Director of LSEE: Research on South Eastern Europe

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*This event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the National Bank of Greece with the support of the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association.

Minouche Shaffik

Dame Minouche Shafik in Conversation with Mr Costas P. Michaelides: where is the world economy going and what can we do about it?

Thursday 27 February 2020, 6.45pm- 8.30pm

Speaker: Dame Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics & Political Science
Discussant: Costas P. Michaelides, Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of Greece
Welcome Address: Dr Eleni Doundoulaki, LSE Hellenic Alumni Association President
Venue: NBG, Auditorium of the Karatzas Mansion, 1st Floor 

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*This event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the National Bank of Greece with the support of the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association.


Cyprus and the new Geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean 

Monday 2 December 2019, 6.30pm- 8.00pm

Speaker: Averof Neofytou, Member of the House of Representatives of Cyprus and President of the Democratic Rally
Chair: Kevin Featherstone,  Hellenic Observatory Director, LSE 
Welcome Address: Louis Loizou, Chairman of the Hellenic Bankers Association UK
Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building

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The event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the Hellenic Bankers Association UK.

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Will Greece Reform?

Wednesday 20 November 2019, 6.30pm- 8.00pm

Speaker: Nikos Konstantaras, Columnist for Kathimerini Newspaper
Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director, LSE 
Venue: Sumeet Valrani Lecture Theatre, Centre Building

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The Future of British Politics after BREXIT

Thursday 10 October 2019, 6.45pm- 8.30pm

Speaker: Tony Travers, Professor in Practice, Department of Government, LSE
Discussant: Alexis Papahelas, Editor-in-Chief of 'Kathimerini'
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director, LSE
Venue: NBG, Auditorium of the Karatzas Mansion, 1st Floor 

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*This event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the National Bank of Greece with the support of the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association.

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The IMF and the Greek Crisis: myths and realities

Monday 30 September 2019, 6.30pm- 8.00pm

Speaker: Poul Thomsen, Director of the European Department, IMF
Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director, LSE 
Venue: TBA to ticketholders

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The event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the Hellenic Bankers Association UK.

Dimitris Papadimitriou

Five things we Don’t Know about the Economic Crisis in Greece

Saturday 15 June 2019, 2.00pm- 3.30pm

Speaker: Dimitris Papadimitriou, Professor of Politics, University of Manchester

Discussant: George Pagoulatos, Professor of European Politics and Economy, Athens University of Economics and Business 

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies; Director of the Hellenic Observatory
Venue:Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building 

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Building Social Capital and Trust: the role of corporate social responsibility 

Thursday 16 May 2019, 6.45pm- 8.30pm

Speaker: Ane Tamayo, Professor of Accounting, LSE

Discussant: Sophie Daskalaki- Mytilineou, President of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee of MYTILINEOS S.A. 
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies; Director of the Hellenic Observatory, LSE

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*This event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the National Bank of Greece with the support of the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association.

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17th Hellenic Observatory Annual Lecture
A New Model for the Greek Labour Market

Friday 22 March 2019, 6.30pm- 8.00pm

Speaker: Effie Achtsioglou, Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity 
Chair: Vassilis Monastiriotis, Associate Professor of Political Economy, European Institute, LSE
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House

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The Future of Eurozone: what reforms are needed

Thursday 14 March 2019, 6.45pm- 8.30pm
Speaker: Paul De Grauwe, John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy, LSE
Discussant: Helen Louri-Dendrinou, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies; Director of the Hellenic Observatory
Venue: Megaron Karatza, Eolou 82, 105 51 Athens, Greece

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*This event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the National Bank of Greece with the support of the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association.

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Making a Difference in Greece 

Wednesday 6 February 2019, 6.30pm- 8.00pm

Speaker: Kostis Hatzidakis, Member of the Greek Parliament, Vice President of the New Democracy Party
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Director of the Hellenic Observatory 
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House

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From the Mediterranean Crisis to Brexit: transformations and challenges of citizens' European identity

Thursday 17 January 2019, 7.00pm- 8.30pm

Speaker: Michael Bruter, Professor of Political Science and European Politics, LSE
Discussant: Effie Fokas, Senior Research Fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies; Director of the Hellenic Observatory
Venue: Megaron Karatza, Aiolou 82, 105 51 Athens, Greece

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*This event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the National Bank of Greece with the support of the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association.

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Lessons learned from the Greek Crisis: reflections from George Papandreou

Monday 19 November 2018, 18.30-20.00


Speaker: George Papandreou, former Prime Minister of Greece (Oct 2009-Nov 2011) 
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Director of the Hellenic Observatory 
Venue: LSE Venue to be announced to ticketholders

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Michaelides Costas

Modeling Transformation: EU, Greece and NBG

Tuesday 13 November 2018, 18.30 - 20.00

Speaker: Costas P. Michaelides, Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of Greece
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Director of the Hellenic Observatory  Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building

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The Future of Healthcare: staying healthy in the 21st century – A view from Greece

Thursday 4 October 2018, 18.30 - 20.00

Speaker: Vassili G. Apostolopoulos, CEO, Athens Medical Group
Chair: Elias Mossialos, Brian Abel-Smith Professor of Health Policy, London School of Economics (LSE)
Venue: Wolfson Theatre, NAB

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Hosted by the Hellenic Observatory and LSE Health


Solving the Cyprus Problem: thinking outside the box

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Speaker: Harry Tzimitras, Director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo - PRIO Cyprus Centre, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council Washington, D.C.
Chair: James Ker-Lindsay, LSEE Senior Visiting Fellow, LSE European Institute
Venue: Room 1.11, Cowdray House

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Perspectives on a Cyprus Settlement and Developments in UK-Cyprus Relations since 2010

Wednesday 9 May 2018
Speaker: Matthew Kidd CMG, Former British High Commissioner to Cyprus
Chair: Professor James Ker-Lindsay, Senior Visiting Fellow at LSEE- Research on South Eastern Europe.
Venue: Thai Theatre, New Academic Building

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Hosted by the Hellenic Observatory and Contemporary Turkish Studies

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Fake News, Propaganda and Media in Greece

Tuesday 27 February 2018
Speaker: Nikos Pappas, Greek Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Information
Time: 18.30-20.00
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE

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Kyriakos Mitsotakis

16th HO Annual Lecture
Defeating populism, defending the truth and unleashing the potential of the Greek economy

Monday 15 May 2017
Speaker: Kyriakos Mitsotakis, President of Nea Dimokratia
Time: 18.30-20.00
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building

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Cyprus: revival from the crisis in the European economic dimension

Monday 13 March 2017
Speaker: Harris Georgiades, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Cyprus
Time: 18.30-19.45
Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building

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Greece: Conditions for a Sustained Recovery

Thursday 9 February 2017
Speaker: George Chouliarakis, Greek Alternate Minister of Finance & Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers of Greece
Time: 18:30-20:00
Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building LSE Campus

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HO 20-year Anniversary Lecture
The principle of Solidarity in the Framework of Primary European Law: guarantees provided by the Treaty for the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union 

Monday 28 November 2016
Speaker: H.E. Mr Prokopis Pavlopoulos, President of the Hellenic Republic
Time: 19:00
Venue: Megaron: the Athens Concert Hall, Greece

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A social or a Neoliberal Europe? The Greek Experience

Monday 14 November 2016
Speaker: George Katrougalos, Alternate Minister of European Affairs - Foreign Ministry, Greece and Professor of Public Law
Time: 18:30-20:00
Venue: Thai Theater, New Academic Building. 
Organised by The Laboratory for Advanced Research on the Global Economy with the Hellenic Observatory

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The Road to Recovery: can Greek banks revive the real economy?

