The 1st HO PhD Symposium on Modern Greece

 21 June 2003

The 1st HO PhD Symposium on Modern Greece with the title "Current Social Science research on Greece" was held on 21 June 2003 and hosted approximately 120 participants, about 80 of whom were current PhD students.

The vast majority were based in the UK, with small numbers attending from Greece, the rest of the EU and North America. Fifteen noted academics in the field of Modern Greek Studies also participated in this Symposium.

The day's programme was divided between plenary lectures - with keynote addresses on the new research challenges in different fields - and 10 specialty panels in which students presented their own papers.

Keynote speakers:

  • Dr Achilleas Mitsos, European Commission 'New Challenges for the Study of Greece and the European Union'
  • Professor Christina Koulouri, University of Thrace 'New Challenges for the Study of Modern Greek History'
  • Dr Jane Cowan, University of Sussex 'New Challenges for the Study of Multi-Culturalism: a social anthropological perspective'


  • Prof Michalis Tsinisizelis, University of Athens

The event was made possible by the generous financial support of the European Commission in order to cover the travel expenses of  experts - academics and PhD Students - travelling from outside the UK.





Welcome Address by Prof Kevin Featherstone (LSE)           


Keynote Speeches 
Chair: Professor Michalis Tsinisizelis (University of Athens)

Dr Achilleas Mitsos (European Commission)
New Challenges for the Study of Greece and the European Union

Professor Christina Koulouri (University of Thrace)
New Challenges for the Study of Modern Greek History

Dr Jane Cowan (University of Sussex)
New Challenges for the Study of Multi-Culturalism: a social anthropological perspective 


Coffee Break               


Panel Session I 


Lunch Break


Panel Session II             


Coffee Break


Keynote Speeches Chair: Professor Costas Douzinas (Birkbeck College, University of London)

Professor Panos Tsakloglou (Athens University of Economics and Business) New Research Challenges in Political Economy: the redistributive role of the state. 

Dr Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos (LSE & University of Athens) New Challenges for the Study of Greek Politics 

Professor Nikos Demertzis (University of Athens) New Challenges for the Study of Greek Political Sociology and Political Communication


Closing Remarks by Professor Kevin Featherstone (LSE)

Venue Details            

  • Registration, Welcome Address, Plenary Sessions & Certificates Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE   

Plenary Sessions

New Challenges for the Study of Modern Greek History
Speaker: Koulouri, Christina (University of Thrace)

New Challenges for the Study of Greek Politics
Speaker: Sotiropoulos, Dimitris (LSE and University of Athens)

New Research Challenges in Political Economy: the redistributive role of the state in Greece
Speaker: Tsakloglou, Panos (Athens University of Economics and Business)


1. Aspects of Greek history
Chair: Professor Christina Koulouri (University of Thrace)

Read the papers

2. Economics and economic policy in Greece
Chair: Professor Panos Tsakloglou (Athens University of Economics and Business)

Read the papers

3. Greece and the EU
Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone (London School of Economics)

Read the papers

4. Ideational and strategic aspects of Greek international relations
Chairs: Dr. Spyros Economides & Dr Louis Klarevas (London School of Economics)

Read the papers

5. Identity politics in Greece
Chairs: Dr Katerina Dalacoura (London School of Economics)
& Dr Spyros Sofos (Kingston University)

Read the papers

6. Popular culture, ideology and the media
Chair: Professor Nikos Demertzis (University of Athens) 

Read the papers

7. Political development and change
Chairs: Professor Michalis Tsinisizelis (University of Athens)
& Dr Dimitris Papadimitriou (London School of Economics)

Read the papers

8. Beyond traditional politics
Chairs Professor Costas Douzinas (Birkbeck College, University of London)
& Dr Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos (University of Athens)

Read the papers

9. Organised interests and public policy
Chair: Dr Stella Ladi (University of Exeter)

Read the papers

10. Facing the challenge of multiculturalism
Chair: Dr Jane Cowan (University of Sussex) 

Read the papers


