This inaugural lecture will look at key issues in the study of women’s health through the lens of reproductive histories, looking at both contingent and cumulated events to include physical and mental shocks such as conflict and disasters which would eventually have an impact later in life.
The overview will start with the challenges of studying this topic in a low resource settings. It will then focus on key challenges and priorities in social science research from menarche to menopause and beyond going via key events such as abortion, maternal health care services in order to understand how women’s ageing process can be affected by their reproductive pathways.
Meet our speaker and chair
Tiziana Leone ( is Professor in Health and International Development and Deputy Head of Department in the Department of International Development at LSE. Tiziana’s research agenda is focused around maternal and reproductive health, including a lifecourse approach to women’s health. She is currently analysing secondary data on the linkages that menarche, menopause and mid-life age have on fertility outcomes and health in later life.
Ernestina Coast ( is Professor of Health and International Development in the Department of International Development. Her research is multidisciplinary and positioned at an intersection of social science approaches including health, gender and development.
More about this event
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This event is part of our inaugural lecture series of our professors from across the School. These events are a special moment in an academic’s career as it marks that they have now been promoted to a professor or have recently joined the School. Join us as we celebrate the successes of our community.
The Department of International Development (@LSE_ID) promotes interdisciplinary postgraduate teaching and research on processes of social, political and economic development and change.
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