Monday 31 October 2016
Speaker: Nikolaos Karamouzis, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eurobank Ergasias SA; Emeritus Professor, University of Piraeus
Time: 18:30-20:00
Venue: Wolfson Theater, New Academic Building

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*The event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory the Hellenic Bankers Association-UK


Cyprus and New Security Issues in the Eastern Mediterranean

Wednesday 10 February 2016
Speaker: Euripides Evriviades, High Commissioner for the Republic of Cyprus to the UK
Time: 18:30-20:00
Venue: Wolfson Theater, New Academic Building

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Lessons Learnt from the Greek Crisis

Thursday 28 January 2016
Speaker: Louka Katseli, Chair of the National Bank of Greece and Hellenic Bankers Association and Professor at the University of Athens
Venue: Old Theater, LSE

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Economic Blues: the Left in government times

Tuesday 10 November 2015
Speaker: Euclid Tsakalotos, then Greek Finance Minister
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House

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15th HO Annual Lecture
The Hypocrisy of European Moralism: Greece and the Politics of Cultural Aggression

Wednesday 4 November 2015
Speaker: Michael Herzfeld, Professor of the Social Sciences and Curator of European Ethnology in the Peabody Museum, Harvard University
Venue: Hong Kong Theater, Clement House

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The Current Economic Developments in Greece and Cyprus: when and how crisis exits are feasible

Monday 12 October 2015
Speaker: Michalis Sarris, Former Minister of Finance of Cyprus; Former Department Director at the World Bank; Yiannis Kitromilides,Associate Member of the Cambridge Centre of Economic and Public Policy, University of Cambridge
Venue: CLM 2.02, Clement House, LSE

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14th HO Annual Lecture
'The Greek Economy- Current Developments and Future Prospects'

Wednesday 25 March 2015
Speaker: Yannis Stournaras, Governor of the Bank of Greece; Former Greek Minister of Finance

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Cyprus Question; Current state of play in the settlement negotiations and prospects in 2015

Monday 2 March 2015
Speaker: Ambassador Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Chief Negotiator for the Greek Cypri- ot Community in the UN-sponsored intercommunal talks



Local Governance in Times of Crisis - Lessons for Greece from the City of Thessaloniki

Tuesday 11 November 2014
Speaker: Yiannis Boutaris, then Mayor of Thessaloniki
Venue: Hong Kong Theater, Clement House, LSE

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The Greek Orthodox Church and the Economic Crisis

Wednesday 12 November, 2014
Speaker: His Eminence Metropolitan Ignatius of Demetrias and Almyros
Venue: Hong Kong Theater, Clement House, LSE

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The True Story about the Geopolitical Role of Cyprus: David or Goliath?

Thursday 16 February 2014
Speaker: H.E Nicos Anastasiades, then President of the Republic of Cyprus
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, LSE

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13th HO Annual Lecture
The Greek Ombudsman and Public Administration during Challenging Times

Monday 25 November 2013
Speaker: Professor Calliope Spanou,The Greek Ombudsman; Professor of Administrative Sciences, University of Athens

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Greece's Way out of the Crisis

Thursday 14 March 2013
Speaker: Alexis Tsipras, President of Syriza-USF
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, LSE

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Can we Deliver a Better Europe?The Challenge of Meeting Expectations for Economic Growth, Stability and Social Cohesion in the EU

31 October 2012
Speaker: Andreas D. Mavroyiannis, Deputy Minister to the President of the Republic of Cyprus for European Affairs 
Venue: Alumni Theater, New Academic Building, LSE


12th HO Annual Lecture
Greece between Austerity, Reform and the Drachma

Monday 5 March 2012
Speaker: Costas Azariadis, Mallinckrodt Professor, Washington University in St. Louis

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The Geostrategic Importance of Cyprus: Long Term Trends & Prospects

25 January 2012
Speaker: Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis, Cyprus Foreign Affairs Minister 
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theater, New Academic Building, LSE

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Politics, Culture and the State: the Greek crisis in historical perspective

Thursday 24 November 2011
Speaker: Nikiforos Diamandouros, The European Ombudsman
Venue: Thai Theater, New Academic Building, LSE

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The 2011 London Hellenic Society Annual Lecture Hellenism, Universal Rights and Apartheid

Wednesday 5 October 2011 
Speaker: Advocate George Bizos 
Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE

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The Role of Education in Greece's Recovery

Wednesday 2 February 2011 
Speaker: Anna Diamantopoulou, then Minister of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affars, Greece
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theater, New Academic Building, LSE

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11th HO Annual Lecture
Greece is Changing

8 November 2010

Speaker: George Papaconstantinou, former Minister of Finance, Greece

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10th HO Annual Lecture
The future of Greek Banks: A Regional Strategy

Thursday 12 November 2009

Speaker: Takis Arapoglou, Chairman of the Board and CEO of the National Bank of Greece

Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone


Progressive Governance: Greece and the New International Order
George Papandreou in conversation with Professor Kevin Featherstone

27 April 2009

Speaker: George Papandreou, then Leader of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK); President of the Socialist International
Venue: Old Theater, Old Building, LSE

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2nd Keith Kyle Memorial Lecture on British-Cypriot relations: 'Cyprus Settlement: Who Benefits?'

25 February 2009
Speaker: MP Caroline Flint MP, then Minister for Europe 
Venue: Room U8, Tower 1, LSE 

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*Organised in collaboration with the Association for Cypriot, Greek & Turkish Affairs


9th HO Annual Lecture
Europe in the Global Economy 

13 November 2008

Speaker: Professor George Alogoskoufis, then Minister for Economy & Finance, Greece

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The Single Monetary Policy and the Analytics of OCAs: what has the Euro area experience taught us?

30 April 2008

Speaker: Dr Nikos Garganas, then Governor of the Bank of Greece
Time: 18:30-20:00 Venue: Hong KongTheatre, Clement House, LSE 

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Cyprus enters the Euro-Zone: Challenges and implications

23 January 2008

Speaker: Dr Michalis Sarris, then Finance Minister of Cyprus and Christopher Pissarides, LSE
Time: 18:30-20:00
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE

*Supported by both The Financial Times and the Cyprus High Commission in London


2nd Byron Theodoropoulos Lecture
Greece and Europe

5 November 2007

Speaker: Dora Bakoyannis, then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Greece
Venue: Old Theatre, LSE

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8th HO Annual Lecture
Is Democracy in Crisis? Lessons from the Greek Experience

23 October 2007

Speaker: Costas Simitis, former Prime Minister of Greece

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1st Keith Kyle Memorial Lecture on British Cypriot Relations

Speaker: Rt.Hon. Geoff Hoon, MP; then Minister for Europe

*Organised in collaboration with the Association for Cypriot, Greek & Turkish Affairs


7th HO Annual Lecture
Greece and the European Union: Partners in European Reform

20 November 2006

Speaker: Kostas Karamanlis, then Prime Minister of Greece

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1st Byron Theodoropoulos Lecture
The Foreign Policy of Modern Greece: An Introspective Approach

2 December 2005

Speaker: Byron Theodoropoulos, Ambassador of Greece to the UK
Chair: Spyros Economides, Hellenic Observatory Deputy Director; Associate Professor of International Relations and European Politics, LSE 


The Role of Religion in a Changing Europe*

3 November 2005

Speaker: Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

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*Annual London Hellenic Society Lecture


Greece's Modernisation Process: Visions and new realities

12 May 2005 

Speaker: Yannos Papantoniou, former Minister of National Economy and Finance, Greece 
Venue: London School of Economics 


6th HO Annual Lecture 
European integration: what is at stake now (for British, Greeks and others)?

6 December 2004

Speaker: Loukas Tsoukalis, Jean Monet Professor of European Integration at the University of Athens, Greece
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director


Serial Enterpreneurship: A job or an addiction?

