Eleftherios Venizelos Chair of Contemporary Greek Studies

The establishment of the Eleftherios Venizelos Chair of Contemporary Greek Studies at the LSE in 1996 was a pioneering development in the academic study of contemporary Greece. At the time, it was the first academic chair in the social sciences dedicated to the study of Greece to be established outside the country, marking a significant milestone for both the LSE and the broader academic community.  The creation of the Chair within a world-leading social sciences university aimed at advancing the development of research and teaching on all aspects of contemporary Greece, from the approaches of economics, policy-making, politics, external relations and institutions. 

Alongside the Chair, the Hellenic Observatory was founded as a research unit within the European Institute, with a focus on studying Greece within its European and wider international contexts reflecting LSE’s longstanding commitment to producing impactful research on a global scale. The holder of the Chair also serves as the Director of the Hellenic Observatory, providing historically research leadership to the team of LSE and external academics and researchers working under the Observatory’s umbrella.

The Eleftherios Venizelos Chair has been held by Professor Kevin Featherstone, who has been the Hellenic Observatory Director, for the period from 2002-2023. The new Chair, Professor Vassilis Monastiriotis, was appointed Eleftherios Venizelos Chair in September 2023 and took up the position of Hellenic Observatory Centre Director in September 2024, with the evolution of the Observatory to a research centre.

The establishment of the Eleftherios Venizelos Chair of Contemporary Greek Studies and the Hellenic Observatory was made possible by a generous endowment from a group of Greek donors, both public and private. This endowment has been vital in ensuring that the Chair is held in perpetuity, offering a permanent senior-level academic resource dedicated to the study of Greece. This stability has enabled the Hellenic Observatory to grow significantly over the years in scope, size, and reputation. In 2011, the Observatory expanded its remit to include Cyprus, further broadening its research agenda and steadily gaining international recognition as a premier research hub for the study of contemporary Greece and Cyprus.

The original endowment of the Eleftherios Venizelos Chair of Contemporary Greek Studies was the result of concerted efforts by a number of LSE faculty members, Greek institutions, and individuals who shared a common vision: to advance the study of Greece’s political, economic, and social issues and to promote the exchange of knowledge and public debate on an international level. The Hellenic Observatory owes its existence and continued growth to the dedication and advanced foresight of these individuals and others who wish to remain anonymous:

Members of the Society for the promotion of Contemporary Hellenic Studies abroad, who campaigned in Greece and internationally for the establishment of the Chair (1997)

  • Lucas Papademos, Governor, Bank of Greece
  • Theodoros Karatzas, Governor, National Bank of Greece
  • Konstantinos Georgoutsakos, Chairman, Emporiki Bank
  • Charalambos Stamatopoulos, Chairman, Ioniki Bank
  • Ioannis Kostopoulos, Chairman, Alpha Bank Pisteos
  • Antonios Bibas, CEO, Ergasias Bank
  • Georgios Gontikas, CEO, Euromerchant Bank
  • Panagis Vourloumis, Chairman and CEO, ALPHA FINANCE AE
  • Iason Stratos, President, SEV–Hellenic Federation of Enterprises
  • Ioannis Papathanasiou, President, Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Nicholas Garganas, Deputy Governor, Bank of Greece
  • Panagiotis Thomopoulos, Deputy Governor, Bank of Greece
  • Stamatios Mantzavinos, President, Bodossaki Foundation
  • Georgios Mirkos, Honorary Governor, Bank of Greece
  • Panagiotis Poulis, CEO, Chios Bank
  • Panagiotis Korliras, Professor, Athens School of Economics and Business
  • Iraklis Voridis, Economist 

 *affiliations and titles reflect members’ status at the time of the operation of the Society.

LSE Steering Committee for the Creation of the Eleftherios Venizelos Chair of Contemporary Greek Studies (1993-1996)*


  • Dr Howard Machin, Director, European Institute
  • Dr Chrisanthi Avgerou, Information Systems
  • Professor Derek Diamond, Geography/ LSE Foundation
  • Dr Alain Guyomarch, Deputy Director, European Institute
  • Professor  Patrick Humphreys, Social Psychology
  • Professor Julian Le Grand, Social Policy
  • Dr Peter Loizos, Antrhopology
  • Ms Aurore Mallon, Research/ European Institute
  • Professor Nicos Mouzelis, Sociology
  • Ms Effie Pedaliu, History
  • Professor Christopher Pissarides, Economics


 *affiliations and titles reflect members’ status at the time of the operation of the Committee. 


In 2024, the Observatory was elevated to the status of an LSE research centre, becoming the Hellenic Observatory Centre for the Study of Greece and Contemporary Cyprus. This upgrade was in recognition of its extensive record of achievements and was made possible through renewed support for the Hellenic Observatory Centre endowment, provided by both longstanding and new donors. These benefactors remain committed to advancing world-class research on Greece and Cyprus, with the shared goal of contributing to the betterment of society in both countries.