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AI guardians: who holds power over our data | LSE Festival

Hosted by LSE Festival: Power and Politics

In-person and online public event (Marshall Building)


Professor Ken Benoit

Professor Ken Benoit

Dr Eleanor Drage

Dr Eleanor Drage

Professor Neil Lawrence

Professor Neil Lawrence

Sadiqah Musa

Sadiqah Musa


Professor Larry Kramer

Professor Larry Kramer

Who is in charge of the algorithms and models that shape our future?  

This event will explore ethics and bias in AI, and examine the need for diverse and inclusive data teams and decision-makers.  

Meet our speakers and chair

Kenneth Benoit (@kenbenoit) is Director of the Data Science Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Professor of Computational Social Science in the Department of Methodology. He is also Professor (Part-time) in the School of Politics and International Relations, Australian National University. He has previously held positions in the Department of Political Science at Trinity College Dublin and at the Central European University (Budapest). 

Eleanor Drage (@DrEleanorDrage) is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge Centre for the Future of Intelligence, and teaches AI professionals about AI ethics on a M]aster’s course at Cambridge. She specialises in using feminist ideas to make AI better and safer for everyone. She is also currently building the world's first free and open access tool that helps companies meet the EU AI act's obligations. Eleanor is also the co-host of The Good Robot Podcast, where she asks key thinkers 'what is good technology?'. She also does lots of presentations for young people and is a TikToker for Carole Cadwalladr's group of investigative journalists, 'The Citizens'. 

Neil Lawrence (@lawrennd) is the inaugural DeepMind Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Cambridge where he is also the academic lead of AI@Cam, the University’s flagship mission on AI. He is also a Senior AI Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, visiting Professor at the University of Sheffield and author of the forthcoming book The Atomic Human (release date 6th June 2024).

Sadiqah Musa (@Sadiqah_BiD) has over 12 years of experience in data and analytics. She started her career analysing seismic data as an Interpretation Geophysicist. With the desire to expand her knowledge and expertise, Sadiqah moved into customer and behavioural analytics. She is currently working as a Senior Analytics Manager at Trustpilot and is the founder - CEO at Black in Data where she is an advocate for increased representation of ethnic diversity within data. 
Larry Kramer is President and Vice Chancellor of LSE. He is a renowned legal scholar and teacher, a former Dean of the Stanford Law School, and a former President of the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation. 

More about this event

This event is part of the LSE Festival: Power and Politics running from Monday 10 to Saturday 15 June 2024, with a series of events exploring how power and politics shape our world. Booking for all Festival events will open on Monday 13 May. 

The Data Science Institute (@LSEDataScience) forms the institutional cornerstone of data science activity at LSE. Working alongside the academic departments across the School, the DSI's mission is to foster the study of data science and new forms of data with a focus on their social, economic, and political aspects.

Hashtag for this event: #LSEFestival

From time to time there are changes to event details so we strongly recommend that if you plan to attend this event you check back on this listing on the day of the event. 

How can I attend? Add to calendar

This event is part of the LSE Festival: Power and Politics. The event is free and open to all, but a ticket is required. The event will be hybrid, with an in-person audience and an online audience.

Register here for the in-person in event

If you would like to attend online, register you can register for all events at LSE Festival online events.

To find out more about Festival bookings, please visit the ticket information page or email

This event will be streamed live on YouTube

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