24 November 2004 

Speaker: Stelios Haji-Ioannou, serial entrepreneur
Time: 18:30-20:00 
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE


London Hellenic Society annual lecture
What makes an Olympic City? Lessons and Legacies from the Athens Experience

4 November 2004

Speaker: Dora Bakoyannis, Mayor of Athens
Chair: Howard Davies, LSE Director


Serbia’s Transition: Achievements and Challenges

23 January 2004

Speaker: Zoran Zivkovic, then Prime Minister of Serbia

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An evening with Costas Gavras at the National Film Theatre on the South Bank 

17 November 2003

Film & Discussion: “Z” with Costas Gavras


5th HO Annual Lecture
Surviving EMU: prospects for the Greek economy

2 June 2003

Speaker: George Alogoskoufis, Professor of Economics, University of Athens; Chief economic policy spokesman of Nea Dimokratia party


The Greek EU Presidency

7 March 2003

Speaker: Christos Protopappas, Hellenic Minister of Press and Information & Government Spokesman Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director, LSE


The Future of European Security After Iraq

4 March 2003

Speakers: Yannos Papantoniou, Minister of National Defence in Athens; representative of the Greek EU Presidency, Alessandro Minuto Rizzo, NATO’s Deputy Secretary General, Paul Beaver, UK defence analyst 

Co-organised with the Institute for Defence Analysis (IAA, Athens)


4th HO Annual Lecture
Greece and the New European Security
8 May 2002
Speaker: Yannos Papantoniou, former Minister of Economy and Finance and Minister of National Defence, Greece


3rd HO Annual Lecture
Milosevic who? The Origins of a New Balkans

10 May 2001

Speaker: Susan Woodward, Professor at the Political Science Program, City University of New York 


Policy Co-Ordination in the Eurozone

Monday 5 March 2001

Speaker: Yannos Papantoniou, former Minister of National Economy and Finance, Greece


Diaspora, Identity and Nation-Building 

January 2001

Speaker: Paschalis Kitromilides, University of Athens 
Discussant: Fred Halliday, International Relations, LSE


2nd HO Annual Lecture
The Greek Economy in the Euro Area

3 May 2000

Speaker: Lucas Papademos, former Prime Minister and former Governor of the Bank of Greece


1st HO Annual Lecture
The Protection of Human Rights in Europe Evolving Trends and Prospects

6 May 1999

Speaker: Professor Christos Rozakis, Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights

Panel Discussions

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Searching for Andreas: Political Leadership in Times of Crisis (Documentary and Discussion)

Thursday 23 May 2024, 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Speaker: Harris Mylonas, Associate Professor, George Washington University

Chair: Prof Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

Venue: Wolfson Theatre, Cheng Kin Ku Building (CKK), LSE

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Unlocking the Growth Potential: Regional Economic Corridors in South East Europe

Thursday 16 May 2024, 12.30pm

Venue: event taking place ONLINE

Speakers: Sue Barrett, EBRD Director of Infrastructure in Europe, the Middle East and Africa;  Dr Will Bartlett, Visiting Senior Fellow, LSEE Research on South Eastern Europe, LSE;  Prof Slavo Radosevic, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, UCL; Matteo Rivellini, Head of Division Western Balkans and Turkey, EIB

Moderator: Prof Anthony Bartzokas, Professorial Fellow, United Nations University; Associate Professor, University of Athens; Visiting Professor in Practice, Hellenic Observatory

Chair: Prof Vassilis Monastiriotis, Eleftherios Venizelos Chair of Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in Political Economy

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View the presentations here: Barrett, Bartlett, Radosevic, Rivellini, and Bartzokas

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Panel Discussion
Looking back 50 years to the Athens Polytechneio uprising: students confront the Junta

Thursday 16 November 2023, 6.30pm-8.00pm

Nicos Christodoulakis, Professor of Economic Analysis, AUEB & Research Associate, LSE
Zinovia (Jenny) Lialiouti, Assistant Professor, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
George Pavlakis, M.D., Chief, Human Retrovirus Section, National Cancer Institute, USA
Calliope Rigopoulou, Professor Emeritus, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens  

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director; Professorial Research Fellow, LSE

Venue: In-person and online event (LSE Lecture Theatre, ground floor, Centre Building, LSE)

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*Photo from

Giorgos Giannakopoulos

The Parallax of 1922: The Greco-Turkish war in history, memory and international politics

Wednesday 2 November 6.30pm -8:00pm

Speakers: Giorgos Giannakopoulos, Lecturer in Modern History, City University of London; Co-ordinator, The Global 1922 Project

Yaprak Gürsoy, Chair of Contemporary Turkish Studies, European Institute, LSE

Ioannis N. Grigoriadis, Associate Professor and Jean Monnet Chair of European Studies, Bilkent University; Head of the Programme on Turkey, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
Ozan Ozavci, Assistant Professor of History at Utrecht University; Convenor, The Lausanne Project
Elizabeth Thompson, Mohamed S. Farsi Chair of Islamic Peace, SISSchool of International Service, American University, Washington DC

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

Venue: LSE Lecture Theatre, Ground floor, CBG

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Where best for the Parthenon Marbles?  Identity and the cultural repatriation of national treasures

Monday 17 October, 6.30pm- 8:00pm 

Speakers: Paul Cartledge, Emeritus A.G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture, Clare College, Cambridge
Lord Ed Vaizey, Member, Lords Communications & Digital Committee. Ex-MP for Wantage & Didcot (2005-2019). Former Tech & Culture Minister (2010-2016)
Tatiana Flessas, Associate Professor of Law, LSE Law School 

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

Venue: LSE Lecture Theatre, Ground floor, CBG

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Photo of the Mayor

Urban Age Forum | Athens: towards a more liveable city?

Thursday 16 June 2022, 6.30pm -8.00pm EEST

Kostas Bakoyannis, Mayor of Athens
Ricky Burdett, Professor of Urban Studies and Director of LSE Cities
Jean Louis Missika, Deputy Mayor of Paris for urbanism, architecture, economic development and attractiveness (2014-2020
Georgios Panetsos, Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, University of Patras
Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE;
Mary Vassilakou, Deputy Mayor of Vienna (2010-2019); Director, Vienna Solutions, Urban Transformation Consulting

Moderator: Alexis Papahelas, Executive Editor of Kathimerini Newspaper

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*Organised by LSE Cities at the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and the City of Athens, in partnership with the LSE Hellenic Observatory.

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Weathering the Pandemic: the emerging financial landscape in South East Europe 

Wednesday 30 March 2022, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Anthony Bartzokas, Visiting Professor in Practice, Hellenic Observatory; Associate Professor, University of Athens
Fokion Karavias, Chief Executive Officer, Eurobank SA
Francis Malige, Managing Director, Financial Institutions for the EBRD
Debora Revoltella, Director, Economics Department, European Investment Bank
Boris Vujcic, Governor of the Croatian National Bank

Chair: Waltraud Schelkle, Professor in Political Economy, European Institute

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Religion and Human Rights in Greece

Monday 31 January 2022, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speakers: Effie Fokas, Senior Research Fellow, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
Yiannis Ktistakis, Judge, European Court of Human Rights

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory

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Battling against Fake News in Britain and Greece: can the mainstream media win?

Tuesday 9 November, 6.00pm- 7.30pm (UK time)

Tony Barber, European Comment Editor, Financial Times, London
Nikos Konstandaras, Columnist, Kathimerini Newspaper
David Patrikarakos, Author and Analyst
Eleni Varvitsioti, Greece & Cyprus Correspondent, Financial Times

Moderator: John Kittmer, Chairman, The Anglo-Hellenic League

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

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*Co-organised with the Anglo- Hellenic League

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The Geopolitics of Greece: continuities and discontinuities

Thursday 28 October 2021, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speakers: Konstantina Botsiou, Associate Professor and Director of KEDIS, University of the Peloponnese
Erik Goldstein, Professor of International Relations and History, Boston University
George Prevelakis, Professor Emeritus, Sorbonne University; Permanent Representative of Greece at the OECD

Chair: Spyros Economides, Associate Professor in International Relations and European Politics, LSE

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*Part of the 21 in 21 activities, celebrating the 2021 bicentenary of the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence in 21 Greek-British encounters.

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The Greek War of Independence: re-appraising its economic legacies

Maria Christina Chatziioannou, Director of the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation
Andreas Kakridis, Assistant Professor of Economic History, Ionian University
Stathis Kalyvas, Gladstone Professor of Government, All Souls College, University of Oxford 

Chair: Joan Roses, Professor in Economic History, LSE

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*This event hosted by the Hellenic Observatory, was part of the 21 in 21 activities, celebrating the 2021 bicentenary of the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence in 21 Greek-British encounters. The 21 in 21 events are sponsored by the A.G. Leventis Foundation.

