
Critique is the critique of power

Hosted by the Department of Sociology

In-person and online public event (Old Theatre, Old Building)


Professor Nick Couldry

Professor Claire Laurier Decoteau

Professor Monika Krause

Professor Thomas Scheffer


Dr Carrie Friese

This event uses a debate format to engage with the meanings of the concept of critique, which has been central to core traditions in the humanities and the social sciences. The event will bring together sociologists from a range of traditions to discuss whether critique can be equated with the critique of power in the analysis of the social world.

Inspired by the Group for Debates in Anthropological Theory, the speakers have been asked to speak in favour of or in opposition a set motion. Claire Decoteau and Nick Couldry will speak in favour, while Thomas Scheffer and Monika Krause will speak in opposition.

Meet our speakers and chair

Nick Couldry is Professor of Media, Communications and Social Theory Emeritus and Professorial Research Fellow in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE.

Claire Laurier Decoteau is Professor of Sociology at the University of Illinois Chicago.

Monika Krause is Professor of Sociology at LSE.

Thomas Scheffer (@ThomasScheffer3) is Professor of Sociology at the Goethe University of Frankfurt. His research has addressed questions in the sociology of law and political sociology.

Carrie Friese is Associate Professor of Sociology at LSE. Her research is located at the intersection of the sociology of health and illness with science and technology studies.

More about this event

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The Department of Sociology (@LSEsociology) seeks to produce sociology that is public-facing, fully engaged with London as a global city, and with major contemporary debates in the intersection between economy, politics and society – with issues such as financialisation, inequality, migration, urban ecology, and climate change.

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