
Youth and Politics in Protracted Conflicts

Hosted by the Hellenic Observatory Centre for Research on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus

Online public event, United Kingdom


Dr Huseyin Cakal

Dr Huseyin Cakal

Dr Oded Adomi Leshem

Dr Oded Adomi Leshem

Professor Neophytos Loizides

Professor Neophytos Loizides

Dr Charis Psaltis

Dr Charis Psaltis


Dr Philipp Katsinas

Dr Philipp Katsinas

In this Research Seminar, the speakers presented the findings of the Research Project 'Youth and Politics in Protracted Conflicts: a comparative approach on hope for a settlement and return of IDPs', funded by the A.G. Leventis Research Innovation Programme on Cyprus.

The presentation was based on the project’s representative sample survey of 536 Greek Cypriots and 550 Turkish Cypriots, enquiring into the wishes and expectations for the solution of the Cyprus problem by the youth in comparison to older people and the views of internally displaced people from both communities. Key findings indicate a clear majority of 66,5% among Greek Cypriots and 63,6% among Turkish Cypriots support Bizonal Bicommunal Federation. More importantly, the speakers explored whether a settlement that assures political equality for the Turkish Cypriots and security (from Turkish influence) for Greek Cypriots could be acceptable to both communities simultaneously, as well as how committed each community is to alternative options such as two-state solution and unitary state.

Meet our speakers and chair

Huseyin Cakal is Assistant Professor in Social Psychology at Keele University where he runs the Intergroup Relations and Political Psychology (Inter-Pol) Lab. His work has covered the dynamics of collective action and prejudice reduction strategies, effects of social identity and intergroup contact on health, and intergroup emotions among advantaged and disadvantaged groups. He is the co-editor of Psychological Perspectives on Intra-Regional Migration and Intergroup Relations in Latin America (2021, APA) and lead-editor of Intergroup Relations in Turkey (in press, Routledge).  

Oded Adomi Leshem is a fellow at the Truman Research Institute and the Psychology of Intergroup Conflict and Reconciliation Lab, at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. His research is located at the nexus of political psychology and conflict resolution with a specialization in protracted ethnonational conflicts. He has published numerous articles and book chapters on the political psychology of hope and despair and on how political power shapes people's interpretation of the concept of peace.

Neophytos Loizides (@nloizide) is Professor in International Conflict Analysis at the University of Kent and the Director of the Conflict Analysis Research Centre (CARC). His research focuses on political institution building within violently divided societies, power-sharing and other formal or informal mechanisms aiming to mitigate protracted disputes. Professor Loizides is the author of The Politics of Majority Nationalism (Stanford, 2015) and Designing Peace (Upenn 2016) and Mediating Power-Sharing (with Cochrane and Bodson, Routledge 2018). His research is currently funded by a US Institute of Peace grant entitled Citizen Preferences in the Design of Effective Peace Settlements.

Charis Psaltis (@CharisPsaltis) is an Associate Professor of Social and Developmental Psychology at the University of Cyprus. He runs the Genetic Social Psychology Lab of the University of Cyprus and the University Centre for Field Studies. He worked as a Post-doctoral researcher at the Oxford Center for the Study of Intergroup Conflict, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford. His work covers Intergroup Relations between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus, and specifically the development of prejudice in childhood and youth, history teaching and collective memory, intergroup contact and prejudice reduction. He is currently the national coordinator of Cyprus for the 10th Round of the European Social Survey.

Philipp Katsinas received his doctorate from the Department of Geography, King's College London. His current research explores the transformations occurring in the Greek housing system. He previously taught at King's College London and Birkbeck, University of London. Philipp is Special Features Editor at CITY.

The twitter Hashtag for this event is: #LSECyprus


A copy of Dr Psaltis', Dr Huseyin Cakal's and Professor Loizides' presentation is available for download: Youth and Politics in Protracted Conflicts: a comparative approach on hope for a settlement and return of displaced Cypriots.

A copy of Dr Oded Adomi Leshem's presentation is available for download: Unraveling the Relationship Between Threat from Escalation and Public Support for Peace in Cyprus.


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