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Power and Impunity: what Donald Trump and Boris didn't learn from the ancient Greeks

Thursday 28 January 2021, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Introduction: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory 

Speakers: Michael Cox, Founding Director of LSE IDEAS
Simon Goldhill, Professor of Greek, University of Cambridge; Foreign Secretary of the British Academy
Johanna Hanink, Associate Professor of Classics, Brown University; Co-editor of the Journal of Modern Greek Studies

Chair: Paul Kelly, Professor of Political Philosophy, Department of Government, LSE

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*This event hosted by the Hellenic Observatory, was part of the 21 in 21 activities, celebrating the 2021 bicentenary of the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence in 21 Greek-British encounters.

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The 3rd Greek Bailout: lessons to be learnt?

Wednesday 25 November 2020, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speakers: Joaquín Almunia, Chairman, Board of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS); Honorary President, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
Kari Korhonen, Evaluation Manager & Senior Adviser to Secretary General, European Stability Mechanism

Discussants: Iain Begg, Professorial Research Fellow, European Institute, LSE
Gikas A. Hardouvelis, Professor of Finance and Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece
Elena Panaritis, Economist; Policy Innovator, Social Entrepreneur, Founder of Thought for Action

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Director, Hellenic Observatory

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Pissarides Chris

A New Economic Plan for Greece: what future?

Monday, 16 November 2020, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speaker: Sir Christopher Pissarides, Regius Professor of Economics, LSE

Michael Haliassos, Professor & Chair of Macroeconomics & Finance, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Louka T. Katseli, Professor Emeritus of International Economics & Development, Department of Economics, National Kapodistrian University of Athens

Welcome Address: Dr Vassili G. Apostolopoulos, President, Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association (EENE)

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory

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*This event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and EENE- Hellenic Association of Entrepreneurs.

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COVID-19 and Economic Recovery in Greece: challenges and prospects

Tuesday 27 October 2020, 5.30pm- 7.00pm (UK time)

Speaker: Christos Staikouras, Minister of Finance, Hellenic Republic

Discussants: George Handjinicolaou, Chairman, non-executive member, Board of Directors of Piraeus Bank; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Athens Stock Exchange (ATHEX)
Helen Louri- Dendrinou, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business
Dimitri Vayanos, Professor of Finance, LSE; Director of the Financial Markets Group and the Paul Woolley Centre for the Study of Capital Market Dysfunctionality

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory 

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*This event formed part of LSE’s Shaping the Post-COVID World initiative and was hosted by the Hellenic Observatory and the Hellenic Bankers Association UK.

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Greece, Cyprus and the Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean

Thursday 22 October 2020, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speakers: Ioannis N. Grigoriadis, Associate Professor & Jean Monnet Chair of European Studies, Bilkent University
Kostas Ifantis, Professor of International Relations, Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences, Athens, Greece
James Ker- Lindsay, Visiting Professor, LSEE, LSE
Fiona Mullen, Director of Sapienta Economics Ltd

Chair: Spyros Economides, Deputy Director, Hellenic Observatory 

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Governments in the Crisis: what do we expect of them? What do they expect of us?

Tuesday 30 June 2020, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

George Gerapetritis, Minister of State, Hellenic Republic
Amy Verdun, Professor in European Politics and Political Economy, Leiden University
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director, LSE

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*This event was part of LSE's public event series COVID-19: The Policy Response.

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*CANCELLED* COVID-19 and Tourism in Greece: challenges and prospects

Tuesday 9 June 2020, 4.00pm- 5.30pm

Speaker: Harry Theoharis, Minister of Tourism, Hellenic Republic
Discussants: Dimitrios Buhalis, Professor in Marketing, Strategy and Innovation, Bournemouth University
Ioanna Dretta, CEO, Marketing Greece S.A
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director, LSE

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Assessing the Economic Impact of COVID-19

Thursday 7 May 2020, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speakers: Paul De Grauwe, John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy, European Institute, LSE
Simeon Djankov, Research Fellow, Financial Markets Group, LSE
Panos Tsakloglou, Professor of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business
Miranda Xafa, CEO of E.F. Consulting Ltd; Senior scholar at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
Chair: Kevin Featherstone,  Hellenic Observatory Director, LSE  

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View Miranda Xafa's slides

*This event was part of LSE's public event series - COVID-19: The Policy Response, organised in collaboration with the National Bank of Greece and with the support of the LSE Hellenic Alumni Association.

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Πολιτική Βία στην Ελλάδα της Κρίσης

17 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Εισαγωγική Παρέμβαση: Μιχάλης ΧρυσοχοΐδηςΥπουργός Προστασίας του Πολίτη
Ομιλητές: Λαμπρινή Ρόρη,
Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια, Πανεπιστήμιο του Exeter 
Βασιλική Γεωργιάδου
Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια Πολιτικής Επιστήμης στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο & Διευθύντρια του Κέντρου Πολιτικών Ερευνών
Κώστας Ρουμανιάς
Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών
Συνομιλητές: Νίκος ΔεμερτζήςΚαθηγητής στο Τμήμα Επικοινωνίας & ΜΜΕ του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών 
Στάθης Ν. ΚαλύβαςΚαθηγητής Πολιτικής Επιστήμης στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Οξφόρδης
Συντονιστής: Σπύρος Οικονομίδης, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής  Διεθνών Σχέσεων και Ευρωπαϊκής Πολιτικής στο LSE, Υποδιευθυντής Ελληνικού Παρατηρητηρίου

Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες
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Brain Gain: an exciting future for Greece

Wednesday 27 November 2019, 6.30pm- 8.00pm

Speakers: Angeliki Kosmopoulou, Executive Director, A. C. Laskaridis Foundation 
Konstantinos Kyranakis, Member of Parliament, Hellenic Parliament
Angela Stathi, CEO, Reload Greece 
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director, LSE 
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House

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*The event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the '89 Initiative. 


Greek Politics After the 2019 Elections: future prospects

Tuesday 29 October 2019, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Maria Karaklioumi, Political Analyst at polling company RASS SA. 
Spyros Kosmidis, Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford
Chair: Dr Spyros Economides, Associate Professor of International Relations and European Politics; Hellenic Observatory Deputy Director, LSE 
Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building

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The Future of the Greek Banking System

Tuesday 11 June 2019, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Alon Avner, Head of Bain Capital Credit Europe
Sabina Dziurman, Director for Greece and Cyprus, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Christos Megalou, CEO, Piraeus Bank
Anastasia Sakellariou, CEO, Praxia Bank
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies; Director of the Hellenic Observatory
Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building 

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Athens’ Grassroots Regeneration: Reflections from Mayor Georgios Kaminis

Tuesday 2 April 2019, 18.30-20.00 

Speaker: Georgios Kaminis, Mayor of Athens
Kevin Featherstone, Director of the Hellenic Observatory, LSE 
Myria Georgiou, Professor of Media and Communications
Chair: Ricky Burdett, Professor of Urban Studies, LSE and Director of LSE Cities and the Urban Age project
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House

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Greece Facing the Immigration and Refugee Crisis

Wednesday 20 February 2019, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Antigone Lyberaki, General Manager, SolidarityNow
Lefteris Papagiannakis, Vice Mayor for Migrants, Refugees and Municipal Decentralization
Lilian Tsourdi, Departmental Lecturer in International Human Rights and Refugee Law, University of Oxford
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Director of the Hellenic Observatory
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House

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GrCy flags site

Growth strategies for Greece and Cyprus

Tuesday 27 November 2018, 18:30 - 20:30

Speakers: Gikas Hardouvelis, Sir Christopher PissaridesDimitri Vayanos and Constantinos Petrides 
Chair: Vassilis Monastiriotis, Associate Professor in Political Economy, LSE
Venue: Auditorium B108 A.Leventis Council - Senate Building, Aglantzia Campus, University of Cyprus

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The Impact of Brexit on Greece and Cyprus

Tuesday 19 June 2018, 18.30 - 20.00

Speakers: His Excellency Dimitris Caramitsos-Tziras, Ambassador of Greece to the UK
James Ker-Lindsay, LSEE Senior Visiting Fellow, LSE European Institute
Vicky Pryce, Chief Economic Adviser and a board member at the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR)
Effie Kyrtata, CEO of Reload Greece Foundation
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Head of the LSE European Institute, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor of European Politics
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House

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*Co-hosted with the LSE Generation Brexit project

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Greece out of Crisis? Building a Competitive Economy

