In this seminar the speaker presented the findings of the research project Crisis and Entrepreneurship: business dynamics, firm level, sectoral and regional determinants, funded by the Hellenic Observatory Research Calls Programme.
The recent recession in Greece had a profound effect on the economy and society overall. Its fiscal consolidation programme included major reforms that affected the financial, labour and product markets, as well as the functioning of the business environment. This project performed a systematic analysis of the impact of the crisis on entrepreneurship and firm resilience. Applying suitable empirical and econometric techniques, the analysis offers valuable insights on the Greek businesses performance and survival rate in the last two decades and how the economic crisis shaped the business climate and affected entrepreneurship.
Meet our speaker and chair
Ioannis Kaplanis is the Director General of the Hellenic Festival S.A., a leading cultural organisation running Athens Epidaurus Festival. He is an experienced economist with degrees from the London School of Economics (PhD, BSc) and the University of Manchester (MSc). He has worked as an economist for the OECD, at the Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development as well as the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs. He has also served as Director General of the Hellenic Industrial Property Organization (OBI), in Athens. In the past, he worked at the Economic Team of the Mayor of London as well as in academia at the LSE, Universitat Rovira i Virgili and Panteion University. He has delivered numerous speeches and widely published articles and reports on innovation, labour economics and regional development. Since September 2019, he leads the research project on “Crisis and Entrepreneurship”, based at the Athens University of Economics and Business and funded by the London School of Economics.
Vassilis Monastiriotis is an economist and economic geographer by training, specialising in three areas of Labour Economics, Economic Geography and Political Economy. He has significant policy engagement on all three areas, including appointments in Experts Committees (e.g., on Regional Incentives policy and on Minimum Wage policy in Greece) and work with international bodies such as the European Commission (DG Regio, DG EMPL, DG EAC), the CEFTA Secretariat and the EBRD.
The twitter hashtag for this event is #LSEGreece
Listen to the podcast here.
This seminar is part of a Hellenic Observatory funded research project, find out more here: Crisis and Entrepreneurship: business dynamics, firm level, sectoral and regional determinants (
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