Monday 21 May 2018, 18.30-20.00

Speakers: Dr Vassili G. Apostolopoulos, CEO, Athens Medical Group;
Nikos Drandakis, Founder and CEO, Beat;
Michael Tsamaz, Chairman and CEO, OTE Group
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Head of the European Institute, LSE
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building

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*Co-organised with the Hellenic Bankers Association-UK


Greek Exports and Corporate Adjustment

Monday 12 March 2018

Speakers: Anthony Bartzokas, Board Alternate Director, EBRD
Peter Sanfey, Deputy Director for Country Economics and Policy, EBRD
Discussant: Manolis Galenianos, Professor of Economics, Royal Holloway, University of London

Venue: CLM.6.02, Clement House, LSE

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Post-crisis Greek Foreign Policy: Challenges and Prospects

Monday 27 November 2017

Speaker: Spyros Economides, Director of the Hellenic Observatory, Emmanuel Karagiannis, Senior Lecturer Defence Studies, KCL and James Ker-Lindsay, Professor of Politics and Policy, University of St Mary's, Twickenham 
Time: 19.00
Venue: Hellenic Centre, London

*The event was organised by The Anglo-Hellenic League and the Hellenic Observatory


Sexualities and Ageing: the case of Cyprus

Monday 13 November 2017

Speakers: Debbie Laycock,  Head of Policy an Parliamentary Affairs at the Terrence Higgins Trust  Constantinos Phellas, Vice Rector for Faculty and Research, University of Nicosia, Cyprus.

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The Greek Crisis, structural reforms and Eurozone convergence

Monday 30 October 2017

Speakers: Costas Meghir, Yale University, Christopher A. Pissarides, LSE, Dimitri Vayanos, Professor of Finance, LSE, Nikolaos Vettas, Athens University of Economics and Business and IOBE
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE
Time: 18.00-20.30

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Cyprus and the Technology Transformation: breaking ground in the new economic & social environment

Monday 16 May 2016

Speakers: John Karantzis, iSignthis Ltd, Zohar Shamir, Fularo Holdings Ltd, Michalis Stangos, Industry Disruptors Game Changers, Andrew Tinney, Wargaming
Venue: Leventis Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus

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Organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the LSE Cyprus Alumni Association


The Future of Greek Banking

Wednesday 9 March 2016
Venue: Karatzas Megaron, National Bank of Greece, Greece

Organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the Hellenic Alumni Association of LSE


Web Privacy and Data Protection: Digital Paths of High Risk

Tuesday 26 May 2015
Time: 18:00
Venue: King George Athens Hotel

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Is Austerity Winning the Argument  on ‘Eurozone’ recovery? Can the Solutions to the Crisis also be Socially just?

Thursday 30 April 2015

Speakers: Paul Mason, Economics Editor, Channel 4 News, Holger Schmieding, Chief Economist, Berenberg Bank, John Milios, Member of the Central Committee of SYRIZA & Professor of Political Economy, National Technical University of Athens, Miranda Xafa, Senior Scholar, CIGI & Former Member of the IMF Executive Board
Welcome Address: Stratos Chatzigiannis, Chairman HBA-UK
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director; Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor of European Politics
Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE

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Organised by the Hellenic Observatory & the Hellenic Bankers Association -UK


What Do the Greek Elections Mean for Greece’s Future?

Thursday 5 February 2015

Speakers: Dionysis Dimitrakopoulos, Dafni Halikiopoulou, Dimitris Vayanos

Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building,LSE

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What is 'Modern' about Modern Greece?

Friday 7 November 2014
Time: 18.30-20.00

Speakers: Professor Molly Greene, Professor Stathis N. Kalyvas, Professor Vassilis Lambropoulos
Venue: Hong Kong Theater, Clements House, LSE

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40 Years After the Collapse of the Junta: Reflections on its Historical Significance

28 May 2014

Speakers: Professor Evanthis Hatzivassiliou;  Professor Richard Clogg
Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone

In collaboration with LSE IDEAS


Growth and Social Cohesion: Challenges for Greece and Beyond

Thursday 15 May 2014
Time: 18.30 - 20.00
Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE

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Euro-crisis & Greece

Wednesday 20 March 2013
Time: 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Daniel Gros, Charles Goodhart, Michael Haliassos
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE

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*Organised by the Hellenic Observatory & the Hellenic Bankers Association- UK


The Greek Crisis and its Possible Resolutions

Wednesday 11 September 2012

Speakers: Apostolos Doxiadis (Writer), Pavlos Eleftheriadis (Academic, Oxford), Michael Jacobides (Academic, London Business School), Andreas Koutras (Financial Analyst, ITC markets), George Prokopakis (Business Consultant)
Venue: Room U8, Tower 1, LSE

Watch the video 


Cyprus - Tired of Talking? Civil Society to Bring Life to a Stagnant Process

Wednesday 16 May 2012
Venue: Canada Blanch Room, Cowdray House, LSE

Organised by the Hellenic Observatory and Contemporary Turkish Studies

Listen to the podcast


Greek Election Forum 2012

Wednesday 8 May 2012

Speakers: Michael Arghyrou, Senior Lecturer in Economics, Cardiff University; Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos, Senior Lecturer in Politics, Birkbeck College, University of London; Professor Costas Lapavitsas, Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Law and Social Sciences & Professor in Economics, SOAS, University of London, Christos Megalou, Managing Director, Co-Head of Southern Europe, Investment Banking Department, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited
Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone

Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE


Can Greece get out of the crisis?

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Speakers: Dimitris Daskalopoulos, Moritz Kraemer, Vicky Pryce, Poul Thomsen 
Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone
Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE

Watch the video


Growth for Greece! How to get out of recession and stay in the Eurozone

Monday 6 February 2012
Venue: ACCI, Academias 7, 6th Floor, Hermes Hall, Athens


PSI - A Greek Gordian Knot. Current Issues and Future Consequences

Thursday 2 February 2012

Speakers: Dr Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Deputy Chief Economist at the EBRD, former IMF senior advisor; Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, Lecturer, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary College, Dr Andreas Koutras, Director of ITC Markets; Dr Nick Firoozye, Managing Director and Head of European Rates Strategy, Nomura
Chair: Dr Vassilis Monastiriotis
Venue: New Theatre, East Building, LSE

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The Greek bail-out one year on: how can Greece return to growth? 

3 May 2011

Speakers: Costas Meghir, Professor of Economics at University College London and Yale University, Herakles Polemarchakis, Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick

Chair: Nicos Christodoulakis, Senior Research Fellow, Hellenic Observatory


The Greek Fiscal Crisis and the Future of the Euro-zone

28 April 2010

Speakers: George Alogoskoufis, Professor Wim Koesters, Dr Yannos Papantoniou, Simon Tilford
Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE

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Can Greece get out of the Economic Crisis?

24 February 2010

Speakers: Costas Meghir, Co-director of the UK Institute for Fiscal Studies and Professor of Economics, University College London
Vassilis Monastiriotis, Senior Lecturer in the Political Economy of Southeast Europe
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

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What now for Greece? Reflections on the 2009 Election

4 October 2009

Speakers: Michalis Spourdalakis, Professor of Political Sociology, UOA, Spyros Economides, Senior Lecturer in International Relations & European Politics, LSE, Vassilis Monastiriotis, Senior Lecturer in the Political Economy of South-East Europe, LSE
Venue:Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE


Fears, Risks and Opportunities: Greece and the global economic crisis

9 February 2009

Speakers: Nicos Christodoulakis, NBG Senior Research Fellow; Professor, Athens University of Economics & Business; Former Minister of Economy & Finance (Greece, 2002-2004) 
Stefanos Manos, Former Minister of Economy & Finance (Greece, 1992-1993)
Chair: Chris Pissarides, LSE

The event was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the Hellenic Bankers Association UK.


Does the Euro–zone Experience show 'one size fits all' has been a failure? 

10 December 2008

Speakers: Nicos Christodoulakis, NBG Fellow 2008-9; Professor of Economics, AUEB Greece  
Ray Barrell, Director of Macro- economic Research and Forecasting at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR)
Chair: Iain Begg, European Institute


Cypriots 4 Cyprus Panel Discussion: Developments in the peace negotiations in Cyprus: Finding a solution by Cypriots for Cypriots

14 October 2008

Speakers: Dr George Vassiliou, former President of the Republic of Cyprus
Mr Ali Erel, President of the Cyprus-EU Association Ms Alev Adil, renowned Cypriot poet 
Mr Spyros Christou, Co-director of Cyprus Interpeace Project
Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

*Organised by the Hellenic Observatory & the Association for Cypriot, Greek & Turkish Affairs


Economic Convergence and a Cyprus Settlement

6 February 2007

Speakers: Costas Apostolides, Dr Mustafa Besim and Dr Max Watson 

*Organised by the Hellenic Observatory & the Association for Cypriot, Greek & Turkish Affairs


Creating Competitive European Universities for the 21st Century

25 January 2007, Athens

Speakers: Nicholas Barr, European Institute, LSE
Panos Tsakloglou, Professor of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business
Thanos Veremis, Chairman of the National Education Council (ESYP); Professor of Modern History at the University of Athens


The Future of European Security After Iraq - European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)

4 March 2003

Speakers: Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman, Department of War Studies, King’s College London, Professor Paul Taylor, LSE, Roger Boyes, The Times, Quentin Peel, The Financial Times

Chair: Professor Arghyrios Fatouros, University of Athens


Conferences and Symposia

24.05.15 CyprusForumLondon

Cyprus Forum London

15 May 2024
Venue: High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus to the United Kingdom

Panel Discussion: ‘Cyprus and its Geo-Economy’ 

Cleopatra Kitti, Founder, Mediterranean Growth Initiative, Senior Policy Adviser, ELIAMEP (online)
Karim Elgendy, Associate Fellow, Environment and Society Centre, Chatham House (online)
Charles Grant, Center for European Reform
Dr Stelios Sakkas, Research Economist, Economics Research Centre, University of Cyprus
Louis Loizou, Partner at Loizou & Co and Chairman of the Hellenic Tech Network

Chair: Vassilis Monastiriotis, Eleftherios Venizelos Chair of Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in Political Economy

Watch the video

Check out the full agenda here

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Delphi Economic Forum IX

10-13 April 2024
Venue: European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Greece

Professor Kevin Featherstone chaired two panel sessions:

- Must Government Be Bigger? (Thursday 11 April, 13.30 - 14.15 EET)

- Why is the US Growing Faster than Europe? And, Must Europe Change Course? Friday 12 April, (09.00 - 09.40 EET)

Watch on demand and see the full agenda here

*The Hellenic Observatory was programme partner of Delphi Economic Forum IX.


'Metapolitefsi' Fifty Years Later

Date: 29 February – 2 March 2024
Venue:National Gallery - Alexandros Soutsos Museum, Athens, Greeece 

As this year marks 50 years from the Greek ‘Metapolitefsi’, the Hellenic Observatory partnered with Kathimerini, the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation (MIET) and the Delphi Forum in the organisation of this major conference

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14th Limassol Economic Forum 

Limassol, 6 October 2023

The State of European Economy

Speakers: Michiel Hoogeveen, Vice - Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, European Parliament
Kevin Featherstone, Professorial Research Fellow, EI, LSE; Director of the Hellenic Observatory

Moderator: Constantinos Petrides, Former Minister of Finance, Republic of Cyprus

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Cyprus Forum 2023

Nicosia, 29-30 September 2023

Energy security and decarbonisation in the East Med

Speakers: Cleopatra Kitti, ELIAMEP Senior Policy Advisor
Theodoros Arvanitopoulos, Research Officer,  Hellenic Observatory
Gabriel Haritos, Lecturer (Adj.) in Hellenic-Israeli Relations, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Chair: Erhan Erçin, Head of Brussels Office, Project Associates

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Watch on demand


Delphi Economic Forum VIII
Paradigm Shifts

26-29 April 2023
Venue: European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Greece

Find out more
Watch on demand the panels with Professor Featherstone here.

*The Hellenic Observatory was programme partner of Delphi Economic Forum VIII.

Cyprus Forum 2022

Cyprus Forum 2022
Inclusivity: unleashing the power of diversity

Nicosia, 30 September 2022

There is No Plan(et) B: youth activism in the fight against climate change in Cyprus and in Greece

Cleopatra Kitti, ELIAMEP Senior Policy Advisor
Lydia Avrami, ELIAMEP Research Fellow
Othon Kaminaris, ELIAMEP Junior Research Fellow
Spyros Spyrou, Professor of Anthropology, European University Cyprus
Eleni Theodorou, Associate Professor, European University Cyprus

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

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21.04.08 EconomistEvent

Greece: 200 years of economic survival 
Organised by the Economist Events the occasion of the Greek Revolution of 1821 bicentennial

Thursday 8 April 2021

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*The Hellenic Observatory was a proud supporter.


16th Cyprus Virtual Summit 
Europe: Putting solidarity to the test – Cyprus: In need of a new growth model?

Tuesday 24 November 2020

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*The Hellenic Observatory was a proud supporter.

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Second Eastmed-London Investment Summit
Cyprus-Greece-Israel: Propelling a partnership for growth

Tuesday 3 December 2019 

More information

Fletcher Conference

Workshop and Conference: Greece and the Euro: From Crisis to Recovery 

Workshop: 14 December 2018, Hellenic Observatory, LSE
Conference: 12 April 2019, Fletcher School, Tufts University

The purpose of the workshops and conference was to assess the causes of the Greek crisis and the prospects for the Greek economy after the conclusion of the economic adjustment programs in 2018.

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Delphi Economic Forum III
New Globalization and Growth Challenges

March 1-4, 2018
Venue: European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Greece

The Hellenic Observatory was programming partner of Delphi Economic Forum III.

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Isalos Net

Conference World Trade and Commerce: Why go maritime in this turbulent era?

Thursday 15 February 2018, 17.00-21.30
Venue: The Hellenic Centre, London

The conference aimed to strengthen the knowledge of the younger generations on the challenges, prospects and threats of the maritime industry.

Organised by The London. In participation with the Hellenic Observatory
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Greece: Modernisation and Europe 20 years on                

Friday 25 November 2016
Venue: Shaw Library, Old Building, LSE

Drawing on the conference organised at the European Institute of LSE in November 1994, this retrospective conference asked participants to reflect on the modernisation of Greece, particularly over the past two decades.

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View some photos here: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6



11th Annual London Conference of the British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Hellenic Observatory
Greece, a Financial Overview and Investment Opportunities

Monday 14 November 2016
Venue:The Old Library, Lloyd’s building



Reload Greece 2016 Conference
Enterprising Diasporas: from Brain Drain to Brain Gain

Saturday 24 September, 2016
Venue: Rooms on Regent's Park

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Symposium: 'Getting Policy Knowledge into Government: the Greek and European Experiences'

Thursday 19 May, 2016
Venue: Bank of Greece, Athens

This symposium was organised to commemorate the HO 20 Year anniversary.The event, which was by invitation only, was held under The Chatam House rule.

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Interpreting the Past, Present and Future of Cyprus

Tuesday 17 May 2016
Venue: University of Cyprus, Nicosia
One-Day Conference Co-organised by the Hellenic Observatory & the University of Cyprus. The conference asked participants to reflect on the development of Cyprus-related research, particularly over the past two decades.

Conference Programme
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The Cyprus Recovery Plan: a midterm assessment

Friday 6 March 2015
Venue: Shaw Library, Old Building, LSE

On the second anniversary of the Cyprus bail-in, the Hellenic Observatory in association with the University of Nicosia hosted this conference to debate the issues surrounding that momentous decision and its repercussions. The conference is the sequel to an earlier event jointly organised by the Hellenic Observatory and Neapolis University in Cyprus, in September 2012, to discuss the then worsening economic situation in Cyprus and the challenges ahead. 
Session 1 Podcast
Session 2 Podcast
Session 3 Podcast
Session 4 Podcast
Key-note Speech Podcast
View some photos here: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4



Private Symposium
'The Future of Modern Greek Studies'

Friday 7 November 2014
Time: 09:30-17:15
Venue: The Box, Tower 3, LSE

The Symposium offered a unique opportunity for professors from around the world to meet and discuss the field of Modern Greek Studies and its possible future development.

Symposium Programme



Prospects and Challenges for Administrative Reform in Greece’Keynote Policy Symposium - Reforming the Greek State Administration

11 April 2014



The Greek Economy: from Crisis to Development

Friday 4 and Saturday 5 April, 2014
Venue: Volos, Thessaly, Greece

Find out more

Co-organised with the University of Thessaly



Reviving Famagusta; From Ghost Town to Eco-city?

Friday 21 February 2014
Time: 14:00-18:45
Venue: Shaw Library, Old Building, LSE

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Co-organised with Contemporary Turkish Studies, LSE



Greek Politics in Crisis: challenges to the Open Society

Friday 29 November 2013
Venue: Shaw Library, Old Building, LSE

One day conference organised by the Hellenic Observatory, LSE and the Open Society European Policy Institute, Brussels

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The Euro, Greece & the Southern Periphery

10 October 2013
Venue: The Hellenic Centre

Watch Video



Whither Social Policy? Social Policy in Greece in times of Crisis

Friday 17 May 2013

Speakers: Dr Dimitris Venieris, University of the Peloponnese; Professor Ana M. Guillén, University of Oviedo; Professor Manos Matsaganis, Athens University of Economics and Business; Dr Theo Papadopoulos, University of Bath; Dr Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, University of Athens; Professor Kevin Featherstone, LSE
Venue: University of the Peloponnese

Conference co-organised with the University of the Peloponnese



2nd Annual Conference
Young Greek Minds: Leading Our Country to a Better Future

Monday 22 April 2013
Venue: Athens Hilton Hotel

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Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association (EENE) Annual Economic Forum
The Crisis of the Eurozone: Challenges & Opportunities For the European South

Thursday 18 April 2013
Venue: Grand Bretagne Hotel, Athens-Greece

Co-organised by the EENE and the Hellenic Observatory



Round Table with Nicos Anastastiades 

19 November 2012

Speaker: Nicos Anastasiades, leader of Demo- cratic Rally (DISY)

Chair: James Ker-Lindsay



PRIO Cyprus Centre 2012 Annual Conference
Good Governance in Europe and the Neighbourhood

Friday 26 & Saturday 27 October 2012
Venue: Chateau Status, Nicosia Cyprus



Institutions of Economic Governance for an Incomplete Union

Tuesday 17 April 2012
Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE

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The Cyprus Economy at a Time of European Uncertainty: Managing Reform & Sustainability

Friday 10 February 2012
Venue: Shaw Library, Old Building, LSE

Listen to the podcast



Changing Conceptions of 'Europe' in Modern Greece: Identities, Meanings, and Legitimation

Thursday 28 & Friday 29 January 2011
Venue: British School at Athens

Organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the British School of Athens

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Public Financial Management in Times of Crisis: Fiscal Realities and Management Challenges in Greece and the EU

Friday 22 October 2010
Time: 09:00-18:30
Venue: Shaw Library, LSE Old Building

Co-organised with the Association for the International Foundation of Public Finance and sponsored by the National Bank of Greece

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The cost of the financial crisis: Planning an exit strategy

Wednesday 27 May 2009
Venue: Athens

Co-organised with the Bank of Greece and the Hellenic Observatory



Migrant integration in small island economies-evidence from the island of Rhodes

Tuesday 3 February 2009
Venue: New Academic Building, LSE 

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4th Hellenic Observatory Athens Conference: Welfare and Pension Reform in Europe: learning from each other?

Wednesday 25 June 2008 
Venue: Athens, Greece

Co-organised with the LSE Migration Studies Unit Workshop and sponsored by the John S. Latsis Public Foundation

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3rd HO Athens Conference
The European Sustainable Development Strategy and Greece

Wednesday 4 June 2007
Venue: Athens, Greece

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Migration and the New European Enlargement: Bulgaria and Romania

Friday 18 May 2007
Key-note speakers: Elspeth Guild, Nadya Dimitrova & Dzenk Sejfula
Venue: Room 3.21, Old Building, LSE


War and Identities

Saturaday 26 & Sunday 27 May 2006
Venue: The Gennadius Library, Athens, Greece

Organised by the Hellenic Studies Programme at Yale University and the Hellenic Observatory and co-sponsored by the Kokkalis Foundation, the Network for the Study of Civil Wars and the Gennadius Library

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The 2nd HO Athens Conference
he European Union's Balkan Enlargement: What Does it Mean for the Greek Economy?

Tuesday 6 June 2006
Venue: Bank of Greece

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The 1st  HO Athens Conference
Labour Market Flexibility: international experience and the case of Greece

Friday 22 April 2005
Venue: Grand Bretagne Hotel, Athens, Greece

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Pension Reform in Europe: Shared Problems, Sharing Solutions?

Friday 5 December 2003
Venue: Shaw Library, Old Building, LSE

Conference Papers


The 2003 Greek EU Council Presidency: between disintegration and consensus-building

Friday 14 November 2003


Romania and EU Enlargement: The Challenge of Domestic Reform

Friday 31 October 2003
Venue: Room G108, 20 Kingsway, LSE

Conference Papers


European Security and the New Global Challenges

Tuesday 4 March 2003

Speakers: Sir Lawrence Freedman, Department of War Studies, King’s College London,Paul Taylor, LSE Roger Boyes, The Times, Quentin Peel, The Financial Times

Chair: Arghyrios Fatouros, University of Athens

Organised by the Hellenic Observatory and the Institute for Defence Analysis (IAA, Athens)


Globalisation and Regionalism: A Double Challenge for Greece

Wednesday 28 & Thursday 29 March 2001
Venue: Zappeio Megaron, Athens


Projections of the 'Nation' and 'Other' in Greek and Turkish History Textbooks 

February 2001

Speakers: Dr Yasemin Soysal & Ms Vasilia Antoniou, University of Essex


The Federal Future of Europe 

January 2001

Speakers: Professor Dusan Sidjanski, University of Geneva; Professor Paul Taylor, LSE and Professor William Wallace, LSE
Chair: Professor Loukas Tsoukalis


The Repercussions of the Elsinki European Council on the Greek-Turkish Relations, the Cyprus Accession to the European Union and the European Integration of Turkey [in Greek]

March 2000

Speakers: Spyros Economides, LSE; Andreas Hatzikyriakos, Mega Channel, Cyprus; Alkis Kourkoulas, Newspaper To Vima; Christos Stylianidis, Political Modernisation Movement, Cyprus  

Co-organised with the Hellenic Centre


Globalization, Europeanization and Changing Models of European Capitalism 

March 2000

Speakers: Professor Vivien Schmidt, International Relations, Boston University
Discussant: Professor David Soskice, Visiting Professor, LSE


The Prospects for Democracy in South Eastern Europe 

February 2000

Speakers: Professor Nikiforos Diamandouros, National Ombudsman of Greece, University of Athens Discussant: Dr Pavlos Eleftheriadis, Law Department, LSE 


The State of the Balkans after the War in Kosovo 

January 2000

Speakers: B. Clark, The Economist; V. Gligorov, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies; M. Kaldor, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, LSE; J. Pettifer, University of Bath; S. Woodward, King's College

Book Launches, Workshops and Fora

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Exiting the Crisis: the challenges of reform agency in Greece

Tuesday 11 October, 6.30pm- 8.00pm (UK time)

Speakers: Calliope Spanou, Professor of Administrative Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Dr Jens Bastian, CATS Fellow, German Institute for International and Security Affairs

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

Venue: CBG.1.06, 1st floor, Centre Building, LSE 

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Greece from Junta to Crisis: modernization, transition, diversity

Monday 7 February 2022, 6.00pm- 7.30pm (UK time)

Speaker: Dimitris Tziovas, Professor of Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham
Discussants: Thalia Dragonas, Professor Emerita of Social Psychology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Stathis Kalyvas, Gladstone Professor of Government, University of Oxford

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory

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Book Launch:
Greece and Cyprus in A Dark Room, 1967-74

Thursday 25 November, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speaker: Alexis Papahelas, Editor-in-Chief of Kathimerini

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

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E-Book Launch
Greece and the Euro: from crisis to recovery

Thursday 30 September 2021, 4.00pm- 5.30pm (UK time)

Speakers: George Alogoskoufis, Professor of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business 
Helen Louri Dendrinou, Professor of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business
Lucas Papademos, Chair in Economic Sciences at the Academy of Athens 
Sir Christopher Pissarides
, Regius Professor of Economics, LSE

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

Find out more
Read the e-book
Listen to the podcast
Watch the video

*Part of LSE’s Shaping the Post-COVID World initiative.

The Oxford Handbook of Modern Greek Politics

Modern Greek Politics

Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics; Director of the Hellenic Observatory
Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, University of Athens

Brigid Laffan, Director and Professor, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence
Kalypso Nicolaidis, Professorial Chair in Transnational Governance, European University Institute School of Transnational Governance, Florence
George Tsebelis, Anatol Rapoport Collegiate Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan

Chair: Spyros Economides, Hellenic Observatory Deputy Director; Associate Professor of International Relations and European Politics, LSE

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Watch the video

*Order the book with a 30% discount here. Discount code: ASFLYQ6.


The Last Bluff : how Greece came face-to-face with financial catastrophe and the secret plan for its euro exit

Tuesday 5 November 2019, 6.3pm-8.00pm

Viktoria Dendrinou, Reporter for Bloomberg News in Brussels
Eleni Varvitsioti, Brussels correspondent for Kathimerini Newspaper and SKAI TV

Discussant: Hugo Dixon, Journalist, entrepreneur and campaigner
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director

Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House

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Greek to Me: a memoir of academic life

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Speaker: Richard Clogg, Emeritus Fellow of St Antony’s College, Oxford
Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory Director
Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building

This event is free and open to all with no ticket or pre-registration required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis.

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The Greco-German Affair in the Euro Crisis: mutual recognition lost?

Tuesday 20 March 2018
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE

Speakers: Kira Gartzou-Katsouyanni, PhD student, European Institute, LSE; Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Professor of International Relations and Director of the Centre for International Studies at the University of Oxford, UK; Claudia Sternberg, Senior Research Associate at University College London’s European Institute, UK
Discussants: Kevin Featherstone, Head of the European Institute and Jonathan White, Professor of Politics, European Institute, LSE.

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Non Performing Loans Book Cover

Non-Performing Loans and Resolving Private Sector Insolvency: Experiences from the EU Periphery and the Case of Greece

Monday 16 October 2017
Christos Gortsos, (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Nikolaos Karamouzis (HBA & Eurobank Ergasias) and Platon Monokroussos (Eurobank Ergasias and Hellenic Observatory)

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Beyond Austerity: Workshop on the growth of the Greek Economy

On the occasion of the book Beyond Austerity:Reforming the Greek Economy 
Monday 2 October French Institute, Athens 

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The Hellenic Observatory supported the project 



Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association 4th Annual Economic Forum Investing in the Future: The Private Sector’s Bid For Economic

22 May 2017 
A forum organised by the Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association (EENE) in partnership with the Hellenic Observatory, LSE

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Game Over: The Inside Story of the Greek Crisis

Game Over - The Inside Story of the Greek Crisis

22 February 2017

George Papaconstantinou, Former Greek Finance Minister

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Post-Ottoman Coexistence - Sharing Space in the Shadow of Conflict

8 June 2016
Dr Rebecca Bryant, A.N. Hadjiyannis Senior Research Fellow, European Institute, LSE

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A Financial Crisis Manual: reflections and the road ahead

Thursday, 17 March 2016
Platon Monokroussos, Konstantinos I. Nikolopoulos, Dimitrios D. Thomakos

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Book Launch
Who's to Blame for Greece? Austerity in Charge of Saving a Broken Economy

1 March 2016
Speakers: Theodore Pelagidis, Michael Mitsopoulos and Dimitri Vayanos

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Seminar: From migration crisis to refugee crisis in Europe: Securitization priorities vs Integration policies?

18 January 2016
Apostolos G. Papadopoulos

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Book Launch
Prime Ministers in Greece: The Paradox of Power

7 October 2015
Kevin Featherstone and Dimitirs Papadimitriou

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Book Launch
The Golden Dawn's 'Nationalist Solution': Explaining the Rise of the Far Right in Greece

14 May 2015
Daphne Halikiopoulou and Sofia Vasilopoulou

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Book Launch
The European Debt Crisis: The Greek Case

Tuesday 9 December 2014
Costas Simitis, Former Greek Prime Minister

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Book Launch
Resolving Cyprus: New Approaches to Conflict Resolution

27 November 2014
James Ker- Lindsay, Eurobank Senior Research Fellow, LSE

Watch Video


Book Launch
The Impact of European Employment Strategy in Greece and Portugal

20 October 2014
Sotirios Zartaloudis, Lecturer in Politics, Department of Politics, History and IR, Loughborough University

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Book Launch
The Thirteenth Labour of Hercules Inside the Greek Crisis

15 October 2014
Yannis Palaiologos, Features reporter for "Kathimerini" newspaper, Athens, Greece

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Anthropological Perspectives on the Crisis in Southern Europe

Friday 28 June 2013

Co-organised by the UCL’s Anthropology Department and the LSE’s Hellenic Observatory



2013 London Financial Regulation Seminar: The politics of the euro area crisis and Cyprus

15 May 2013

Speaker: Athanasios Orphanides, Former Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus

Co-hosted by the Financial Markets Group (FMG), the Hellenic Observatory and the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF)



1st Hellenic Forum ''GREXITING the crisis''

2, 4, 6, 8 March 2013, LSE

Organised by the LSE Student Union Hellenic Society and sponsored and supported by the Hellenic Observatory and others.



Neapolis University &Hellenic Observatory 2012 Forum
The Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the European Union: Challenges and Opportunities

Cyprus, 6 & 7 September 2012



Workshop on Social Change: Theory and Applications (the case of Greek Society)

Friday 9 March 2012
Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE

Listen to the Keynote Lecture Podcast
Listen to Session 1 Podcast



Policy Round Table with the Greek Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Dimitris Droutsas

27 January 2010

Canâda Blanch Room, Cowdray House, LSE

With the participation of government officials, diplomats and policy-makers, academics and ‘think-tankers, members of international financial institutions and journalists.



Migrant Integration in Small Island Economies: Evidence from the Island of Rhodes 
3 February 2009

Room 1.15, New Academic Building, LSE


The Security Dimensions of a Cyprus Settlement

10 October 2008
Canâda Blanch Room, Cowdray House, LSE


Workshop on Greece and its Strategic role in the Balkans

27 February 2004

In collaboration with the Institute for Defence Analyses (Ινστιτούτο Αµυντικών Αναλύσεων)



Workshop on The Priorities of Greek Foreign Policy

26 April 2004

Speakers:  Kevin Featherstone, Despina-Ino Afentouli, William Wallace, Thanos Dokos, Ian Lesser, Misha Glenny, Dimitrios Triantapfyllou, Alexandros Yiannis, Stephen Larrabee, Constantinos Economides, Thanos Veremis, Spyros Economides, Kostas Ifantis, Bruce Clark and Eirini Lemos-Maniati



PhD Symposia

Since 2003 the Hellenic Observatory has organised biennially a PhD Symposium for post-graduate students in the social sciences working on Greece.

The key objective of these Symposia is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas between young researchers and to provide them with the experience of presenting their research to an international audience. 

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Athens Lecture Series

The purpose of this series is to provoke vibrant discussion and debate about a range of key topics and subjects within the social sciences. The agenda is kept deliberately broad and the lectures are intended to be accessible to a general audience.

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Cyprus in Time

24 October - 25 November 2016
Photographic display of black and white images taken by Cypriot artist photographer and journalist Antigoni Solomonidou Droussiotou. This exhibition explored religious and political contrasts, the everyday life, the habits, traditions and moments in time of the people of Cyprus, captured from years of exploring and observing both sides of the island. 
Venue: Atrium Gallery, Old Building LSE  

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Photo 2_ Main Poster_Imagine Greece

Imagine Greece

7-18 March 2016
This exhibition captured Greece through the lens of 34 Greek photographers, showcasing images of the country and its people. The exhibition was organised by the Hellenic Observatory and Photoglobe Seminars to celebrate 20th Anniversary of the Hellenic Observatory.            
Venue: Atrium Gallery, Old Building LSE  

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View the exhibition photographs